daixiantong pirms 4 gadiem
2 mainītis faili ar 4 papildinājumiem un 5 dzēšanām
  1. +3
  2. +1

+ 3
- 3
src/main/java/com/taauav/admin/mapper/TauvInspectFileMapper.xml Parādīt failu

@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
and d.driver_area = #{areaId}
<if test="param != null and param.beginTime != null and param.beginTime != ''">
and d.execution_time between concat(#{param.beginTime}, ' 00:00:00') and concat(#{param.endTime}, ' 23:59:59')
and (d.execution_time between concat(#{param.beginTime}, ' 00:00:00') and concat(#{param.endTime}, ' 23:59:59'))
group by q.category;
<select id="getInspectFileList" resultType="com.taauav.front.vo.LsInspectFileVo">
select f.id, q.id as 'questionId', i.id as 'inspectDriverId', d.id as 'driverId', a.realname as 'driverManagerName',
i.execution_time, f.gaode_latitude as 'latitude', f.gaode_longitude as 'longitude', d.name as 'driverName'
i.execution_time as 'executionTime', f.gaode_latitude as 'latitude', f.gaode_longitude as 'longitude', d.name as 'driverName'
from tauv_inspect_file as f
left join tauv_question_options as q on f.question_id = q.id
left join tauv_inspect_driver as i on f.inspect_driver_id = i.id
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
and q.category = #{param.category}
<if test="param != null and param.beginTime != null and param.beginTime != ''">
and i.execution_time between concat(#{param.beginTime}, ' 00:00:00') and concat(#{param.endTime}, ' 23:59:59')
and (i.execution_time between concat(#{param.beginTime}, ' 00:00:00') and concat(#{param.endTime}, ' 23:59:59'))
order by i.execution_time desc

+ 1
- 2
src/main/java/com/taauav/front/vo/LsInspectFileVo.java Parādīt failu

@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ public class LsInspectFileVo {
* 执行时间 - 拍摄时间
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date executionTime;
private String executionTime;

* 问题坐标 - 纬度

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