

chenyukun 1 年之前
共有 27 個檔案被更改,包括 802 行新增569 行删除
  1. +7
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  7. 二進制
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  13. 二進制
  14. 二進制
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  17. 二進制
  18. 二進制
  19. 二進制
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  21. 二進制
  22. 二進制
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  24. +21
  25. +3
  26. +57
  27. +642

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.idea/deployment.xml 查看文件

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.idea/sshConfigs.xml 查看文件

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.idea/webServers.xml 查看文件

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.idea/workspace.xml 查看文件

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<component name="com.intellij.coverage.CoverageDataManagerImpl"> <component name="com.intellij.coverage.CoverageDataManagerImpl">
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<SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$test.coverage" NAME="test 覆盖结果" MODIFIED="1669793778903" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test/while" />
<SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$test.coverage" NAME="test 覆盖结果" MODIFIED="1675048794635" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test/str" />
<SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$mysqltest.coverage" NAME="mysqltest Coverage Results" MODIFIED="1660868712851" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test" /> <SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$mysqltest.coverage" NAME="mysqltest Coverage Results" MODIFIED="1660868712851" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test" />
<SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$ffmpeg33.coverage" NAME="ffmpeg33 覆盖结果" MODIFIED="1670489109246" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test/ffmpeg11" /> <SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$ffmpeg33.coverage" NAME="ffmpeg33 覆盖结果" MODIFIED="1670489109246" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test/ffmpeg11" />
<SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$asnyc.coverage" NAME="asnyc Coverage Results" MODIFIED="1663459033435" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test" /> <SUITE FILE_PATH="coverage/tuoheng_alg$asnyc.coverage" NAME="asnyc Coverage Results" MODIFIED="1663459033435" SOURCE_PROVIDER="com.intellij.coverage.DefaultCoverageFileProvider" RUNNER="coverage.py" COVERAGE_BY_TEST_ENABLED="true" COVERAGE_TRACING_ENABLED="false" WORKING_DIRECTORY="$PROJECT_DIR$/test" />

+ 16
- 9
concurrency/IntelligentRecognitionProcess.py 查看文件

def process(frame): def process(frame):
try: try:
p_result, timeOut = frame[1].process(copy.deepcopy(frame[0].get("frame")), int(frame[0].get("width") / 2))
width = int(frame[0].get("width"))
if width > 1600:
width = width // 2
p_result, timeOut = frame[1].process(copy.deepcopy(frame[0].get("frame")), width)
if frame[2]["video"]["video_add_water"]: if frame[2]["video"]["video_add_water"]:
frame[0]["frame"] = frame[3].common_water_1(frame[0].get("frame"), frame[3].logo) frame[0]["frame"] = frame[3].common_water_1(frame[0].get("frame"), frame[3].logo)
p_result[1] = frame[3].common_water_1(p_result[1], frame[3].logo) p_result[1] = frame[3].common_water_1(p_result[1], frame[3].logo)
logger.info("######################开始加载模型######################") logger.info("######################开始加载模型######################")
model_config = { model_config = {
# 加载河道模型 # 加载河道模型
ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.SZModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL), ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载林场模型 # 加载林场模型
ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.LCModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL), ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载交通模型 # 加载交通模型
ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.RFModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL), ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载防疫模型 # 加载防疫模型
ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.IMModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.IMModel(x, y, z, r, ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL), ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载车牌模型 # 加载车牌模型
ModelType.PLATE_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.PlateMModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.PLATE_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.PLATE_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.IMModel(x, y, z, r, ModelType.PLATE_MODEL), ModelType.PLATE_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载车辆模型 # 加载车辆模型
ModelType.Vehicle_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.VehicleModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.Vehicle_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.VEHICLE_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.VEHICLE_MODEL), ModelType.VEHICLE_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载行人模型 # 加载行人模型
ModelType.Pedestrian_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.PedestrianModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.Pedestrian_MODEL.value[1]),
ModelType.PEDESTRIAN_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.PEDESTRIAN_MODEL), ModelType.PEDESTRIAN_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载烟火模型 # 加载烟火模型
ModelType.Smogfire_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.SmogfireModel(x, y, z, r), ModelType.Smogfire_MODEL.value[1])
ModelType.SMOGFIRE_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.SMOGFIRE_MODEL), ModelType.SMOGFIRE_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载钓鱼游泳模型
ModelType.ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL), ModelType.ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL.value[1]),
# 加载乡村模型
ModelType.COUNTRYROAD_MODEL.value[1]: (lambda x, y, z, r: ModelUtils.Model(x, y, z, r, ModelType.COUNTRYROAD_MODEL), ModelType.COUNTRYROAD_MODEL.value[1])
} }
for model in args[1]: for model in args[1]:
try: try:

+ 12
- 8
enums/ModelTypeEnum.py 查看文件

@unique @unique
class ModelType(Enum): class ModelType(Enum):

WATER_SURFACE_MODEL = ("1", "001", "河道模型")
WATER_SURFACE_MODEL = ("1", "001", "河道模型", 'river')

FOREST_FARM_MODEL = ("2", "002", "森林模型")
FOREST_FARM_MODEL = ("2", "002", "森林模型", 'forest')

TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL = ("3", "003", "交通模型")
TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL = ("3", "003", "交通模型", 'road')

EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL = ("4", "004", "防疫模型")
EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL = ("4", "004", "防疫模型", None)

PLATE_MODEL = ("5", "005", "车牌模型")
PLATE_MODEL = ("5", "005", "车牌模型", None)

Vehicle_MODEL = ("6", "006", "车辆模型")
VEHICLE_MODEL = ("6", "006", "车辆模型", 'vehicle')

Pedestrian_MODEL = ("7", "007", "行人模型")
PEDESTRIAN_MODEL = ("7", "007", "行人模型", 'pedestrian')

Smogfire_MODEL = ("8", "008", "烟火模型")
SMOGFIRE_MODEL = ("8", "008", "烟火模型", 'smogfire')

ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL = ("9", "009", "钓鱼游泳模型", 'AnglerSwimmer')

COUNTRYROAD_MODEL = ("10", "010", "乡村模型", 'countryRoad')

def checkCode(code): def checkCode(code):
for model in ModelType: for model in ModelType:

enums/__pycache__/ModelTypeEnum.cpython-38.pyc 查看文件

enums/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc 查看文件

service/__pycache__/Dispatcher.cpython-310.pyc 查看文件

service/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc 查看文件

test/image/1.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 640  |  Height: 360  |  Size: 113KB Width: 960  |  Height: 540  |  Size: 200KB

test/image/11.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 960  |  Height: 540  |  Size: 228KB

test/image/2.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 640  |  Height: 360  |  Size: 119KB Width: 960  |  Height: 540  |  Size: 196KB

test/image/22.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 960  |  Height: 540  |  Size: 213KB

test/image/AI.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 477KB

test/image/AI1.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 462KB

test/image/AI2.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 436KB

test/image/AI3.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 417KB

test/image/AI4.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 422KB

test/image/AI5.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 423KB

test/image/AI6.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 414KB

test/image/AI7.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 411KB

test/image/AI8.jpg 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1920  |  Height: 1080  |  Size: 430KB

+ 21
- 5
test/str/test.py 查看文件

# else: # else:
# a = '%s,%s' % (a, str(i)) # a = '%s,%s' % (a, str(i))
# print(a) # print(a)
a=[1,2,3,4,5,8, 9]
if set(a) >= set(b):
# a=[1,2,3,4,5,8, 9]
# b=[1,3,2]
# if set(a) >= set(b):
# print("a")
# else:
# print("b")
from enums.ModelTypeEnum import ModelType

else: else:

if isinstance(ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL, ModelType):


+ 3
- 3
test/水印/余弦相似度计算.py 查看文件

if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
# 把图片表示成一个向量,通过计算向量之间的余弦距离来表征两张图片的相似度 0.9760 # 把图片表示成一个向量,通过计算向量之间的余弦距离来表征两张图片的相似度 0.9760
image1 = cv2.imread('image/1.jpg')
image2 = cv2.imread('image/1.jpg')
image1 = cv2.imread('../image/1.jpg')
image2 = cv2.imread('../image/2.jpg')
# image3 = cv2.imread('image/AI2.jpg') # image3 = cv2.imread('image/AI2.jpg')
# image4 = cv2.imread('image/AI3.jpg') # image4 = cv2.imread('image/AI3.jpg')
# image5 = cv2.imread('image/AI4.jpg') # image5 = cv2.imread('image/AI4.jpg')
dist = Hamming_distance(hash1, hash2) dist = Hamming_distance(hash1, hash2)
#将距离转化为相似度 #将距离转化为相似度
similarity = 1 - dist * 1.0 / 64 similarity = 1 - dist * 1.0 / 64
# print(dist)
print(similarity, time.time() - start) print(similarity, time.time() - start)
# cosin = image_similarity_vectors_via_numpy(image1, image2) # cosin = image_similarity_vectors_via_numpy(image1, image2)
# print('图片余弦相似度', cosin) # print('图片余弦相似度', cosin)

+ 57
- 38
util/Cv2Utils.py 查看文件

self.fps = fps self.fps = fps
self.width = width self.width = width
self.height = height self.height = height
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 8)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height / 2))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 4)
self.w = int(self.width // 2)
self.hn = int(self.height // 2)
self.wn = int(self.width // 2)
w_f = self.wh != width * height * 3 / 8
h_f = self.h != self.height * 3 / 4
wd_f = self.w != self.width / 2
if w_f or h_f or wd_f:
self.resize_status = True
if width > 1600:
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 8)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height / 2))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 4)
self.w = int(self.width // 2)
self.hn = int(self.height // 2)
self.wn = int(self.width // 2)
w_f = self.wh != width * height * 3 / 8
h_f = self.h != self.height * 3 / 4
wd_f = self.w != self.width / 2
if w_f or h_f or wd_f:
self.resize_status = True
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 2)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width), int(self.height))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 2)
self.w = int(self.width)
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 2) self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 2)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width), int(self.height)) self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width), int(self.height))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 2) self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 2)
self.w = int(self.width) self.w = int(self.width)
self.hn = int(self.height)
self.wn = int(self.width)

''' '''
获取视频信息 获取视频信息
fps = video_stream.get('r_frame_rate') fps = video_stream.get('r_frame_rate')
# duration = video_stream.get('duration') # duration = video_stream.get('duration')
bit_rate = video_stream.get('bit_rate') bit_rate = video_stream.get('bit_rate')
if width:
self.width = int(width)
if height:
self.height = int(height)
self.width = int(width)
self.height = int(height)
if width is not None and height is not None: if width is not None and height is not None:
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 8)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height / 2))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 4)
self.w = int(self.width / 2)
self.hn = int(self.height / 2)
self.wn = int(self.width // 2)
w_f = self.wh != width * height * 3 / 8
h_f = self.h != self.height * 3 / 4
wd_f = self.w != self.width / 2
if w_f or h_f or wd_f:
self.resize_status = True
if width > 1600:
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 8)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height / 2))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 4)
self.w = int(self.width / 2)
self.hn = int(self.height / 2)
self.wn = int(self.width // 2)
w_f = self.wh != width * height * 3 / 8
h_f = self.h != self.height * 3 / 4
wd_f = self.w != self.width / 2
if w_f or h_f or wd_f:
self.resize_status = True
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 2)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width), int(self.height))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 2)
self.w = int(self.width)
self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 2) self.wh = int(width * height * 3 // 2)
self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width), int(self.height)) self.wah = '%sx%s' % (int(self.width), int(self.height))
self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 2) self.h = int(self.height * 3 // 2)
self.w = int(self.width) self.w = int(self.width)
self.hn = int(self.height)
self.wn = int(self.width)
if nb_frames: if nb_frames:
self.all_frames = int(nb_frames) self.all_frames = int(nb_frames)
if fps: if fps:
result = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12) result = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_NV12)
if self.resize_status: if self.resize_status:
result = cv2.resize(result, (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height / 2)),
if self.width > 1600:
result = cv2.resize(result, (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height / 2)),
except ServiceException as s: except ServiceException as s:
raise s raise s
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
logger.error("推流地址不能为空, requestId:{}", self.requestId) logger.error("推流地址不能为空, requestId:{}", self.requestId)
raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0], raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1]) ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
width = int(self.width)
if width <= 1600:
width = 2 * int(self.width)
command = ['ffmpeg', command = ['ffmpeg',
# '-loglevel', 'debug', # '-loglevel', 'debug',
'-y', '-y',
'-pix_fmt', 'bgr24', '-pix_fmt', 'bgr24',
'-thread_queue_size', '1024', '-thread_queue_size', '1024',
# '-s', "{}x{}".format(self.width * 2, self.height), # '-s', "{}x{}".format(self.width * 2, self.height),
'-s', "{}x{}".format(int(self.width), int(self.hn)),
'-s', "{}x{}".format(width, int(self.hn)),
'-r', str(self.fps), '-r', str(self.fps),
'-i', '-', # 指定输入文件 '-i', '-', # 指定输入文件
'-g', str(self.fps), '-g', str(self.fps),
# '-maxrate', '15000k',
'-maxrate', '8000k',
# '-profile:v', 'high', # '-profile:v', 'high',
# '-b:v', '4000k',
'-b:v', '5000k',
# '-crf', '18', # '-crf', '18',
'-rc:v', 'vbr',
'-cq:v', '30',
'-qmin', '30',
'-qmax', '30',
# '-rc:v', 'vbr',
# '-cq:v', '25',
# '-qmin', '25',
# '-qmax', '25',
'-c:v', 'h264_nvenc', # '-c:v', 'h264_nvenc', #
# '-bufsize', '4000k',
'-bufsize', '5000k',
# '-c:v', 'libx264', # 指定视频编码器 # '-c:v', 'libx264', # 指定视频编码器
# '-tune', 'zerolatency', # 加速编码速度 # '-tune', 'zerolatency', # 加速编码速度
# '-sc_threshold', '0', # '-sc_threshold', '0',
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
"-an", "-an",
# '-flvflags', 'no_duration_filesize', # '-flvflags', 'no_duration_filesize',
'-preset', 'fast', # 指定输出的视频质量,会影响文件的生成速度,有以下几个可用的值 ultrafast,
# superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow。
# '-preset', 'fast', # 指定输出的视频质量,会影响文件的生成速度,有以下几个可用的值 ultrafast,
'-preset', 'p6', # 指定输出的视频质量,会影响文件的生成速度,有以下几个可用的值 ultrafast,
'-tune', 'll',
'-f', 'flv', '-f', 'flv',
self.pushUrl] self.pushUrl]
# command = 'ffmpeg -loglevel debug -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24' +\ # command = 'ffmpeg -loglevel debug -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24' +\

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