- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from json import loads
- from os.path import join, exists
- from traceback import format_exc
- import time
- from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
- from loguru import logger
- from enums.ExceptionEnum import ExceptionType
- from exception.CustomerException import ServiceException
- from osssdk import Auth, Bucket, ResumableStore
- from osssdk.resumable import resumable_upload1
- from util.FileUtil import create_dir
- from util.RWUtils import getConfigs
- from vodsdk.AliyunVodUploader import AliyunVodUploader
- from vodsdk.UploadVideoRequest import UploadVideoRequest
- from aliyunsdkvod.request.v20170321.GetPlayInfoRequest import GetPlayInfoRequest
- class OssUtil:
- __slots__ = ('bucket', '__base_dir', '__config', 'progress', 'image_url', 'exception', "status")
- def __init__(self, base_dir):
- self.bucket = None
- self.__base_dir = base_dir
- self.__config = getConfigs(base_dir, 'config/aliyun.yml')
- self.progress = "0.0000"
- self.image_url = ""
- self.exception = None
- self.status = False
- def get_oss_bucket(self):
- if self.bucket is None:
- logger.info("初始化oss桶")
- auth = Auth(self.__config["access_key"], self.__config["access_secret"])
- self.bucket = Bucket(auth, self.__config["oss"]["endpoint"], self.__config["oss"]["bucket"])
- def percentage(self, useData, consumed_bytes, total_bytes):
- if total_bytes:
- # filePath = useData
- rate = round(float(float(consumed_bytes) / float(total_bytes)), 4)
- self.progress = str(rate)
- # logger.info("{}文件上传任务进度: {}", filePath, rate)
- """
- 上传本地文件
- """
- def put_object_from_file(self, uploadPath, filePath):
- logger.info("开始上传文件, key: {}, 文件: {}, ", uploadPath, filePath)
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- try:
- self.progress = "0.0000"
- if not exists(filePath):
- break
- self.get_oss_bucket()
- useData = filePath
- resp = self.bucket.put_object_from_file_1(uploadPath, filePath, progress_callback=self.percentage,
- useData=useData)
- if resp.status == 200:
- self.image_url = join(self.__config['oss']['host_url'], uploadPath)
- self.progress = "1.0000"
- else:
- raise Exception("上传文件失败")
- logger.info("上传文件到oss成功! key: {}, filePath:{}, 状态码: {}", uploadPath, filePath, resp.status)
- break
- except Exception as e:
- self.bucket = None
- retry_count += 1
- time.sleep(1)
- logger.info("上传文件到oss失败, 重试次数:{}, key: {}, filePath:{}", uploadPath, filePath)
- if retry_count > MAX_RETRIES:
- logger.error("上传文件到oss重试失败:{}, key: {}, filePath:{}", format_exc(), uploadPath, filePath)
- raise e
- """
- 断点续传上传本地文件
- """
- def resumable_upload(self, uploadPath, filePath):
- logger.info("开始上传文件, key: {}, 文件: {}, ", uploadPath, filePath)
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- try:
- self.progress = "0.0000"
- if not exists(filePath):
- break
- if self.status:
- break
- self.get_oss_bucket()
- useData = filePath
- size = 1024 * 1024 * 10
- tmp = join(join(self.__base_dir, "tmp"), 'oss')
- create_dir(tmp)
- resp = resumable_upload1(self.bucket, uploadPath, filePath,
- store=ResumableStore(root=tmp),
- multipart_threshold=size, part_size=size,
- progress_callback=self.percentage, num_threads=2, useData=useData)
- if resp.status == 200:
- self.image_url = "%s/%s" % (self.__config['oss']['host_url'], uploadPath)
- self.progress = "1.0000"
- else:
- raise Exception("上传文件失败")
- logger.info("上传文件到oss成功! key: {}, filePath:{}, 状态码: {}", uploadPath, filePath, resp.status)
- break
- except Exception as e:
- self.bucket = None
- retry_count += 1
- time.sleep(2)
- logger.info("上传文件到oss失败: {}, 重试次数:{}, key: {}, filePath:{}", format_exc(), retry_count,
- uploadPath, filePath)
- if retry_count > MAX_RETRIES:
- logger.error("上传文件到oss重试失败:{}, key: {}, filePath:{}", format_exc(), uploadPath, filePath)
- raise e
- def get_progress(self):
- return self.progress
- def get_image_url(self):
- return self.image_url
- class VodUtil:
- __slots__ = ('__config', 'progress', "__videoUrl", "exception", "uploader", "status")
- def __init__(self, base_dir):
- self.progress = "0.0000"
- self.__config = getConfigs(base_dir, 'config/aliyun.yml')
- self.__videoUrl = ""
- self.exception = None
- self.uploader = None
- self.status = False
- def init_vod_client(self, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret):
- regionId = self.__config["vod"]["ecsRegionId"]
- return AcsClient(accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, regionId, auto_retry=True, max_retry_time=3, timeout=60)
- def uploadProgressCallback(self, consumedBytes, totalBytes):
- try:
- if totalBytes:
- rate = round(float(float(consumedBytes) / float(totalBytes)), 4)
- else:
- rate = 0
- if rate != 0 and rate != 1:
- self.progress = str(rate)
- logger.info('视频上传中: {} bytes, percent:{}', consumedBytes, rate)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.exception("打印视频上传进度回调方法异常: {}", e)
- def get_play_info(self, videoId, filePath, file_title):
- logger.info("开始获取视频地址,videoId:{}, filePath: {}, file_title: {}", videoId, filePath, file_title)
- start = time.time()
- timeout = None
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- try:
- if self.status:
- return ""
- if float(self.progress) < 0.8:
- self.progress = "0.8000"
- clt = self.init_vod_client(self.__config["access_key"],
- self.__config["access_secret"])
- request: GetPlayInfoRequest = GetPlayInfoRequest()
- request.set_accept_format('JSON')
- request.set_VideoId(videoId)
- request.set_AuthTimeout(3600 * 5)
- response = loads(clt.do_action_with_exception(request))
- play_url = response["PlayInfoList"]["PlayInfo"][0]["PlayURL"]
- logger.info("获取视频地址成功,视频地址: {}, file_title: {}", play_url, file_title)
- if play_url is None or len(play_url) == 0:
- raise Exception("获取视频地址失败")
- self.progress = "1.0000"
- return play_url
- except Exception as e:
- logger.info("获取视频地址失败,5秒后重试, 异常: {}, filePath:{}, file_title:{}", format_exc(), filePath,
- file_title)
- time.sleep(5)
- current_time = time.time()
- if "Uploading" in str(e):
- if timeout is None:
- timeout = time.time()
- if time.time() - timeout > 1800:
- logger.error("获取视频地址超时, filePath:{}, file_title:{}", filePath,
- file_title)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- if "UploadSucc" not in str(e) and "Transcoding" not in str(e) and "Uploading" not in str(e):
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > 3:
- logger.error("获取视频地址失败: {}, filePath:{}, file_title:{}", format_exc(), filePath, file_title)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- diff_time = current_time - start
- if diff_time > 60 * 60 * 5:
- logger.error("获取视频地址失败超时异常: {},超时时间:{}, filePath:{}, file_title:{}", format_exc(),
- diff_time, filePath, file_title)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- def upload_local_video(self, filePath, file_title):
- logger.info("开始执行vod视频上传, filePath: {}, fileTitle: {}", filePath, file_title)
- self.uploader = AliyunVodUploader(self.__config["access_key"], self.__config["access_secret"],
- progress_callback=self.uploadProgressCallback)
- uploadVideoRequest: UploadVideoRequest = UploadVideoRequest(filePath, file_title)
- logger.info("视频分类:{}", self.__config["vod"]["cateId"])
- uploadVideoRequest.setCateId(self.__config["vod"]["cateId"])
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- try:
- self.progress = "0.0000"
- if not exists(filePath):
- return None
- if self.status:
- return None
- result = self.uploader.uploadLocalVideo(uploadVideoRequest)
- if self.status:
- return None
- logger.info("vod视频上传成功, videoId:{}", result.get("VideoId"))
- return result.get("VideoId")
- except Exception:
- retry_count += 1
- time.sleep(1)
- logger.error("vod视频上传失败:{},重试次数:{}", format_exc(), retry_count)
- if retry_count >= MAX_RETRIES:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- def get_play_url(self, filePath, file_title):
- videoId = self.upload_local_video(filePath, file_title)
- if self.status:
- return
- if videoId is None or len(videoId) == 0:
- logger.error("上传视频失败!filePath: {}, file_title: {}", filePath, file_title)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.UPLOAD_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.UPLOAD_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- self.__videoUrl = self.get_play_info(videoId, filePath, file_title)
- def get_progress(self):
- return self.progress
- def get_video_url(self):
- return self.__videoUrl
- # if __name__ == "__main__":
- # vod = VodUtil(r"D:\tuoheng\codenew\tuoheng_airprt_media")
- # Thread(target=vod.get_play_url, args=(r"D:\test\video\222.mp4", 'aaa')).start()
- # while True:
- # time.sleep(1)
- # if vod.uploader:
- # print(vod.uploader.progress)