- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
- from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
- from os.path import join, exists
- from threading import Thread
- from time import sleep, time
- from traceback import format_exc
- from loguru import logger
- from bean.Feedback import upload_result
- from enums.ExceptionEnum import UploadStrExceptionType
- from enums.StatusEnum import UploadTaskStatusType, UploadStatusType
- from exception.CustomerException import ServiceException
- from util.AliyunUtil import OssUtil, VodUtil
- from util.FileUtil import get_all_images, get_all_videos, get_file_name, delete_file, create_dir, \
- move_file, remove_after_create
- from util.LogUtils import init_log
- from util.QueUtil import put_queue, get_no_block_queue, clear_queue
- from util.ThreadUtil import ThreadPoolExecutorNew
- from util.TimeUtils import now_date_to_str, YMDHMS
- '''
- 视频上传
- '''
- class MqttUploadFileProcess(Process):
- __slots__ = ('__fb_queue', '__event_queue', '__service_config', '__requestId', '__current_time', 'videoPath',
- 'imagePath', 'image_backup', 'video_backup')
- def __init__(self, fb_queue, service_config, request_id):
- super().__init__()
- self.__fb_queue = fb_queue
- self.__requestId = request_id
- self.__event_queue = Queue()
- self.__service_config = service_config
- self.__current_time = now_date_to_str(YMDHMS)
- backup = join(service_config["file"]["backup"], self.__current_time)
- self.videoPath, self.imagePath = service_config["file"]['videoPath'], service_config["file"]['imagePath']
- self.image_backup, self.video_backup = join(backup, 'images'), join(backup, 'videos')
- upload_result(fb_queue, request_id, status=UploadTaskStatusType.WAITING.value[0])
- def sendEvent(self, result):
- put_queue(self.__event_queue, result, timeout=2, is_throw_ex=True)
- @staticmethod
- def uploadImage(oss, uploadPath, filePath):
- try:
- oss.resumable_upload(uploadPath, filePath)
- except Exception as e:
- oss.exception = e
- logger.error("oss上传文件异常: {}, uploadPath:{}, filePath:{}", format_exc(), uploadPath, filePath)
- raise e
- @staticmethod
- def uploadVideo(vod, file_title, filePath):
- try:
- vod.get_play_url(filePath, file_title)
- except Exception as e:
- vod.exception = e
- logger.error("oss上传文件异常: {}, file_title:{}, filePath:{}", format_exc(), file_title, filePath)
- raise e
- @staticmethod
- def move_method(file, backup):
- move_file(file, backup)
- @staticmethod
- def hdThread(imageList, videoList, fb_queue, hb_queue, requestId):
- try:
- logger.info("启动文件上传心跳线程, requestId:{}", requestId)
- start_time = time()
- count = 0
- while True:
- if time() - start_time > 43200:
- logger.error("心跳线程运行超时!!!!requestId:{}", requestId)
- break
- command = get_no_block_queue(hb_queue)
- if command is not None:
- if "stop" == command.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止心跳线程!!!!requestId:{}", requestId)
- break
- if count % 5 == 0:
- upload_result(fb_queue, requestId, status=UploadTaskStatusType.RUNNING.value[0],
- imageList=imageList, videoList=videoList)
- count = 0
- count += 1
- sleep(1)
- except Exception:
- logger.error("心跳线程异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId)
- logger.info("心跳线程停止完成!requestId:{}", requestId)
- def upload_method(self, service_config, video_path_array, videoTask, videoList, vt, image_path_array, imageTask,
- imageList, it):
- current_time = self.__current_time
- for i in video_path_array:
- vod = VodUtil(service_config["base_dir"])
- filename = get_file_name(i)
- video_result = vt.submit(self.uploadVideo, vod, filename, i)
- videoTask[filename] = [video_result, vod, i]
- videoList.append({"fileName": filename, "videoUrl": "", "status": UploadStatusType.WAITING.value[0],
- "progress": vod.get_progress()})
- for i in image_path_array:
- oss = OssUtil(service_config["base_dir"])
- fileName = get_file_name(i)
- uploadPath = "%s/%s" % (current_time, fileName)
- image_result = it.submit(self.uploadImage, oss, uploadPath, i)
- imageTask[fileName] = [image_result, oss, i]
- imageList.append({"fileName": fileName, "imageUrl": "", "status": UploadStatusType.WAITING.value[0],
- "progress": oss.progress})
- def start_hd_thread(self, imageList, videoList, fb_queue, hb_queue, requestId):
- hd = Thread(target=self.hdThread, args=(imageList, videoList, fb_queue, hb_queue, requestId))
- hd.setDaemon(True)
- hd.start()
- return hd
- @staticmethod
- def stop_hd_thread(hb, hb_queue, requestId):
- if hb is not None and hb.is_alive():
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"command": "stop"}, timeout=2, is_throw_ex=False)
- start = time()
- hb.join(60)
- if time() - start > 60:
- logger.error("心跳线程停止超时, requestId:{}", requestId)
- clear_queue(hb_queue)
- @staticmethod
- def change_status(imageList, num, imageTask, videoList, videoTask, requestId, deleteImageList, deleteVideoList):
- for image in imageList:
- if image["status"] < UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]:
- num += 1
- image_task = imageTask.get(image.get("fileName"))
- # (image_result, oss, i)
- if image_task:
- if not image_task[0].done():
- image["status"] = UploadStatusType.RUNNING.value[0]
- image["progress"] = image_task[1].get_progress()
- continue
- if image_task[0].done():
- try:
- image_task[0].result()
- image["imageUrl"] = image_task[1].get_image_url()
- image["status"] = UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]
- image["progress"] = "1.0000"
- deleteImageList.append(image_task[2])
- # delete_file(image_task[2])
- except Exception:
- logger.error("文件{}上传失败, 异常: {}, requestId: {}", image_task[2], format_exc(),
- requestId)
- image["status"] = UploadStatusType.FAILED.value[0]
- image["progress"] = image_task[1].get_progress()
- for video in videoList:
- if video["status"] < UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]:
- num += 1
- video_task = videoTask.get(video.get("fileName"))
- if video_task:
- # 如果任务已经完成
- # (video_result, vod, i)
- if not video_task[0].done():
- video["status"] = UploadStatusType.RUNNING.value[0]
- video["progress"] = video_task[1].get_progress()
- continue
- if video_task[0].done():
- try:
- video_task[0].result()
- video["videoUrl"] = video_task[1].get_video_url()
- video["status"] = UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]
- video["progress"] = "1.0000"
- deleteVideoList.append(video_task[2])
- # delete_file(video_task[2])
- except Exception:
- logger.error("文件{}上传失败, 异常:{}, requestId: {}", video_task[2], format_exc(),
- requestId)
- video["status"] = UploadStatusType.FAILED.value[0]
- video["progress"] = video_task[1].get_progress()
- return num
- @staticmethod
- def stop_all_task(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask):
- for image in imageList:
- if image["status"] < UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]:
- image_task = imageTask.get(image.get("fileName"))
- # (image_result, oss, i)
- if image_task:
- if not image_task[0].done():
- # 如果任务没有结束, 停止设置取消任务
- image_task[1].status = True
- for video in videoList:
- if video["status"] < UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]:
- video_task = videoTask.get(video.get("fileName"))
- if video_task:
- # 如果任务已经完成
- # (video_result, vod, i)
- if not video_task[0].done():
- video_task[1].status = True
- if video_task[1].uploader is not None:
- if video_task[1].uploader.uploader is not None:
- video_task[1].uploader.uploader.status = True
- @staticmethod
- def stop_change_status(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask, deleteImageList, deleteVideoList):
- for image in imageList:
- if image["status"] < UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]:
- image_task = imageTask.get(image.get("fileName"))
- # (image_result, oss, i)
- if image_task:
- oss = image_task[1]
- status = oss.status
- image_url = oss.get_image_url()
- if image_url is not None and len(image_url) > 0:
- image["imageUrl"] = image_url
- image["status"] = UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]
- image["progress"] = "1.0000"
- deleteImageList.append(image_task[2])
- # delete_file(image_task[2])
- else:
- if status:
- image["status"] = UploadStatusType.CANCEL.value[0]
- image["progress"] = oss.get_progress()
- else:
- image["status"] = UploadStatusType.FAILED.value[0]
- image["progress"] = oss.get_progress()
- for video in videoList:
- if video["status"] < UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]:
- video_task = videoTask.get(video.get("fileName"))
- if video_task:
- # 如果任务已经完成
- # (video_result, vod, i)
- vod = video_task[1]
- status = vod.status
- video_url = vod.get_video_url()
- if video_url is not None and len(video_url) > 0:
- video["videoUrl"] = video_url
- video["status"] = UploadStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0]
- video["progress"] = "1.0000"
- deleteVideoList.append(video_task[2])
- # delete_file(video_task[2])
- else:
- if status:
- video["status"] = UploadStatusType.CANCEL.value[0]
- video["progress"] = vod.get_progress()
- else:
- video["status"] = UploadStatusType.FAILED.value[0]
- video["progress"] = vod.get_progress()
- @staticmethod
- def wait_thread(it, vt, requestId):
- if it:
- it.shutdown()
- logger.info("it线程池关闭完成m, requestId:{}", requestId)
- if vt:
- vt.shutdown()
- logger.info("vt线程池关闭完成m, requestId:{}", requestId)
- def run(self):
- imageList, videoList = [], []
- deleteImageList, deleteVideoList = [], []
- # 线程任务
- imageTask, videoTask = {}, {}
- # 备份路径
- image_backup, video_backup = self.image_backup, self.video_backup
- imagePath, videoPath = self.imagePath, self.videoPath
- # 队列
- fb_queue, hb_queue, event_queue = self.__fb_queue, Queue(), self.__event_queue
- requestId, service_config = self.__requestId, self.__service_config
- it, vt, ex, hd = None, None, None, None
- try:
- init_log(service_config["base_dir"])
- logger.info("启动文件上传进程!requestId:{}", requestId)
- # 检查文件路径是否存在,不存在则路径有问题
- if not exists(imagePath) or not exists(videoPath):
- logger.error("图片、视频路径检测失败, 图片或视频路径不存在!requestId:{}", requestId)
- logger.error("图片路径: {}, 视频路径: {}, requestId:{}", imagePath, videoPath, requestId)
- raise ServiceException(UploadStrExceptionType.FILE_PATH_IS_NOT_AREADLY.value[0],
- UploadStrExceptionType.FILE_PATH_IS_NOT_AREADLY.value[1])
- # 检查是否有视频和图片,没有直接返回
- image_path_array, video_path_array = get_all_images(imagePath), get_all_videos(videoPath)
- if len(image_path_array) == 0 and len(video_path_array) == 0:
- logger.info("未查询到本地视频及图片文件!!!requestId:{}", requestId)
- # upload_result(fb_queue, requestId, status=UploadTaskStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0])
- return
- # 启动心跳线程
- hd = self.start_hd_thread(imageList, videoList, fb_queue, hb_queue, requestId)
- # 初始化图片、视频线程池
- it = ThreadPoolExecutorNew(max_workers=10, thread_name_prefix='图片线程池')
- vt = ThreadPoolExecutorNew(max_workers=2, thread_name_prefix='视频线程线程池')
- self.upload_method(service_config, video_path_array, videoTask, videoList, vt, image_path_array, imageTask,
- imageList, it)
- start_time = time()
- while True:
- # 超时检查
- if time() - start_time >= 43200:
- logger.error("上传文件任务执行超时!requestId: {}", requestId)
- raise ServiceException(UploadStrExceptionType.TASK_IS_RUN_TIMEOUT.value[0],
- UploadStrExceptionType.TASK_IS_RUN_TIMEOUT.value[1])
- # 心跳检查
- if hd is not None and not hd.is_alive():
- logger.error("心跳线程异常停止, requestId:{}", requestId)
- raise Exception("心跳线程异常停止!")
- event_result = get_no_block_queue(event_queue)
- # 终止任务
- if event_result is not None and event_result.get("command") == "stop":
- # 清空线程队列
- it.clear_work_queue()
- vt.clear_work_queue()
- # 停止所有任务
- self.stop_all_task(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask)
- # 等待线程任务完成
- it.shutdown()
- vt.shutdown()
- # 更新任务状态
- self.stop_change_status(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask, deleteImageList,
- deleteVideoList)
- break
- num = 0
- num = self.change_status(imageList, num, imageTask, videoList, videoTask, requestId, deleteImageList,
- deleteVideoList)
- if num == 0:
- break
- sleep(1)
- except ServiceException as s:
- ex = s.code, s.msg
- if it:
- it.clear_work_queue()
- if vt:
- vt.clear_work_queue()
- # 停止所有任务
- self.stop_all_task(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask)
- if it:
- it.shutdown()
- if vt:
- vt.shutdown()
- self.stop_change_status(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask, deleteImageList, deleteVideoList)
- logger.error("上传文件任务异常失败: {}, requestId:{}", s.msg, requestId)
- except Exception:
- ex = UploadStrExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], \
- UploadStrExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- if it:
- it.clear_work_queue()
- if vt:
- vt.clear_work_queue()
- # 停止所有任务
- self.stop_all_task(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask)
- if it:
- it.shutdown()
- if vt:
- vt.shutdown()
- self.stop_change_status(imageList, imageTask, videoList, videoTask, deleteImageList, deleteVideoList)
- logger.error("上传文件任务异常失败: {}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId)
- finally:
- try:
- if len(deleteImageList) > 0 or len(deleteVideoList) > 0:
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as de:
- for imageFile in deleteImageList:
- logger.error("删除图片文件, 文件名: {}, requestId: {}", imageFile, requestId)
- de.submit(delete_file, imageFile)
- for videoFile in deleteVideoList:
- logger.error("删除视频文件, 文件名: {}, requestId: {}", videoFile, requestId)
- de.submit(delete_file, videoFile)
- de.shutdown(wait=True)
- self.wait_thread(it, vt, requestId)
- image_path_array1, video_path_array1 = get_all_images(imagePath), get_all_videos(videoPath)
- if len(image_path_array1) > 0 or len(video_path_array1) > 0:
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as ec:
- for i in image_path_array1:
- create_dir(image_backup)
- logger.error("上传文件失败文件迁移备份, 文件名: {}, requestId: {}", i, requestId)
- ec.submit(move_file, i, image_backup)
- for i in video_path_array1:
- create_dir(video_backup)
- logger.error("上传文件失败文件迁移备份, 文件名: {}, requestId: {}", i, requestId)
- ec.submit(move_file, i, video_backup)
- ec.shutdown(wait=True)
- self.stop_hd_thread(hd, hb_queue, requestId)
- if ex:
- code, msg = ex
- upload_result(fb_queue, requestId, errorCode=code, errorMsg=msg,
- status=UploadTaskStatusType.FAILED.value[0], imageList=imageList, videoList=videoList)
- else:
- upload_result(fb_queue, requestId, status=UploadTaskStatusType.SUCCESS.value[0], imageList=imageList,
- videoList=videoList)
- except Exception:
- logger.error("未知异常: {}", format_exc())
- self.stop_hd_thread(hd, hb_queue, requestId)
- upload_result(fb_queue, requestId,
- errorCode=UploadStrExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- errorMsg=UploadStrExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1],
- status=UploadTaskStatusType.FAILED.value[0],
- imageList=imageList, videoList=videoList)
- finally:
- self.stop_hd_thread(hd, hb_queue, requestId)
- clear_queue(event_queue, is_ex=False)
- clear_queue(hb_queue, is_ex=False)
- tmp = join(service_config["base_dir"], r'tmp\oss')
- remove_after_create(tmp)
- logger.info("上传文件任务完成, requestId: {}", requestId)