123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115 |
- ## ---> Python
- ## Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
- #__pycache__/
- #*.py[cod]
- #*$py.class
- #
- ## C extensions
- #*.so
- #
- ## Distribution / packaging
- #.Python
- #build/
- #develop-eggs/
- #downloads/
- #eggs/
- #.eggs/
- #lib/
- #lib64/
- #parts/
- #sdist/
- #var/
- #wheels/
- #*.egg-info/
- #.installed.cfg
- #*.egg
- #
- ## PyInstaller
- ## Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
- ## before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
- #*.manifest
- #*.spec
- #
- ## Installer logs
- #pip-log.txt
- #pip-delete-this-directory.txt
- #
- ## Unit test / coverage reports
- #htmlcov/
- #.tox/
- #.nox/
- #.coverage
- #.coverage.*
- #.cache
- #nosetests.xml
- #coverage.xml
- #*.cover
- #.hypothesis/
- #.pytest_cache/
- #
- ## Translations
- #*.mo
- #*.pot
- #
- ## Django stuff:
- #*.log
- #local_settings.py
- #db.sqlite3
- #
- ## Flask stuff:
- #instance/
- #.webassets-cache
- #
- ## Scrapy stuff:
- #.scrapy
- #
- ## Sphinx documentation
- #docs/_build/
- #
- ## PyBuilder
- #target/
- #
- ## Jupyter Notebook
- #.ipynb_checkpoints
- #
- ## IPython
- #profile_default/
- #ipython_config.py
- #
- ## pyenv
- #.python-version
- #
- ## celery beat schedule file
- #celerybeat-schedule
- #
- ## SageMath parsed files
- #*.sage.py
- #
- ## Environments
- #.env
- #.venv
- #env/
- #venv/
- #ENV/
- #env.bak/
- #venv.bak/
- #
- ## Spyder project settings
- #.spyderproject
- #.spyproject
- #
- ## Rope project settings
- #.ropeproject
- #
- ## mkdocs documentation
- #/site
- #
- ## mypy
- #.mypy_cache/
- #.dmypy.json
- #dmypy.json
- #
- ## Pyre type checker
- #.pyre/
- #