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131 lines

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import time
  3. import json
  4. from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
  5. from aliyunsdkvod.request.v20170321 import GetPlayInfoRequest
  6. from vodsdk.AliyunVodUtils import *
  7. from vodsdk.AliyunVodUploader import AliyunVodUploader
  8. from vodsdk.UploadVideoRequest import UploadVideoRequest
  9. '''
  10. 视频上传使用vod
  11. 1. 阿里云VOD文档地址:
  12. 2. 阿里云对象存储OSS SDK示例地址:
  13. 4. 安装SDK:
  14. python -m pip install aliyun-python-sdk-core -i
  15. python -m pip install aliyun-python-sdk-live -i
  16. python -m pip install aliyun-python-sdk-core-v3 -i
  17. python -m pip install aliyun-python-sdk-vod -i
  18. python -m pip install alibabacloud_vod20170321 -i
  19. python -m pip install oss2 -i
  20. python -m pip install voduploadsdk -i
  21. 5. 视频域名地址:
  22. '''
  23. class AliyunVodSdk:
  24. def __init__(self):
  25. self.__client = None
  26. self.__access_key = 'LTAI5tMiefafZ6br4zmrQWv9'
  27. self.__access_secret = 'JgzQjSCkwZ7lefZO6egOArw38YH1Tk'
  28. self.__regionId = "cn-shanghai"
  29. self.__cateId = '1000468340'
  30. def init_vod_client(self):
  31. return AcsClient(self.__access_key, self.__access_secret, self.__regionId, auto_retry=True, max_retry_time=3,
  32. timeout=5)
  33. '''
  34. 根据videoId获取视频地址
  35. '''
  36. def get_play_info(self, videoId):
  37."开始获取视频地址,videoId:{}", videoId)
  38. start = time.time()
  39. while True:
  40. try:
  41. clt = self.init_vod_client()
  42. request = GetPlayInfoRequest.GetPlayInfoRequest()
  43. request.set_accept_format('JSON')
  44. request.set_VideoId(videoId)
  45. request.set_AuthTimeout(3600 * 5)
  46. response = json.loads(clt.do_action_with_exception(request))
  47. play_url = response["PlayInfoList"]["PlayInfo"][0]["PlayURL"]
  48."获取视频地址成功,视频地址: {}", play_url)
  49. return play_url
  50. except Exception as e:
  51. logger.error("获取视频地址失败,5秒后重试, requestId: {}")
  52. time.sleep(5)
  53. current_time = time.time()
  54. if "HTTP Status: 403" not in str(e):
  55. logger.exception("获取视频地址失败: {}", e)
  56. raise e
  57. if "HTTP Status: 403" in str(e) and ("UploadFail" in str(e) or "TranscodeFail" in str(e)):
  58. self.logger.exception("获取视频地址失败: {}", e)
  59. raise e
  60. diff_time = current_time - start
  61. if diff_time > 60 * 60 * 2:
  62. logger.exception("获取视频地址失败超时异常: {},超时时间:{}", e, diff_time)
  63. raise e
  64. def upload_local_video(self, filePath, file_title, storageLocation=None):
  65."开始执行vod视频上传, filePath: {}", filePath)
  66. uploader = AliyunVodUploader(self.__access_key, self.__access_secret)
  67. uploadVideoRequest = UploadVideoRequest(filePath, file_title)
  68. uploadVideoRequest.setCateId(self.__cateId)
  69. if storageLocation:
  70. uploadVideoRequest.setStorageLocation(storageLocation)
  71. MAX_RETRIES = 3
  72. retry_count = 0
  73. while True:
  74. try:
  75. result = uploader.uploadLocalVideo(uploadVideoRequest)
  76."vod视频上传成功, videoId:{}", result.get("VideoId"))
  77. return result.get("VideoId")
  78. except AliyunVodException as e:
  79. retry_count += 1
  80. time.sleep(3)
  81. logger.error("vod视频上传失败,重试次数:{}", retry_count)
  82. if retry_count >= MAX_RETRIES:
  83. self.logger.exception("vod视频上传重试失败: {}", e)
  84. raise e
  85. YY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  86. YMDHMSF = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f"
  87. def generate_timestamp():
  88. """根据当前时间获取时间戳,返回整数"""
  89. return int(time.time())
  90. def now_date_to_str(fmt=None):
  91. if fmt is None:
  92. fmt = YY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS
  93. return
  94. if __name__ == "__main__":
  95. # 本地原视频命名
  96. random_time = now_date_to_str(YMDHMSF)
  97. # # 如果是离线视频,将 _on_or_ 替换为 _off_or_
  98. # orFilePath = "%s%s%s%s%s" % ('本地路径', random_time, "_on_or_", 'requestId', ".mp4")
  99. # # 本地AI识别后的视频命名
  100. # # 如果是离线视频,将 _on_ai_ 替换为 _off_ai_
  101. # aiFilePath = "%s%s%s%s%s" % ('本地路径', random_time, "_on_ai_", 'requestId', ".mp4")
  102. # filePath = "%s%s%s%s%s" % ('D:\\shipin\\', random_time, "_on_ai_", '11111111', ".mp4")
  103. filePath = 'D:\\shipin\\777.mp4'
  104. codClinet = AliyunVodSdk()
  105. result = codClinet.upload_local_video(filePath, 'aiOnLineVideo1')
  106. print(result)
  107. url = codClinet.get_play_info(result)
  108. print(url)