# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from pickle import dumps, loads from traceback import format_exc import time import cv2 from loguru import logger from common.Constant import COLOR from enums.BaiduSdkEnum import VehicleEnum from enums.ExceptionEnum import ExceptionType from enums.ModelTypeEnum import ModelType, BAIDU_MODEL_TARGET_CONFIG from exception.CustomerException import ServiceException from util.ImgBaiduSdk import AipBodyAnalysisClient, AipImageClassifyClient from util.PlotsUtils import get_label_arrays, get_label_array_dict from util.TorchUtils import select_device sys.path.extend(['..', '../AIlib2']) from AI import AI_process, AI_process_forest, get_postProcess_para, ocr_process, AI_process_N, AI_process_C from stdc import stdcModel from segutils.segmodel import SegModel from models.experimental import attempt_load from obbUtils.shipUtils import OBB_infer from obbUtils.load_obb_model import load_model_decoder_OBB import torch import tensorrt as trt from utilsK.jkmUtils import pre_process, post_process, get_return_data from DMPR import DMPRModel FONT_PATH = "../AIlib2/conf/platech.ttf" # 河道模型、河道检测模型、交通模型、人员落水模型、城市违章公共模型 class OneModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) par = modeType.value[4](str(device), gpu_name) mode, postPar, segPar = par.get('mode', 'others'), par.get('postPar'), par.get('segPar') names = par['labelnames'] postFile = par['postFile'] rainbows = postFile["rainbows"] new_device = select_device(par.get('device')) half = new_device.type != 'cpu' Detweights = par['Detweights'] with open(Detweights, "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(trt.Logger(trt.Logger.ERROR)) as runtime: model = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read()) par['segPar']['seg_nclass'] = par['seg_nclass'] Segweights = par['Segweights'] if Segweights: if modeType.value[3] == 'cityMangement3': segmodel = DMPRModel(weights=Segweights, par=par['segPar']) else: segmodel = stdcModel(weights=Segweights, par=par['segPar']) else: segmodel = None objectPar = { 'half': half, 'device': new_device, 'conf_thres': postFile["conf_thres"], 'ovlap_thres_crossCategory': postFile.get("ovlap_thres_crossCategory"), 'iou_thres': postFile["iou_thres"], 'allowedList': [], 'segRegionCnt': par['segRegionCnt'], 'trtFlag_det': par['trtFlag_det'], 'trtFlag_seg': par['trtFlag_seg'] } model_param = { "model": model, "segmodel": segmodel, "objectPar": objectPar, "segPar": segPar, "mode": mode, "postPar": postPar } self.model_conf = (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows) except Exception: logger.error("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) class cityManagementModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) par = modeType.value[4](str(device), gpu_name) postProcess = par['postProcess'] names = par['labelnames'] postFile = par['postFile'] rainbows = postFile["rainbows"] modelList=[ modelPar['model'](weights=modelPar['weight'],par=modelPar['par']) for modelPar in par['models'] ] model_param = { "modelList": modelList, "postProcess": postProcess, } self.model_conf = (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows) except Exception: logger.error("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) def detSeg_demo2(args): model_conf, frame, request_id = args modelList, postProcess = model_conf[1]['modelList'], model_conf[1]['postProcess'] try: return AI_process_N([frame], modelList, postProcess) except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: # self.num += 1 # cv2.imwrite('/home/th/tuo_heng/dev/img%s.jpg' % str(self.num), frame) logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) def model_process(args): model_conf, frame, request_id = args model_param, names, rainbows = model_conf[1], model_conf[3], model_conf[4] # modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows = model_conf # segmodel, names, label_arraylist, rainbows, objectPar, font, segPar, mode, postPar, requestId = args # model_param['digitFont'] = digitFont # model_param['label_arraylist'] = label_arraylist # model_param['font_config'] = font_config try: return AI_process([frame], model_param['model'], model_param['segmodel'], names, model_param['label_arraylist'], rainbows, objectPar=model_param['objectPar'], font=model_param['digitFont'], segPar=loads(dumps(model_param['segPar'])), mode=model_param['mode'], postPar=model_param['postPar']) except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: # self.num += 1 # cv2.imwrite('/home/th/tuo_heng/dev/img%s.jpg' % str(self.num), frame) logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) # 森林模型、车辆模型、行人模型、烟火模型、 钓鱼模型、航道模型、乡村模型、城管模型公共模型 class TwoModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device1, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): s = time.time() try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) par = modeType.value[4](str(device1), gpu_name) device = select_device(par.get('device')) names = par['labelnames'] half = device.type != 'cpu' Detweights = par['Detweights'] with open(Detweights, "rb") as f, trt.Runtime(trt.Logger(trt.Logger.ERROR)) as runtime: model = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read()) segmodel = None postFile = par['postFile'] conf_thres = postFile["conf_thres"] iou_thres = postFile["iou_thres"] rainbows = postFile["rainbows"] otc = postFile.get("ovlap_thres_crossCategory") model_param = { "model": model, "segmodel": segmodel, "half": half, "device": device, "conf_thres": conf_thres, "iou_thres": iou_thres, "trtFlag_det": par['trtFlag_det'], "otc": otc } self.model_conf = (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows) except Exception: logger.error("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) logger.info("模型初始化时间:{}, requestId:{}", time.time() - s, requestId) def forest_process(args): model_conf, frame, request_id = args model_param, names, rainbows = model_conf[1], model_conf[3], model_conf[4] try: return AI_process_forest([frame], model_param['model'], model_param['segmodel'], names, model_param['label_arraylist'], rainbows, model_param['half'], model_param['device'], model_param['conf_thres'], model_param['iou_thres'], [], font=model_param['digitFont'], trtFlag_det=model_param['trtFlag_det'], SecNms=model_param['otc']) except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: # self.num += 1 # cv2.imwrite('/home/th/tuo_heng/dev/img%s.jpg' % str(self.num), frame) logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) class MultiModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device1, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): s = time.time() try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) par = modeType.value[4](str(device1), gpu_name) postProcess = par['postProcess'] names = par['labelnames'] postFile = par['postFile'] rainbows = postFile["rainbows"] modelList=[ modelPar['model'](weights=modelPar['weight'],par=modelPar['par']) for modelPar in par['models'] ] model_param = { "modelList": modelList, "postProcess": postProcess, } self.model_conf = (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows) except Exception: logger.error("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) logger.info("模型初始化时间:{}, requestId:{}", time.time() - s, requestId) def channel2_process(args): model_conf, frame, request_id = args modelList, postProcess = model_conf[1]['modelList'], model_conf[1]['postProcess'] try: start = time.time() result = [[None, None, AI_process_C([frame], modelList, postProcess)[0]]] # 为了让返回值适配统一的接口而写的shi # print("AI_process_C use time = {}".format(time.time()-start)) return result except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) def get_label_arraylist(*args): width, height, names, rainbows = args # line = int(round(0.002 * (height + width) / 2) + 1) line = max(1, int(round(width / 1920 * 3))) label = ' 0.95' tf = max(line - 1, 1) fontScale = line * 0.33 text_width, text_height = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=fontScale, thickness=tf)[0] # fontsize = int(width / 1920 * 40) numFontSize = float(format(width / 1920 * 1.1, '.1f')) digitFont = {'line_thickness': line, 'boxLine_thickness': line, 'fontSize': numFontSize, 'waterLineColor': (0, 255, 255), 'segLineShow': False, 'waterLineWidth': line, 'wordSize': text_height, 'label_location': 'leftTop'} label_arraylist = get_label_arrays(names, rainbows, fontSize=text_height, fontPath=FONT_PATH) return digitFont, label_arraylist, (line, text_width, text_height, fontScale, tf) # 船只模型 class ShipModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device1, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): s = time.time() try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) par = modeType.value[4](str(device1), gpu_name) model, decoder2 = load_model_decoder_OBB(par) par['decoder'] = decoder2 names = par['labelnames'] rainbows = par['postFile']["rainbows"] model_param = { "model": model, "par": par } self.model_conf = (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows) except Exception: logger.exception("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) logger.info("模型初始化时间:{}, requestId:{}", time.time() - s, requestId) def obb_process(args): model_conf, frame, request_id = args model_param = model_conf[1] # font_config, frame, names, label_arrays, rainbows, model, par, requestId = args try: return OBB_infer(model_param["model"], frame, model_param["par"]) except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: # self.num += 1 # cv2.imwrite('/home/th/tuo_heng/dev/img%s.jpg' % str(self.num), frame) logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) # 车牌分割模型、健康码、行程码分割模型 class IMModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) img_type = 'code' if ModelType.PLATE_MODEL == modeType: img_type = 'plate' par = { 'code': {'weights': '../AIlib2/weights/conf/jkm/health_yolov5s_v3.jit', 'img_type': 'code', 'nc': 10}, 'plate': {'weights': '../AIlib2/weights/conf/jkm/plate_yolov5s_v3.jit', 'img_type': 'plate', 'nc': 1}, 'conf_thres': 0.4, 'iou_thres': 0.45, 'device': 'cuda:%s' % device, 'plate_dilate': (0.5, 0.3) } new_device = torch.device(par['device']) model = torch.jit.load(par[img_type]['weights']) self.model_conf = (modeType, allowedList, new_device, model, par, img_type) except Exception: logger.error("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) def im_process(args): frame, device, model, par, img_type, requestId = args try: img, padInfos = pre_process(frame, device) pred = model(img) boxes = post_process(pred, padInfos, device, conf_thres=par['conf_thres'], iou_thres=par['iou_thres'], nc=par[img_type]['nc']) # 后处理 dataBack = get_return_data(frame, boxes, modelType=img_type, plate_dilate=par['plate_dilate']) return dataBack except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) # 百度AI图片识别模型 class BaiduAiImageModel: __slots__ = "model_conf" def __init__(self, device=None, allowedList=None, requestId=None, modeType=None, gpu_name=None, base_dir=None, env=None): try: logger.info("########################加载{}########################, requestId:{}", modeType.value[2], requestId) # 人体检测与属性识别、 人流量统计客户端 aipBodyAnalysisClient = AipBodyAnalysisClient(base_dir, env) # 车辆检测检测客户端 aipImageClassifyClient = AipImageClassifyClient(base_dir, env) rainbows = COLOR vehicle_names = [VehicleEnum.CAR.value[1], VehicleEnum.TRICYCLE.value[1], VehicleEnum.MOTORBIKE.value[1], VehicleEnum.CARPLATE.value[1], VehicleEnum.TRUCK.value[1], VehicleEnum.BUS.value[1]] person_names = ['人'] self.model_conf = (modeType, aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, allowedList, rainbows, vehicle_names, person_names, requestId) except Exception: logger.exception("模型加载异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), requestId) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1]) def get_baidu_label_arraylist(*args): width, height, vehicle_names, person_names, rainbows = args # line = int(round(0.002 * (height + width) / 2) + 1) line = max(1, int(round(width / 1920 * 3) + 1)) label = ' 0.97' tf = max(line, 1) fontScale = line * 0.33 text_width, text_height = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=fontScale, thickness=tf)[0] vehicle_label_arrays = get_label_arrays(vehicle_names, rainbows, fontSize=text_height, fontPath=FONT_PATH) person_label_arrays = get_label_arrays(person_names, rainbows, fontSize=text_height, fontPath=FONT_PATH) font_config = (line, text_width, text_height, fontScale, tf) return vehicle_label_arrays, person_label_arrays, font_config def baidu_process(args): target, url, aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, request_id = args try: # [target, url, aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, requestId] baiduEnum = BAIDU_MODEL_TARGET_CONFIG.get(target) if baiduEnum is None: raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.DETECTION_TARGET_TYPES_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED.value[0], ExceptionType.DETECTION_TARGET_TYPES_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED.value[1] + " target: " + target) return baiduEnum.value[2](aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, url, request_id) except ServiceException as s: raise s except Exception: logger.error("算法模型分析异常:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id) raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.MODEL_ANALYSE_EXCEPTION.value[1]) def one_label(width, height, model_conf): # modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows = model_conf names = model_conf[3] rainbows = model_conf[4] model_param = model_conf[1] digitFont, label_arraylist, font_config = get_label_arraylist(width, height, names, rainbows) model_param['digitFont'] = digitFont model_param['label_arraylist'] = label_arraylist model_param['font_config'] = font_config def dynamics_label(width, height, model_conf): # modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows = model_conf names = model_conf[3] rainbows = model_conf[4] model_param = model_conf[1] digitFont, label_arraylist, font_config = get_label_arraylist(width, height, names, rainbows) line = max(1, int(round(width / 1920 * 3))) label = ' 0.95' tf = max(line - 1, 1) fontScale = line * 0.33 _, text_height = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=fontScale, thickness=tf)[0] label_dict = get_label_array_dict(rainbows, fontSize=text_height, fontPath=FONT_PATH) model_param['digitFont'] = digitFont model_param['label_arraylist'] = label_arraylist model_param['font_config'] = font_config model_param['label_dict'] = label_dict def baidu_label(width, height, model_conf): # modeType, aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, allowedList, rainbows, # vehicle_names, person_names, requestId vehicle_names = model_conf[5] person_names = model_conf[6] rainbows = model_conf[4] vehicle_label_arrays, person_label_arrays, font_config = get_baidu_label_arraylist(width, height, vehicle_names, person_names, rainbows) return vehicle_label_arrays, person_label_arrays, font_config MODEL_CONFIG = { # 加载河道模型 ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.WATER_SURFACE_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x) ), # 加载森林模型 ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.FOREST_FARM_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x) ), # 加载交通模型 ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.TRAFFIC_FARM_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x) ), # 加载防疫模型 ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: IMModel(x, y, r, ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL, None, lambda x: im_process(x)), # 加载车牌模型 ModelType.PLATE_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: IMModel(x, y, r, ModelType.PLATE_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.PLATE_MODEL, None, lambda x: im_process(x)), # 加载车辆模型 ModelType.VEHICLE_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.VEHICLE_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.VEHICLE_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x) ), # 加载行人模型 ModelType.PEDESTRIAN_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.PEDESTRIAN_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.PEDESTRIAN_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x)), # 加载烟火模型 ModelType.SMOGFIRE_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.SMOGFIRE_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.SMOGFIRE_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x)), # 加载钓鱼游泳模型 ModelType.ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.ANGLERSWIMMER_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x)), # 加载乡村模型 ModelType.COUNTRYROAD_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.COUNTRYROAD_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.COUNTRYROAD_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x)), # 加载船只模型 ModelType.SHIP_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: ShipModel(x, y, r, ModelType.SHIP_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.SHIP_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: obb_process(x)), # 百度AI图片识别模型 ModelType.BAIDU_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: BaiduAiImageModel(x, y, r, ModelType.BAIDU_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.BAIDU_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: baidu_label(x, y, z), lambda x: baidu_process(x)), # 航道模型 ModelType.CHANNEL_EMERGENCY_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.CHANNEL_EMERGENCY_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.CHANNEL_EMERGENCY_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x)), # 河道检测模型 ModelType.RIVER2_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.RIVER2_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.RIVER2_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x)), # 城管模型 ModelType.CITY_MANGEMENT_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: cityManagementModel(x, y, r, ModelType.CITY_MANGEMENT_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.CITY_MANGEMENT_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: detSeg_demo2(x) ), # 人员落水模型 ModelType.DROWING_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.DROWING_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.DROWING_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x) ), # 城市违章模型 ModelType.NOPARKING_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.NOPARKING_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.NOPARKING_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x) ), # 车辆违停模型 ModelType.ILLPARKING_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.ILLPARKING_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.ILLPARKING_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x) ), # 城市公路模型 ModelType.CITYROAD_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.CITYROAD_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.CITYROAD_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x)), # 加载坑槽模型 ModelType.POTHOLE_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: TwoModel(x, y, r, ModelType.POTHOLE_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.POTHOLE_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: forest_process(x) ), # 加载船只综合检测模型 ModelType.CHANNEL2_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: MultiModel(x, y, r, ModelType.CHANNEL2_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.CHANNEL2_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: dynamics_label(x, y, z), lambda x: channel2_process(x) ), # 河道检测模型 ModelType.RIVERT_MODEL.value[1]: ( lambda x, y, r, t, z, h: OneModel(x, y, r, ModelType.RIVERT_MODEL, t, z, h), ModelType.RIVERT_MODEL, lambda x, y, z: one_label(x, y, z), lambda x: model_process(x)), }