Bladeren bron


chenyukun 1 jaar geleden
9 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 93 en 323 verwijderingen
  1. +25
  2. +1
  3. +1
  4. +28
  5. +27
  6. +1
  7. +1
  8. +1
  9. +8

+ 25
- 95
concurrency/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class ImageFileUpload(FileUpload):
def handle_image(frame_msg, frame_step):
# (high_score_image["code"], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"])
# high_score_image["code"][code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
det_result, all_frames, font_config = frame_msg
det_xywh, frame, current_frame, all_frames, font_config = frame_msg
@@ -44,62 +44,24 @@ class ImageFileUpload(FileUpload):
model_info = []
# 更加模型编码解析数据
for code, det_list in det_result.items():
for code, det_list in det_xywh.items():
if len(det_list) > 0:
for cls, target_list in det_list.items():
frame, iframe, cls_list = target_list
if len(cls_list) > 0:
if len(target_list) > 0:
aFrame = frame.copy()
for target in cls_list:
# detect_targets_code, box, score, label_array, color
for target in target_list:
draw_painting_joint(target[1], aFrame, target[3], target[2], target[4], font_config)
"or_frame": frame,
"modelCode": str(code),
"detectTargetCode": str(cls),
"aFrame": aFrame,
"current_frame": iframe,
"last_frame": iframe + frame_step
model_info.append({"modelCode": str(code), "detectTargetCode": str(cls), "aFrame": aFrame})
if len(model_info) > 0:
return model_info
image_result = {
"or_frame": frame,
"model_info": model_info,
"current_frame": current_frame,
"last_frame": current_frame + frame_step
return image_result
return None

# @staticmethod
# def handle_image(frame_msg, frame_step):
# # (high_score_image["code"], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"])
# # high_score_image["code"][code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
# det_xywh, frame, current_frame, all_frames, font_config = frame_msg
# '''
# det_xywh:{
# 'code':{
# 1: [[detect_targets_code, box, score, label_array, color]]
# }
# }
# 模型编号:modeCode
# 检测目标:detectTargetCode
# '''
# model_info = []
# # 更加模型编码解析数据
# for code, det_list in det_xywh.items():
# if len(det_list) > 0:
# for cls, target_list in det_list.items():
# if len(target_list) > 0:
# aFrame = frame.copy()
# for target in target_list:
# # detect_targets_code, box, score, label_array, color
# draw_painting_joint(target[1], aFrame, target[3], target[2], target[4], font_config)
# model_info.append({"modelCode": str(code), "detectTargetCode": str(cls), "aFrame": aFrame})
# if len(model_info) > 0:
# image_result = {
# "or_frame": frame,
# "model_info": model_info,
# "current_frame": current_frame,
# "last_frame": current_frame + frame_step
# }
# return image_result
# return None

def run(self):
msg, context = self._msg, self._context
service = context["service"]
@@ -129,18 +91,20 @@ class ImageFileUpload(FileUpload):
if image_msg[0] == 1:
image_result = self.handle_image(image_msg[1], frame_step)
if image_result is not None:
task, msg_list = [], []
for model_info in image_result:
or_image = cv2.imencode(".jpg", model_info["or_frame"])[1]
or_image_name = build_image_name(model_info["current_frame"],
"OR", "0", "0", request_id)
or_future = t.submit(aliyunOssSdk.put_object, or_image_name, or_image.tobytes())
task = []
or_image = cv2.imencode(".jpg", image_result["or_frame"])[1]
or_image_name = build_image_name(image_result["current_frame"],
"OR", "0", "0", request_id)
or_future = t.submit(aliyunOssSdk.put_object, or_image_name, or_image.tobytes())
model_info_list = image_result["model_info"]
msg_list = []
for model_info in model_info_list:
ai_image = cv2.imencode(".jpg", model_info["aFrame"])[1]
ai_image_name = build_image_name(model_info["current_frame"],
ai_image_name = build_image_name(image_result["current_frame"],
@@ -161,40 +125,6 @@ class ImageFileUpload(FileUpload):
for msg in msg_list:
put_queue(fb_queue, msg, timeout=2, is_ex=False)
del task, msg_list
# task = []
# or_image = cv2.imencode(".jpg", image_result["or_frame"])[1]
# or_image_name = build_image_name(image_result["current_frame"],
# image_result["last_frame"],
# analyse_type,
# "OR", "0", "0", request_id)
# or_future = t.submit(aliyunOssSdk.put_object, or_image_name, or_image.tobytes())
# task.append(or_future)
# model_info_list = image_result["model_info"]
# msg_list = []
# for model_info in model_info_list:
# ai_image = cv2.imencode(".jpg", model_info["aFrame"])[1]
# ai_image_name = build_image_name(image_result["current_frame"],
# image_result["last_frame"],
# analyse_type,
# "AI",
# model_info["modelCode"],
# model_info["detectTargetCode"],
# request_id)
# ai_future = t.submit(aliyunOssSdk.put_object, ai_image_name,
# ai_image.tobytes())
# task.append(ai_future)
# msg_list.append(message_feedback(request_id,
# AnalysisStatus.RUNNING.value,
# analyse_type, "", "", "",
# or_image_name,
# ai_image_name,
# model_info['modelCode'],
# model_info['detectTargetCode']))
# for tk in task:
# tk.result()
# for msg in msg_list:
# put_queue(fb_queue, msg, timeout=2, is_ex=False)
# del task, msg_list
del image_msg

+ 1
- 0
concurrency/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ class OnlinePullVideoStreamProcess(PullVideoStreamProcess):
ExceptionType.NO_RESOURCES.value[1]), timeout=2)
del frame
full_timeout = None
if frame is None:

+ 1
- 0
concurrency/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ class OnlinePullVideoStreamProcess2(PullVideoStreamProcess2):
del frame
full_timeout = None

+ 28
- 111
concurrency/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -154,68 +154,27 @@ class OnPushStreamProcess(PushStreamProcess):
ai_video_file, ai_write_status, request_id)
push_stream_result = t.submit(push_video_stream, frame_merge, push_p, push_url,
p_push_status, request_id)
# 指定多少帧上传一次问题
if high_score_image.get("current_frame") is None:
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image["current_frame"]
# 指定帧内处理逻辑
if frame_step >= diff_frame_num and high_score_image.get("code") is not None and len(det_xywh) > 0:
# 所有的模型编号
cache_codes = set(high_score_image["code"].keys())
# 遍历当前模型
for det_code, det_clss in det_xywh.items():
# 如果模型编号不在缓存中
if det_code not in cache_codes:
high_score_image["code"][det_code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
# 如果模型编号在缓存中, 检查检测目标的情况
cache_clss = set(high_score_image["code"][det_code].keys())
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
if cls not in cache_clss:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) > len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
elif len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) == len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
# [cls, box, score, label_array, color]
hs = 0
for ii, s in enumerate(cls_list):
if s[2] >= high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2][ii][2]:
hs += 1
if hs == len(cls_list):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if diff_frame_num > frame_step:
if high_score_image.get("code") is not None:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [high_score_image["code"], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
high_score_image["code"] = None
high_score_image["current_frame"] = None
# 如果有问题, 走下面的逻辑
if len(det_xywh) > 0:
flag = True
# 比较上一次识别到问题的帧和当前问题帧的相似度
if picture_similarity and high_score_image.get("or_frame") is not None:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image["or_frame"])
if picture_similarity and len(high_score_image) > 0:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image.get("or_frame"))
hash2 = ImageUtils.dHash(frame)
dist = ImageUtils.Hamming_distance(hash1, hash2)
similarity_1 = 1 - dist * 1.0 / 64
if similarity_1 >= similarity:
flag = False
# 如果缓存问题是空的,给缓存添加问题
if flag and high_score_image.get("code") is None:
high_score_image["code"] = {}
for code, det_list in det_xywh.items():
if high_score_image["code"].get(code) is None:
high_score_image["code"][code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_list.items():
high_score_image["code"][code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
push_p = push_stream_result.result(timeout=5)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=5)
or_video_file = write_or_video_result.result(timeout=5)
if len(high_score_image) > 0:
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image.get("current_frame")
if diff_frame_num < frame_step:
flag = False
if flag:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [det_xywh, frame, frame_index_list[i], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
push_p = push_stream_result.result(timeout=60)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=60)
or_video_file = write_or_video_result.result(timeout=60)
# 接收停止指令
if push_r[0] == 2:
if 'stop' == push_r[1]:
@@ -248,7 +207,7 @@ class OnPushStreamProcess(PushStreamProcess):
if image_queue.qsize() == 0 or image_queue.empty():
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue]:
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, hb_queue]:
clear_queue(q)"推流进程停止完成!图片队列大小: {}, requestId:{}", image_queue.qsize(), request_id)

@@ -346,68 +305,26 @@ class OffPushStreamProcess(PushStreamProcess):
ai_write_status, request_id)
push_stream_result = t.submit(push_video_stream, frame_merge, push_p, push_url,
p_push_status, request_id)
# 指定多少帧上传一次问题
if high_score_image.get("current_frame") is None:
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image["current_frame"]
# 指定帧内处理逻辑
if frame_step >= diff_frame_num and high_score_image.get("code") is not None and len(det_xywh) > 0:
# 所有的模型编号
cache_codes = set(high_score_image["code"].keys())
# 遍历当前模型
for det_code, det_clss in det_xywh.items():
# 如果模型编号不在缓存中
if det_code not in cache_codes:
high_score_image["code"][det_code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
# 如果模型编号在缓存中, 检查检测目标的情况
cache_clss = set(high_score_image["code"][det_code].keys())
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
# 如果检测目标在缓存中
if cls not in cache_clss:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) > len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
elif len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) == len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
# [cls, box, score, label_array, color]
hs = 0
for ii, s in enumerate(cls_list):
if s[2] >= high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2][ii][2]:
hs += 1
if hs == len(cls_list):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if diff_frame_num > frame_step:
if high_score_image.get("code") is not None:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [high_score_image["code"], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
high_score_image["code"] = None
high_score_image["current_frame"] = None
# 如果有问题, 走下面的逻辑

if len(det_xywh) > 0:
flag = True
# 比较上一次识别到问题的帧和当前问题帧的相似度
if picture_similarity and high_score_image.get("or_frame") is not None:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image["or_frame"])
if picture_similarity and len(high_score_image) > 0:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image.get("or_frame"))
hash2 = ImageUtils.dHash(frame)
dist = ImageUtils.Hamming_distance(hash1, hash2)
similarity_1 = 1 - dist * 1.0 / 64
if similarity_1 >= similarity:
flag = False
# 如果缓存问题是空的,给缓存添加问题
if flag and high_score_image.get("code") is None:
high_score_image["code"] = {}
for code, det_list in det_xywh.items():
if high_score_image["code"].get(code) is None:
high_score_image["code"][code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_list.items():
high_score_image["code"][code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
push_p = push_stream_result.result(timeout=5)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=5)
if len(high_score_image) > 0:
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image.get("current_frame")
if diff_frame_num < frame_step:
flag = False
if flag:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [det_xywh, frame, frame_index_list[i], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
push_p = push_stream_result.result(timeout=60)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=60)
# 接收停止指令
if push_r[0] == 2:
if 'stop' == push_r[1]:
@@ -440,6 +357,6 @@ class OffPushStreamProcess(PushStreamProcess):
if image_queue.qsize() == 0 or image_queue.empty():
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue]:
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, hb_queue]:
clear_queue(q)"推流进程停止完成!requestId:{}", request_id)

+ 27
- 113
concurrency/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -137,69 +137,26 @@ class OnPushStreamProcess2(PushStreamProcess2):
push_p_result = t.submit(push_video_stream, frame_merge, push_p, push_url,
# 指定多少帧上传一次问题
if high_score_image.get("current_frame") is None:
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image["current_frame"]
# 指定帧内处理逻辑
if frame_step >= diff_frame_num and high_score_image.get("code") is not None and len(det_xywh) > 0:
# 所有的模型编号
cache_codes = set(high_score_image["code"].keys())
# 遍历当前模型
for det_code, det_clss in det_xywh.items():
# 如果模型编号不在缓存中
if det_code not in cache_codes:
high_score_image["code"][det_code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
# 如果模型编号在缓存中, 检查检测目标的情况
cache_clss = set(high_score_image["code"][det_code].keys())
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
# 如果检测目标在缓存中
if cls not in cache_clss:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) > len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
elif len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) == len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
# [cls, box, score, label_array, color]
hs = 0
for ii, s in enumerate(cls_list):
if s[2] >= high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2][ii][2]:
hs += 1
if hs == len(cls_list):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if diff_frame_num > frame_step:
if high_score_image.get("code") is not None:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [high_score_image["code"], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
high_score_image["code"] = None
high_score_image["current_frame"] = None
# 如果有问题, 走下面的逻辑
if len(det_xywh) > 0:
flag = True
# 比较上一次识别到问题的帧和当前问题帧的相似度
if picture_similarity and high_score_image.get("or_frame") is not None:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image["or_frame"])
if picture_similarity and len(high_score_image) > 0:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image.get("or_frame"))
hash2 = ImageUtils.dHash(frame)
dist = ImageUtils.Hamming_distance(hash1, hash2)
similarity_1 = 1 - dist * 1.0 / 64
if similarity_1 >= similarity:
flag = False
# 如果缓存问题是空的,给缓存添加问题
if flag and high_score_image.get("code") is None:
high_score_image["code"] = {}
for code, det_list in det_xywh.items():
if high_score_image["code"].get(code) is None:
high_score_image["code"][code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_list.items():
high_score_image["code"][code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
push_p = push_p_result.result(timeout=5)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=5)
or_video_file = write_or_video_result.result(timeout=5)
if len(high_score_image) > 0:
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image.get("current_frame")
if diff_frame_num < frame_step:
flag = False
if flag:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [det_xywh, frame, frame_index_list[i], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
push_p = push_p_result.result(timeout=60)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=60)
or_video_file = write_or_video_result.result(timeout=60)
# 接收停止指令
if push_r[0] == 2:
if 'stop' == push_r[1]:
@@ -232,7 +189,7 @@ class OnPushStreamProcess2(PushStreamProcess2):
if image_queue.qsize() == 0 or image_queue.empty():
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue]:
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, hb_queue]:
clear_queue(q)"推流进程停止完成!requestId:{}", request_id)

@@ -329,68 +286,25 @@ class OffPushStreamProcess2(PushStreamProcess2):
push_p_result = t.submit(push_video_stream, frame_merge, push_p, push_url,
# 指定多少帧上传一次问题
if high_score_image.get("current_frame") is None:
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image["current_frame"]
# 指定帧内处理逻辑
if frame_step >= diff_frame_num and high_score_image.get("code") is not None and len(det_xywh) > 0:
# 所有的模型编号
cache_codes = set(high_score_image["code"].keys())
# 遍历当前模型
for det_code, det_clss in det_xywh.items():
# 如果模型编号不在缓存中
if det_code not in cache_codes:
high_score_image["code"][det_code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
# 如果模型编号在缓存中, 检查检测目标的情况
cache_clss = set(high_score_image["code"][det_code].keys())
for cls, cls_list in det_xywh[det_code].items():
if len(cls_list) > 0:
# 如果检测目标在缓存中
if cls not in cache_clss:
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) > len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
elif len(det_xywh[det_code][cls]) == len(high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2]):
# [cls, box, score, label_array, color]
hs = 0
for ii, s in enumerate(cls_list):
if s[2] >= high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls][2][ii][2]:
hs += 1
if hs == len(cls_list):
high_score_image["code"][det_code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
if diff_frame_num > frame_step:
if high_score_image.get("code") is not None:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [high_score_image["code"], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
high_score_image["code"] = None
high_score_image["current_frame"] = None
# 如果有问题, 走下面的逻辑
if len(det_xywh) > 0:
flag = True
# 比较上一次识别到问题的帧和当前问题帧的相似度
if picture_similarity and high_score_image.get("or_frame") is not None:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image["or_frame"])
if picture_similarity and len(high_score_image) > 0:
hash1 = ImageUtils.dHash(high_score_image.get("or_frame"))
hash2 = ImageUtils.dHash(frame)
dist = ImageUtils.Hamming_distance(hash1, hash2)
similarity_1 = 1 - dist * 1.0 / 64
if similarity_1 >= similarity:
flag = False
# 如果缓存问题是空的,给缓存添加问题
if flag and high_score_image.get("code") is None:
high_score_image["code"] = {}
for code, det_list in det_xywh.items():
if high_score_image["code"].get(code) is None:
high_score_image["code"][code] = {}
for cls, cls_list in det_list.items():
high_score_image["code"][code][cls] = (frame, frame_index_list[i], cls_list)
push_p = push_p_result.result(timeout=5)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=5)
if len(high_score_image) > 0:
diff_frame_num = frame_index_list[i] - high_score_image.get("current_frame")
if diff_frame_num < frame_step:
flag = False
if flag:
high_score_image["or_frame"] = frame
high_score_image["current_frame"] = frame_index_list[i]
put_queue(image_queue, (1, [det_xywh, frame, frame_index_list[i], all_frames, draw_config["font_config"]]))
push_p = push_p_result.result(timeout=60)
ai_video_file = write_ai_video_result.result(timeout=60)
# 接收停止指令
if push_r[0] == 2:
if 'stop' == push_r[1]:
@@ -423,6 +337,6 @@ class OffPushStreamProcess2(PushStreamProcess2):
if image_queue.qsize() == 0 or image_queue.empty():
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue]:
for q in [push_queue, image_queue, hb_queue]:
clear_queue(q)"推流进程停止完成!requestId:{}", request_id)

+ 1
- 1
config/service/dsp_dev_service.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ service:
# 图片相似度过滤
picture_similarity: true
similarity: 0.65
frame_step: 300
frame_step: 160
timeout: 21600
cv2_pull_stream_timeout: 1000
cv2_read_stream_timeout: 1000

+ 1
- 1
config/service/dsp_prod_service.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ service:
# 图片相似度过滤
picture_similarity: true
similarity: 0.65
frame_step: 300
frame_step: 160
timeout: 21600
cv2_pull_stream_timeout: 1000
cv2_read_stream_timeout: 1000

+ 1
- 1
config/service/dsp_test_service.yml Bestand weergeven

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ service:
# 图片相似度过滤
picture_similarity: true
similarity: 0.65
frame_step: 300
frame_step: 160
timeout: 21600
cv2_pull_stream_timeout: 1000
cv2_read_stream_timeout: 1000

+ 8
- 1
util/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -911,6 +911,7 @@ def push_video_stream(frame, push_p, push_url, p_push_status, requestId):
:param requestId: 请求id
:return: 推流管道
st = time()
if push_p is None:
height, width = frame.shape[0:2]
@@ -921,6 +922,12 @@ def push_video_stream(frame, push_p, push_url, p_push_status, requestId):
clear_push_p(push_p, requestId)
raise s
except Exception:
et = time() - st
logger.error("推流异常使用时间:{}, requestId: {}", et, requestId)
if et > 20:
logger.error("推流进管道异常:{}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), requestId)
raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAMING_CHANNEL_IS_OCCUPIED.value[0],
if p_push_status[0] == 0:
p_push_status[0] = time()
p_push_status[1] += 1
@@ -932,7 +939,7 @@ def push_video_stream(frame, push_p, push_url, p_push_status, requestId):
p_push_status[0] = time()
logger.error("推流管道异常:{}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), requestId)
clear_push_p(push_p, requestId)
if p_push_status[1] > 150:
if p_push_status[1] > 5:
logger.error("推流进管道异常:{}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), requestId)
raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAMING_CHANNEL_IS_OCCUPIED.value[0],
