- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import base64
- import os
- from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
- from os.path import join, exists, getsize
- from time import time, sleep
- from traceback import format_exc
- import cv2
- from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
- from loguru import logger
- from common.Constant import init_progess, success_progess
- from concurrency.FileUploadThread import ImageTypeImageFileUpload
- from concurrency.HeartbeatThread import Heartbeat
- from concurrency.PullVideoStreamProcess import OnlinePullVideoStreamProcess, OfflinePullVideoStreamProcess
- from concurrency.PushVideoStreamProcess import OnPushStreamProcess, OffPushStreamProcess
- from util.GPUtils import check_gpu_resource
- from util.LogUtils import init_log
- from concurrency.CommonThread import Common
- from concurrency.PullStreamThread import RecordingPullStreamThread
- from concurrency.RecordingHeartbeatThread import RecordingHeartbeat
- from enums.AnalysisStatusEnum import AnalysisStatus
- from enums.AnalysisTypeEnum import AnalysisType
- from enums.ExceptionEnum import ExceptionType
- from enums.ModelTypeEnum import ModelType
- from enums.RecordingStatusEnum import RecordingStatus
- from util.AliyunSdk import ThAliyunVodSdk
- from util.CpuUtils import check_cpu
- from util.Cv2Utils import write_or_video, push_video_stream, close_all_p
- from entity.FeedBack import message_feedback, recording_feedback
- from exception.CustomerException import ServiceException
- from util.ImageUtils import url2Array, add_water_pic
- from util.ModelUtils import MODEL_CONFIG
- from util.OcrBaiduSdk import OcrBaiduSdk
- from enums.BaiduSdkEnum import VehicleEnumVALUE
- from enums.ModelTypeEnum import BaiduModelTarget
- from util.PlotsUtils import xywh2xyxy2
- from util.QueUtil import put_queue, get_no_block_queue, clear_queue
- from util.TimeUtils import now_date_to_str, YMDHMSF
- class IntelligentRecognitionProcess(Process):
- __slots__ = ('_fb_queue', '_msg', '_analyse_type', '_context', 'event_queue', '_pull_queue', '_hb_queue',
- "_image_queue", "_push_queue", '_push_ex_queue')
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super().__init__()
- # 入参
- self._fb_queue, self._msg, self._analyse_type, self._context = args
- # 初始化参数
- self.event_queue, self._pull_queue, self._hb_queue, self._image_queue, self._push_queue, self._push_ex_queue = \
- Queue(), Queue(10), Queue(), Queue(), Queue(), Queue()
- # 发送waitting消息
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(self._msg["request_id"], AnalysisStatus.WAITING.value,
- self._analyse_type, progress=init_progess), timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- def sendEvent(self, eBody):
- put_queue(self.event_queue, eBody, timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- def clear_queue(self):
- clear_queue(self.event_queue)
- clear_queue(self._pull_queue)
- clear_queue(self._hb_queue)
- clear_queue(self._image_queue)
- clear_queue(self._push_queue)
- clear_queue(self._push_ex_queue)
- @staticmethod
- def build_video_path(context, msg, is_build_or=True):
- random_time = now_date_to_str(YMDHMSF)
- pre_path = '%s/%s%s' % (context["base_dir"], context["video"]["file_path"], random_time)
- end_path = '%s%s' % (msg["request_id"], ".mp4")
- if is_build_or:
- context["orFilePath"] = '%s%s%s' % (pre_path, "_on_or_", end_path)
- context["aiFilePath"] = '%s%s%s' % (pre_path, "_on_ai_", end_path)
- @staticmethod
- def start_heartbeat(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id, analyse_type, context):
- hb_thread = Heartbeat(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id, analyse_type, context)
- hb_thread.setDaemon(True)
- hb_thread.start()
- return hb_thread
- class OnlineIntelligentRecognitionProcess(IntelligentRecognitionProcess):
- __slots__ = ()
- @staticmethod
- def start_push_stream(msg, push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue, context):
- pushProcess = OnPushStreamProcess(msg, push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue, context)
- pushProcess.daemon = True
- pushProcess.start()
- return pushProcess
- @staticmethod
- def start_pull_stream(msg, context, fb_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, analyse_type, frame_num):
- pullProcess = OnlinePullVideoStreamProcess(msg, context, fb_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, analyse_type,
- frame_num)
- pullProcess.daemon = True
- pullProcess.start()
- return pullProcess
- @staticmethod
- def upload_video(base_dir, env, request_id, orFilePath, aiFilePath):
- aliyunVodSdk = ThAliyunVodSdk(base_dir, env, request_id)
- upload_video_thread_or = Common(aliyunVodSdk.get_play_url, orFilePath, "or_online_%s" % request_id)
- upload_video_thread_ai = Common(aliyunVodSdk.get_play_url, aiFilePath, "ai_online_%s" % request_id)
- upload_video_thread_or.setDaemon(True)
- upload_video_thread_ai.setDaemon(True)
- upload_video_thread_or.start()
- upload_video_thread_ai.start()
- or_url = upload_video_thread_or.get_result()
- ai_url = upload_video_thread_ai.get_result()
- return or_url, ai_url
- @staticmethod
- def ai_normal_dtection(model, frame, request_id):
- model_conf, code = model
- retResults = MODEL_CONFIG[code][3]([model_conf, frame, request_id])[0]
- return code, retResults[2]
- @staticmethod
- def obj_det(self, model_array, frame, task_status, cframe, tt, request_id):
- push_obj = []
- if task_status[1] == 1:
- dtection_result = []
- for model in model_array:
- result = tt.submit(self.ai_normal_dtection, model, frame, request_id)
- dtection_result.append(result)
- for d in dtection_result:
- code, det_r = d.result()
- if len(det_r) > 0:
- push_obj.append((code, det_r))
- if len(push_obj) == 0:
- task_status[1] = 0
- if task_status[1] == 0:
- if cframe % 30 == 0:
- dtection_result1 = []
- for model in model_array:
- result = tt.submit(self.ai_normal_dtection, model, frame, request_id)
- dtection_result1.append(result)
- for d in dtection_result1:
- code, det_r = d.result()
- if len(det_r) > 0:
- push_obj.append((code, det_r))
- if len(push_obj) > 0:
- task_status[1] = 1
- return push_obj
- @staticmethod
- def checkPT(start_time, service_timeout, pull_process, push_process, hb_thread, push_ex_queue, pull_queue,
- request_id):
- if time() - start_time > service_timeout:
- logger.error("任务执行超时, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[0],
- ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[1])
- if pull_process is not None and not pull_process.is_alive():
- while True:
- if pull_queue.empty() or pull_queue.qsize() == 0:
- break
- pull_result = get_no_block_queue(pull_queue)
- if pull_result is not None and pull_result[0] == 1:
- raise ServiceException(pull_result[1], pull_result[2])
- logger.info("拉流进程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("拉流进程异常停止!")
- if hb_thread is not None and not hb_thread.is_alive():
- logger.info("心跳线程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("心跳线程异常停止!")
- if push_process is not None and not push_process.is_alive():
- while True:
- if push_ex_queue.empty() or push_ex_queue.qsize() == 0:
- break
- push_result = get_no_block_queue(push_ex_queue)
- if push_result is not None and push_result[0] == 1:
- raise ServiceException(push_result[1], push_result[2])
- logger.info("推流进程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("推流进程异常停止!")
- def run(self):
- msg, context, analyse_type = self._msg, self._context, self._analyse_type
- self.build_video_path(context, msg)
- request_id = msg["request_id"]
- base_dir, env = context["base_dir"], context["env"]
- service_timeout = int(context["service"]["timeout"])
- ex = None
- # 拉流进程、推流进程、心跳线程
- pull_process, push_process, hb_thread = None, None, None
- # 事件队列、拉流队列、心跳队列、反馈队列
- event_queue, pull_queue, hb_queue, fb_queue = self.event_queue, self._pull_queue, self._hb_queue, self._fb_queue
- # 推流队列、推流异常队列、图片队列
- push_queue, push_ex_queue, image_queue = self._push_queue, self._push_ex_queue, self._image_queue
- try:
- # 初始化日志
- init_log(base_dir, env)
- # 打印启动日志
- logger.info("开始启动实时分析进程!requestId: {}", request_id)
- # 启动拉流进程(包含拉流线程, 图片上传线程)
- # 拉流进程初始化时间长, 先启动
- pull_process = self.start_pull_stream(msg, context, fb_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, analyse_type, 25)
- # 启动心跳线程
- hb_thread = self.start_heartbeat(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id, analyse_type, context)
- # 加载算法模型
- model_array = get_model(msg, context, analyse_type)
- # 启动推流进程
- push_process = self.start_push_stream(msg, push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue, context)
- # 第一个参数: 模型是否初始化 0:未初始化 1:初始化
- # 第二个参数: 检测是否有问题 0: 没有问题, 1: 有问题
- task_status = [0, 0]
- draw_config = {}
- start_time = time()
- # 识别2个线程性能最优
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- # 可能使用模型组合, 模型组合最多3个模型, 1对3, 上面的2个线程对应6个线程
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) as tt:
- while True:
- # 检查拉流进程是否正常, 心跳线程是否正常
- self.checkPT(start_time, service_timeout, pull_process, push_process, hb_thread, push_ex_queue,
- pull_queue, request_id)
- # 检查推流是否异常
- push_status = get_no_block_queue(push_ex_queue)
- if push_status is not None and push_status[0] == 1:
- raise ServiceException(push_status[1], push_status[2])
- # 获取停止指令
- event_result = get_no_block_queue(event_queue)
- if event_result:
- cmdStr = event_result.get("command")
- # 接收到停止指令
- if "stop" == cmdStr:
- logger.info("实时任务开始停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_result = get_no_block_queue(pull_queue)
- if pull_result is None:
- sleep(1)
- continue
- # (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames))
- if pull_result[0] == 4:
- frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames = pull_result[1]
- if len(frame_list) > 0:
- # 判断是否已经初始化
- if task_status[0] == 0:
- task_status[0] = 1
- for i, model in enumerate(model_array):
- model_conf, code = model
- model_param = model_conf[1]
- # (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows)
- MODEL_CONFIG[code][2](frame_list[0].shape[1], frame_list[0].shape[0],
- model_conf)
- if draw_config.get("font_config") is None:
- draw_config["font_config"] = model_param['font_config']
- if draw_config.get(code) is None:
- draw_config[code] = {}
- draw_config[code]["allowedList"] = model_conf[2]
- draw_config[code]["rainbows"] = model_conf[4]
- draw_config[code]["label_arrays"] = model_param['label_arraylist']
- # 多线程并发处理, 经过测试两个线程最优
- det_array = []
- for i, frame in enumerate(frame_list):
- det_result = t.submit(self.obj_det, self, model_array, frame, task_status,
- frame_index_list[i], tt, request_id)
- det_array.append(det_result)
- push_objs = [det.result() for det in det_array]
- put_queue(push_queue,
- (1, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames, draw_config, push_objs)),
- timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- del det_array, push_objs
- del frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames
- elif pull_result[0] == 1:
- # 拉流发生异常
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop_ex'), timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- push_process.join(120)
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_process.join(120)
- raise ServiceException(pull_result[1], pull_result[2])
- elif pull_result[0] == 2:
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop'), timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- push_process.join(120)
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_process.join(120)
- break
- else:
- raise Exception("未知拉流状态异常!")
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.exception("服务异常,异常编号:{}, 异常描述:{}, requestId: {}", s.code, s.msg, request_id)
- ex = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("服务异常: {}, requestId: {},", format_exc(), request_id)
- ex = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- orFilePath, aiFilePath = context["orFilePath"], context["aiFilePath"]
- base_dir, env = context["base_dir"], context["env"]
- or_url, ai_url, exc = "", "", None
- try:
- # 如果拉流进程存在, 关闭拉流进程(拉流线程、图片上传线程)
- if push_process and push_process.is_alive():
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop_ex'), timeout=1)
- logger.info("关闭推流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- push_process.join(timeout=120)
- logger.info("关闭推流进程1, requestId:{}", request_id)
- if pull_process and pull_process.is_alive():
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop_ex'})
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- logger.info("关闭拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- pull_process.join(timeout=120)
- logger.info("关闭拉流进程1, requestId:{}", request_id)
- if exists(orFilePath) and exists(aiFilePath) and getsize(orFilePath) > 100:
- or_url, ai_url = self.upload_video(base_dir, env, request_id, orFilePath, aiFilePath)
- if or_url is None or ai_url is None:
- logger.error("原视频或AI视频播放上传VOD失败!, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- # 停止心跳线程
- if hb_thread and hb_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"command": "stop"}, timeout=1)
- hb_thread.join(timeout=120)
- if exists(orFilePath):
- logger.info("开始删除原视频, orFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", orFilePath, request_id)
- os.remove(orFilePath)
- logger.info("删除原视频成功, orFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", orFilePath, request_id)
- if exists(aiFilePath):
- logger.info("开始删除AI视频, aiFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", aiFilePath, request_id)
- os.remove(aiFilePath)
- logger.info("删除AI视频成功, aiFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", aiFilePath, request_id)
- # 如果有异常, 检查是否有原视频和AI视频,有则上传,响应失败
- if ex:
- code, msg = ex
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- analyse_type,
- error_code=code,
- error_msg=msg,
- video_url=or_url,
- ai_video_url=ai_url), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- else:
- if or_url is None or len(or_url) == 0 or ai_url is None or len(ai_url) == 0:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_TIME_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_TIME_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.SUCCESS.value,
- analyse_type,
- progress=success_progess,
- video_url=or_url,
- ai_video_url=ai_url), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.exception("服务异常,异常编号:{}, 异常描述:{}, requestId: {}", s.code, s.msg, request_id)
- exc = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("服务异常: {}, requestId: {},", format_exc(), request_id)
- exc = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- if push_process and push_process.is_alive():
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop_ex'), timeout=1)
- logger.info("关闭推流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- push_process.join(timeout=120)
- logger.info("关闭推流进程1, requestId:{}", request_id)
- if pull_process and pull_process.is_alive():
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop_ex'})
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- logger.info("关闭拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- pull_process.join(timeout=120)
- logger.info("关闭拉流进程1, requestId:{}", request_id)
- if exc:
- code, msg = exc
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- analyse_type,
- error_code=code,
- error_msg=msg,
- video_url=or_url,
- ai_video_url=ai_url), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- logger.info("清理队列, requestId:{}", request_id)
- self.clear_queue()
- logger.info("清理队列完成, requestId:{}", request_id)
- class OfflineIntelligentRecognitionProcess(IntelligentRecognitionProcess):
- __slots__ = ()
- @staticmethod
- def upload_video(base_dir, env, request_id, aiFilePath):
- aliyunVodSdk = ThAliyunVodSdk(base_dir, env, request_id)
- upload_video_thread_ai = Common(aliyunVodSdk.get_play_url, aiFilePath, "ai_online_%s" % request_id)
- upload_video_thread_ai.setDaemon(True)
- upload_video_thread_ai.start()
- ai_url = upload_video_thread_ai.get_result()
- return ai_url
- @staticmethod
- def ai_normal_dtection(model, frame, request_id):
- model_conf, code = model
- retResults = MODEL_CONFIG[code][3]([model_conf, frame, request_id])[0]
- # [float(cls_c), xc,yc,w,h, float(conf_c)]
- return code, retResults[2]
- @staticmethod
- def obj_det(self, model_array, frame, task_status, cframe, tt, request_id):
- push_obj = []
- if task_status[1] == 1:
- dtection_result = []
- for model in model_array:
- result = tt.submit(self.ai_normal_dtection, model, frame, request_id)
- dtection_result.append(result)
- for d in dtection_result:
- code, det_r = d.result()
- if len(det_r) > 0:
- push_obj.append((code, det_r))
- if len(push_obj) == 0:
- task_status[1] = 0
- if task_status[1] == 0:
- if cframe % 30 == 0:
- dtection_result1 = []
- for model in model_array:
- result = tt.submit(self.ai_normal_dtection, model, frame, request_id)
- dtection_result1.append(result)
- for d in dtection_result1:
- code, det_r = d.result()
- if len(det_r) > 0:
- push_obj.append((code, det_r))
- if len(push_obj) > 0:
- task_status[1] = 1
- return push_obj
- @staticmethod
- def start_push_stream(msg, push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue, context):
- pushProcess = OffPushStreamProcess(msg, push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue, context)
- pushProcess.daemon = True
- pushProcess.start()
- return pushProcess
- @staticmethod
- def start_pull_stream(msg, context, fb_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, analyse_type, frame_num):
- pullProcess = OfflinePullVideoStreamProcess(msg, context, fb_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, analyse_type,
- frame_num)
- pullProcess.daemon = True
- pullProcess.start()
- return pullProcess
- @staticmethod
- def checkPT(service_timeout, start_time, pull_process, push_process, hb_thread, push_ex_queue, pull_queue,
- request_id):
- if time() - start_time > service_timeout:
- logger.error("任务执行超时, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[0],
- ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[1])
- if pull_process is not None and not pull_process.is_alive():
- while True:
- if pull_queue.empty() or pull_queue.qsize() == 0:
- break
- pull_result = get_no_block_queue(pull_queue)
- if pull_result is not None and pull_result[0] == 1:
- raise ServiceException(pull_result[1], pull_result[2])
- logger.info("拉流进程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("拉流进程异常停止!")
- if hb_thread is not None and not hb_thread.is_alive():
- logger.info("心跳线程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("心跳线程异常停止!")
- if push_process is not None and not push_process.is_alive():
- while True:
- if push_ex_queue.empty() or push_ex_queue.qsize() == 0:
- break
- push_result = get_no_block_queue(push_ex_queue)
- if push_result is not None and push_result[0] == 1:
- raise ServiceException(push_result[1], push_result[2])
- logger.info("推流进程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("推流进程异常停止!")
- def run(self):
- msg, context, analyse_type, ex = self._msg, self._context, self._analyse_type, None
- self.build_video_path(context, msg, is_build_or=False)
- request_id, base_dir, env = msg["request_id"], context["base_dir"], context["env"]
- # 拉流进程、推流进程、心跳线程
- pull_process, push_process, hb_thread = None, None, None
- service_timeout = int(context["service"]["timeout"])
- # 事件队列、拉流队列、心跳队列、反馈队列
- event_queue, pull_queue, hb_queue, fb_queue = self.event_queue, self._pull_queue, self._hb_queue, self._fb_queue
- # 推流队列、推流异常队列、图片队列
- push_queue, push_ex_queue, image_queue = self._push_queue, self._push_ex_queue, self._image_queue
- try:
- # 初始化日志
- init_log(base_dir, env)
- # 打印启动日志
- logger.info("开始启动离线分析进程!requestId: {}", request_id)
- # 启动拉流进程(包含拉流线程, 图片上传线程)
- # 拉流进程初始化时间长, 先启动
- pull_process = self.start_pull_stream(msg, context, fb_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, analyse_type, 25)
- # 启动心跳线程
- hb_thread = self.start_heartbeat(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id, analyse_type, context)
- # 加载算法模型
- model_array = get_model(msg, context, analyse_type)
- # 启动推流进程
- push_process = self.start_push_stream(msg, push_queue, image_queue, push_ex_queue, hb_queue, context)
- # 第一个参数: 模型是否初始化 0:未初始化 1:初始化
- # 第二个参数: 检测是否有问题 0: 没有问题, 1: 有问题
- task_status = [0, 0]
- draw_config = {}
- start_time = time()
- # 识别2个线程性能最优
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- # 可能使用模型组合, 模型组合最多3个模型, 1对3, 上面的2个线程对应6个线程
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) as tt:
- while True:
- # 检查拉流进程是否正常, 心跳线程是否正常
- self.checkPT(service_timeout, start_time, pull_process, push_process, hb_thread, push_ex_queue,
- pull_queue, request_id)
- # 检查推流是否异常
- push_status = get_no_block_queue(push_ex_queue)
- if push_status is not None and push_status[0] == 1:
- raise ServiceException(push_status[1], push_status[2])
- # 获取停止指令
- event_result = get_no_block_queue(event_queue)
- if event_result:
- cmdStr = event_result.get("command")
- # 接收到停止指令
- if "stop" == cmdStr:
- logger.info("离线任务开始停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_result = get_no_block_queue(pull_queue)
- if pull_result is None:
- sleep(1)
- continue
- # (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames))
- if pull_result[0] == 4:
- frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames = pull_result[1]
- if len(frame_list) > 0:
- # 判断是否已经初始化
- if task_status[0] == 0:
- task_status[0] = 1
- for i, model in enumerate(model_array):
- model_conf, code = model
- model_param = model_conf[1]
- # (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows)
- MODEL_CONFIG[code][2](frame_list[0].shape[1], frame_list[0].shape[0],
- model_conf)
- if draw_config.get("font_config") is None:
- draw_config["font_config"] = model_param['font_config']
- if draw_config.get(code) is None:
- draw_config[code] = {}
- draw_config[code]["allowedList"] = model_conf[2]
- draw_config[code]["rainbows"] = model_conf[4]
- draw_config[code]["label_arrays"] = model_param['label_arraylist']
- det_array = []
- for i, frame in enumerate(frame_list):
- det_result = t.submit(self.obj_det, self, model_array, frame, task_status,
- frame_index_list[i], tt, request_id)
- det_array.append(det_result)
- push_objs = [det.result() for det in det_array]
- put_queue(push_queue,
- (1, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames, draw_config, push_objs)),
- timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- del det_array, push_objs
- del frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames
- elif pull_result[0] == 1:
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop_ex'), timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- logger.info("关闭推流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- push_process.join(timeout=120)
- logger.info("关闭推流进程1, requestId:{}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(pull_result[1], pull_result[2])
- elif pull_result[0] == 2:
- logger.info("离线任务开始停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop'), timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- push_process.join(120)
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_process.join(120)
- break
- else:
- raise Exception("未知拉流状态异常!")
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.exception("服务异常,异常编号:{}, 异常描述:{}, requestId: {}", s.code, s.msg, request_id)
- ex = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("服务异常: {}, requestId: {},", format_exc(), request_id)
- ex = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- base_dir, env, aiFilePath = context["base_dir"], context["env"], context["aiFilePath"]
- ai_url, exc = "", None
- try:
- if push_process and push_process.is_alive():
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop_ex'), timeout=1)
- push_process.join(timeout=120)
- if pull_process and pull_process.is_alive():
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop_ex'})
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_process.join(timeout=120)
- if exists(aiFilePath) and getsize(aiFilePath) > 100:
- ai_url = self.upload_video(base_dir, env, request_id, aiFilePath)
- if ai_url is None:
- logger.error("原视频或AI视频播放上传VOD失败!, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- # 停止心跳线程
- if hb_thread and hb_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"command": "stop"}, timeout=1)
- hb_thread.join(timeout=120)
- if exists(aiFilePath):
- logger.info("开始删除AI视频, aiFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", aiFilePath, request_id)
- os.remove(aiFilePath)
- logger.info("删除AI视频成功, aiFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", aiFilePath, request_id)
- # 如果有异常, 检查是否有原视频和AI视频,有则上传,响应失败
- if ex:
- code, msg = ex
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- analyse_type,
- error_code=code,
- error_msg=msg,
- ai_video_url=ai_url), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- else:
- if ai_url is None or len(ai_url) == 0:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_TIME_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_TIME_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.SUCCESS.value,
- analyse_type,
- progress=success_progess,
- ai_video_url=ai_url), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.exception("服务异常,异常编号:{}, 异常描述:{}, requestId: {}", s.code, s.msg, request_id)
- exc = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("服务异常: {}, requestId: {},", format_exc(), request_id)
- exc = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- if push_process and push_process.is_alive():
- put_queue(push_queue, (2, 'stop_ex'), timeout=1)
- push_process.join(timeout=120)
- if pull_process and pull_process.is_alive():
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop_ex'})
- pull_process.sendCommand({"command": 'stop'})
- pull_process.join(timeout=120)
- if hb_thread and hb_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"command": "stop"}, timeout=1)
- hb_thread.join(timeout=120)
- if exc:
- code, msg = exc
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- analyse_type,
- error_code=code,
- error_msg=msg,
- ai_video_url=ai_url), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- self.clear_queue()
- '''
- 图片识别
- '''
- class PhotosIntelligentRecognitionProcess(Process):
- __slots__ = ("_fb_queue", "_msg", "_analyse_type", "_context", "_image_queue")
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super().__init__()
- self._fb_queue, self._msg, self._analyse_type, self._context = args
- self._image_queue = Queue()
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(self._msg["request_id"], AnalysisStatus.WAITING.value,
- self._analyse_type, progress=init_progess), timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- self.build_logo(self._msg, self._context)
- @staticmethod
- def build_logo(msg, context):
- logo = None
- if context["video"]["video_add_water"]:
- logo = msg.get("logo_url")
- if logo is not None and len(logo) > 0:
- logo = url2Array(logo, enable_ex=False)
- if logo is None:
- logo = cv2.imread(join(context['base_dir'], "image/logo.png"), -1)
- context['logo'] = logo
- def epidemic_prevention(self, imageUrl, model, orc, request_id):
- try:
- # modeType, allowedList, new_device, model, par, img_type
- model_conf, code = model
- modeType, allowedList, new_device, model, par, img_type = model_conf
- image = url2Array(imageUrl)
- param = [image, new_device, model, par, img_type, request_id]
- dataBack = MODEL_CONFIG[code][3](param)
- if img_type == 'plate':
- carCode = ''
- if dataBack is None or dataBack.get("plateImage") is None or len(dataBack.get("plateImage")) == 0:
- result = orc.license_plate_recognition(image, request_id)
- score = ''
- if result is None or result.get("words_result") is None or len(result.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("车牌识别为空: {}", result)
- carCode = ''
- else:
- for word in result.get("words_result"):
- if word is not None and word.get("number") is not None:
- if len(carCode) == 0:
- carCode = word.get("number")
- else:
- carCode = carCode + "," + word.get("number")
- else:
- result = orc.license_plate_recognition(dataBack.get("plateImage")[0], request_id)
- score = dataBack.get("plateImage")[1]
- if result is None or result.get("words_result") is None or len(result.get("words_result")) == 0:
- result = orc.license_plate_recognition(image, request_id)
- if result is None or result.get("words_result") is None or len(result.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("车牌识别为空: {}", result)
- carCode = ''
- else:
- for word in result.get("words_result"):
- if word is not None and word.get("number") is not None:
- if len(carCode) == 0:
- carCode = word.get("number")
- else:
- carCode = carCode + "," + word.get("number")
- else:
- for word in result.get("words_result"):
- if word is not None and word.get("number") is not None:
- if len(carCode) == 0:
- carCode = word.get("number")
- else:
- carCode = carCode + "," + word.get("number")
- if len(carCode) > 0:
- plate_result = {'type': str(3), 'modelCode': code, 'carUrl': imageUrl,
- 'carCode': carCode,
- 'score': score}
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id,
- AnalysisStatus.RUNNING.value,
- AnalysisType.IMAGE.value, "", "",
- '',
- imageUrl,
- imageUrl,
- str(code),
- str(3),
- plate_result), timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- if img_type == 'code':
- if dataBack is None or dataBack.get("type") is None:
- return
- # 行程码
- if dataBack.get("type") == 1 and 1 in allowedList:
- # 手机号
- if dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage") is None or len(dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage")) == 0:
- phoneNumberRecognition = ''
- phone_score = ''
- else:
- phone = orc.universal_text_recognition(dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage")[0], request_id)
- phone_score = dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage")[1]
- if phone is None or phone.get("words_result") is None or len(phone.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("手机号识别为空: {}", phone)
- phoneNumberRecognition = ''
- else:
- phoneNumberRecognition = phone.get("words_result")
- if dataBack.get("cityImage") is None or len(dataBack.get("cityImage")) == 0:
- cityRecognition = ''
- city_score = ''
- else:
- city = orc.universal_text_recognition(dataBack.get("cityImage")[0], request_id)
- city_score = dataBack.get("cityImage")[1]
- if city is None or city.get("words_result") is None or len(city.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("城市识别为空: {}", city)
- cityRecognition = ''
- else:
- cityRecognition = city.get("words_result")
- if len(phoneNumberRecognition) > 0 or len(cityRecognition) > 0:
- trip_result = {'type': str(1),
- 'modelCode': code,
- 'imageUrl': imageUrl,
- 'phoneNumberRecognition': phoneNumberRecognition,
- 'phone_sorce': phone_score,
- 'cityRecognition': cityRecognition,
- 'city_score': city_score}
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id,
- AnalysisStatus.RUNNING.value,
- AnalysisType.IMAGE.value, "", "",
- '',
- imageUrl,
- imageUrl,
- str(code),
- str(1),
- trip_result), timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- if dataBack.get("type") == 2 and 2 in allowedList:
- if dataBack.get("nameImage") is None or len(dataBack.get("nameImage")) == 0:
- nameRecognition = ''
- name_score = ''
- else:
- name = orc.universal_text_recognition(dataBack.get("nameImage")[0], request_id)
- name_score = dataBack.get("nameImage")[1]
- if name is None or name.get("words_result") is None or len(name.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("名字识别为空: {}", name)
- nameRecognition = ''
- else:
- nameRecognition = name.get("words_result")
- if dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage") is None or len(dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage")) == 0:
- phoneNumberRecognition = ''
- phone_score = ''
- else:
- phone = orc.universal_text_recognition(dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage")[0], request_id)
- phone_score = dataBack.get("phoneNumberImage")[1]
- if phone is None or phone.get("words_result") is None or len(phone.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("手机号识别为空: {}", phone)
- phoneNumberRecognition = ''
- else:
- phoneNumberRecognition = phone.get("words_result")
- if dataBack.get("hsImage") is None or len(dataBack.get("hsImage")) == 0:
- hsRecognition = ''
- hs_score = ''
- else:
- hs = orc.universal_text_recognition(dataBack.get("hsImage")[0], request_id)
- hs_score = dataBack.get("hsImage")[1]
- if hs is None or hs.get("words_result") is None or len(hs.get("words_result")) == 0:
- logger.error("核酸识别为空: {}", hs)
- hsRecognition = ''
- else:
- hsRecognition = hs.get("words_result")
- if len(nameRecognition) > 0 or len(phoneNumberRecognition) > 0 or len(hsRecognition) > 0:
- healthy_result = {'type': str(2),
- 'modelCode': code,
- 'imageUrl': imageUrl,
- 'color': dataBack.get("color"),
- 'nameRecognition': nameRecognition,
- 'name_score': name_score,
- 'phoneNumberRecognition': phoneNumberRecognition,
- 'phone_score': phone_score,
- 'hsRecognition': hsRecognition,
- 'hs_score': hs_score}
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id,
- AnalysisStatus.RUNNING.value,
- AnalysisType.IMAGE.value, "", "",
- '',
- imageUrl,
- imageUrl,
- str(code),
- str(2),
- healthy_result), timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- except ServiceException as s:
- raise s
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("模型分析异常: {}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), request_id)
- raise e
- '''
- # 防疫模型
- '''
- def epidemicPrevention(self, imageUrls, model, base_dir, env, request_id):
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- orc = OcrBaiduSdk(base_dir, env)
- obj_list = []
- for imageUrl in imageUrls:
- obj = t.submit(self.epidemic_prevention, imageUrl, model, orc, request_id)
- obj_list.append(obj)
- for r in obj_list:
- r.result(60)
- def image_recognition(self, imageUrl, mod, image_queue, logo, request_id):
- try:
- model_conf, code = mod
- model_param = model_conf[1]
- image = url2Array(imageUrl)
- MODEL_CONFIG[code][2](image.shape[1], image.shape[0], model_conf)
- p_result = MODEL_CONFIG[code][3]([model_conf, image, request_id])[0]
- if p_result is None or len(p_result) < 3 or p_result[2] is None or len(p_result[2]) == 0:
- return
- if logo:
- image = add_water_pic(image, logo, request_id)
- # (modeType, model_param, allowedList, names, rainbows)
- allowedList = model_conf[2]
- label_arraylist = model_param['label_arraylist']
- font_config = model_param['font_config']
- rainbows = model_conf[4]
- det_xywh = {code: {}}
- ai_result_list = p_result[2]
- for ai_result in ai_result_list:
- box, score, cls = xywh2xyxy2(ai_result)
- # 如果检测目标在识别任务中,继续处理
- if cls in allowedList:
- label_array = label_arraylist[cls]
- color = rainbows[cls]
- cd = det_xywh[code].get(cls)
- if cd is None:
- det_xywh[code][cls] = [[cls, box, score, label_array, color]]
- else:
- det_xywh[code][cls].append([cls, box, score, label_array, color])
- if len(det_xywh) > 0:
- put_queue(image_queue, (1, (det_xywh, imageUrl, image, font_config, "")), timeout=2, is_ex=False)
- except ServiceException as s:
- raise s
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("模型分析异常: {}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), self._msg.get("request_id"))
- raise e
- def publicIdentification(self, imageUrls, mod, image_queue, logo, request_id):
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- obj_list = []
- for imageUrl in imageUrls:
- obj = t.submit(self.image_recognition, imageUrl, mod, image_queue, logo, request_id)
- obj_list.append(obj)
- for r in obj_list:
- r.result(60)
- '''
- 1. imageUrls: 图片url数组,多张图片
- 2. mod: 模型对象
- 3. image_queue: 图片队列
- '''
- def baiduRecognition(self, imageUrls, mod, image_queue, logo, request_id):
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- thread_result = []
- for imageUrl in imageUrls:
- obj = t.submit(self.baidu_recognition, imageUrl, mod, image_queue, logo, request_id)
- thread_result.append(obj)
- for r in thread_result:
- r.result(60)
- def baidu_recognition(self, imageUrl, mod, image_queue, logo, request_id):
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- try:
- # modeType, aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, allowedList, rainbows,
- # vehicle_names, person_names, requestId
- model_conf, code = mod
- allowedList = model_conf[3]
- rainbows = model_conf[4]
- # 图片转数组
- img = url2Array(imageUrl)
- vehicle_label_arrays, person_label_arrays, font_config = MODEL_CONFIG[code][2](img.shape[1],
- img.shape[0],
- model_conf)
- obj_list = []
- for target in allowedList:
- parm = [target, imageUrl, model_conf[1], model_conf[2], request_id]
- reuslt = t.submit(self.baidu_method, code, parm, img, image_queue, vehicle_label_arrays,
- person_label_arrays, font_config, rainbows, logo)
- obj_list.append(reuslt)
- for r in obj_list:
- r.result(60)
- except ServiceException as s:
- raise s
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("百度AI分析异常: {}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), request_id)
- raise e
- @staticmethod
- def baidu_method(code, parm, img, image_queue, vehicle_label_arrays, person_label_arrays, font_config,
- rainbows, logo):
- # [target, url, aipImageClassifyClient, aipBodyAnalysisClient, requestId]
- request_id = parm[4]
- target = parm[0]
- image_url = parm[1]
- result = MODEL_CONFIG[code][3](parm)
- if target == BaiduModelTarget.VEHICLE_DETECTION.value[1] and result is not None:
- vehicleInfo = result.get("vehicle_info")
- if vehicleInfo is not None and len(vehicleInfo) > 0:
- det_xywh = {code: {}}
- copy_frame = img.copy()
- for i, info in enumerate(vehicleInfo):
- value = VehicleEnumVALUE.get(info.get("type"))
- target_num = value.value[2]
- label_array = vehicle_label_arrays[target_num]
- color = rainbows[target_num]
- if value is None:
- logger.error("车辆识别出现未支持的目标类型!type:{}, requestId:{}", info.get("type"), request_id)
- return
- left_top = (int(info.get("location").get("left")), int(info.get("location").get("top")))
- right_top = (int(info.get("location").get("left")) + int(info.get("location").get("width")),
- int(info.get("location").get("top")))
- right_bottom = (int(info.get("location").get("left")) + int(info.get("location").get("width")),
- int(info.get("location").get("top")) + int(info.get("location").get("height")))
- left_bottom = (int(info.get("location").get("left")),
- int(info.get("location").get("top")) + int(info.get("location").get("height")))
- box = [left_top, right_top, right_bottom, left_bottom]
- score = float("%.2f" % info.get("probability"))
- if logo:
- copy_frame = add_water_pic(copy_frame, logo, request_id)
- if det_xywh[code].get(target) is None:
- det_xywh[code][target] = [[target, box, score, label_array, color]]
- else:
- det_xywh[code][target].append([target, box, score, label_array, color])
- info["id"] = str(i)
- if len(det_xywh[code]) > 0:
- result["type"] = str(target)
- result["modelCode"] = code
- put_queue(image_queue, (1, (det_xywh, image_url, copy_frame, font_config, result)), timeout=2,
- is_ex=True)
- # 人体识别
- if target == BaiduModelTarget.HUMAN_DETECTION.value[1] and result is not None:
- personInfo = result.get("person_info")
- personNum = result.get("person_num")
- if personNum is not None and personNum > 0 and personInfo is not None and len(personInfo) > 0:
- det_xywh = {code: {}}
- copy_frame = img.copy()
- for i, info in enumerate(personInfo):
- left_top = (int(info.get("location").get("left")), int(info.get("location").get("top")))
- right_top = (int(info.get("location").get("left")) + int(info.get("location").get("width")),
- int(info.get("location").get("top")))
- right_bottom = (int(info.get("location").get("left")) + int(info.get("location").get("width")),
- int(info.get("location").get("top")) + int(info.get("location").get("height")))
- left_bottom = (int(info.get("location").get("left")),
- int(info.get("location").get("top")) + int(info.get("location").get("height")))
- box = [left_top, right_top, right_bottom, left_bottom]
- score = float("%.2f" % info.get("location").get("score"))
- label_array = person_label_arrays[0]
- color = rainbows[0]
- if logo:
- copy_frame = add_water_pic(copy_frame, logo, request_id)
- if det_xywh[code].get(target) is None:
- det_xywh[code][target] = [[target, box, score, label_array, color]]
- else:
- det_xywh[code][target].append([target, box, score, label_array, color])
- info["id"] = str(i)
- if len(det_xywh[code]) > 0:
- result["type"] = str(target)
- result["modelCode"] = code
- put_queue(image_queue, (1, (det_xywh, image_url, copy_frame, font_config, result)), timeout=2)
- # 人流量
- if target == BaiduModelTarget.PEOPLE_COUNTING.value[1] and result is not None:
- base64Image = result.get("image")
- if base64Image is not None and len(base64Image) > 0:
- baiduImage = base64.b64decode(base64Image)
- result["type"] = str(target)
- result["modelCode"] = code
- del result["image"]
- put_queue(image_queue, (1, (None, image_url, baiduImage, None, result)), timeout=2)
- @staticmethod
- def start_File_upload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type):
- image_thread = ImageTypeImageFileUpload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type)
- image_thread.setDaemon(True)
- image_thread.start()
- return image_thread
- def run(self):
- fb_queue, msg, analyse_type, context = self._fb_queue, self._msg, self._analyse_type, self._context
- request_id, logo, image_queue = msg["request_id"], context['logo'], self._image_queue
- base_dir, env = context["base_dir"], context["env"]
- imageUrls = msg["image_urls"]
- image_thread = None
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- try:
- init_log(base_dir, env)
- logger.info("开始启动图片识别进程, requestId: {}", request_id)
- model_array = get_model(msg, context, analyse_type)
- image_thread = self.start_File_upload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type)
- task_list = []
- for model in model_array:
- # 百度模型逻辑
- if model[1] == ModelType.BAIDU_MODEL.value[1]:
- result = t.submit(self.baiduRecognition, imageUrls, model, image_queue, logo, request_id)
- task_list.append(result)
- # 防疫模型
- elif model[1] == ModelType.EPIDEMIC_PREVENTION_MODEL.value[1]:
- result = t.submit(self.epidemicPrevention, imageUrls, model, base_dir, env, request_id)
- task_list.append(result)
- # 车牌模型
- elif model[1] == ModelType.PLATE_MODEL.value[1]:
- result = t.submit(self.epidemicPrevention, imageUrls, model, base_dir, env, request_id)
- task_list.append(result)
- else:
- result = t.submit(self.publicIdentification, imageUrls, model, image_queue, logo, request_id)
- task_list.append(result)
- for r in task_list:
- r.result(60)
- if image_thread and not image_thread.is_alive():
- raise Exception("图片识别图片上传线程异常停止!!!")
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, 'stop'), timeout=2)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("图片进程任务完成,requestId:{}", request_id)
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id,
- AnalysisStatus.SUCCESS.value,
- analyse_type,
- progress=success_progess), timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.error("图片分析异常,异常编号:{}, 异常描述:{}, requestId:{}", s.code, s.msg, request_id)
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- analyse_type,
- s.code,
- s.msg), timeout=2)
- except Exception:
- logger.error("图片分析异常: {}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id)
- put_queue(fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- analyse_type,
- ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]), timeout=2)
- finally:
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- clear_queue(image_queue)
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, 'stop'), timeout=2)
- image_thread.join(120)
- clear_queue(image_queue)
- class ScreenRecordingProcess(Process):
- __slots__ = ('_fb_queue', '_context', '_msg', '_analysisType', '_event_queue', '_hb_queue', '_analysisType')
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super().__init__()
- # 传参
- self._fb_queue, self._context, self._msg, self._analysisType = args
- self._event_queue, self._hb_queue, self._pull_queue = Queue(), Queue(), Queue(10)
- put_queue(self._fb_queue,
- recording_feedback(self._msg["request_id"], RecordingStatus.RECORDING_WAITING.value[0]),
- timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- def sendEvent(self, result):
- put_queue(self._event_queue, result, timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- @staticmethod
- def start_pull_stream_thread(msg, context, pull_queue, hb_queue, fb_queue, frame_num):
- pullThread = RecordingPullStreamThread(msg, context, pull_queue, hb_queue, fb_queue, frame_num)
- pullThread.setDaemon(True)
- pullThread.start()
- return pullThread
- @staticmethod
- def start_hb_thread(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id):
- hb = RecordingHeartbeat(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id)
- hb.setDaemon(True)
- hb.start()
- return hb
- @staticmethod
- def check(start_time, service_timeout, pull_thread, hb_thread, request_id):
- if time() - start_time > service_timeout:
- logger.error("录屏超时, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[0],
- ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[1])
- if pull_thread and not pull_thread.is_alive():
- logger.info("录屏拉流线程停止异常, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("录屏拉流线程异常停止")
- if hb_thread and not hb_thread.is_alive():
- logger.info("录屏心跳线程异常停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise Exception("录屏心跳线程异常停止")
- def run(self):
- msg, context = self._msg, self._context
- request_id, push_url = msg['request_id'], msg.get('push_url')
- pull_queue, fb_queue, hb_queue, event_queue = self._pull_queue, self._fb_queue, self._hb_queue, \
- self._event_queue
- base_dir, env, service_timeout = context['base_dir'], context['env'], int(context["service"]["timeout"])
- pre_path, end_path = '%s/%s%s' % (base_dir, context["video"]["file_path"], now_date_to_str(YMDHMSF)), \
- '%s%s' % (request_id, ".mp4")
- orFilePath = '%s%s%s' % (pre_path, "_on_or_", end_path)
- pull_thread, hb_thread = None, None
- or_write_status, p_push_status = [0, 0], [0, 0]
- or_video_file, push_p = None, None
- ex = None
- try:
- # 初始化日志
- init_log(base_dir, env)
- # 启动拉流线程
- pull_thread = self.start_pull_stream_thread(msg, context, pull_queue, hb_queue, fb_queue, 25)
- hb_thread = self.start_hb_thread(fb_queue, hb_queue, request_id)
- start_time = time()
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as t:
- while True:
- # 检查拉流线程和心跳线程
- self.check(start_time, service_timeout, pull_thread, hb_thread, request_id)
- # 判断是否需要停止录屏
- event_result = get_no_block_queue(event_queue)
- if event_result is not None:
- cmdStr = event_result.get("command")
- # 接收到停止指令
- if 'stop' == cmdStr:
- logger.info("录屏任务开始停止, requestId: {}", request_id)
- pull_thread.sendEvent({"command": "stop"})
- pull_result = get_no_block_queue(pull_queue)
- if pull_result is None:
- sleep(1)
- continue
- if pull_result[0] == 1:
- close_all_p(push_p, or_video_file, None, request_id)
- pull_thread.sendEvent({"command": "stop"})
- pull_thread.join(180)
- raise ServiceException(pull_result[1], pull_result[2])
- elif pull_result[0] == 2:
- close_all_p(push_p, or_video_file, None, request_id)
- pull_thread.sendEvent({"command": "stop"})
- pull_thread.join(180)
- break
- elif pull_result[0] == 4:
- frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames = pull_result[1]
- if len(frame_list) > 0:
- for i, frame in enumerate(frame_list):
- if frame_index_list[i] % 300 == 0 and frame_index_list[i] < all_frames:
- task_process = "%.2f" % (float(frame_index_list[i]) / float(all_frames))
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"progress": task_process}, timeout=1)
- write_or_video_result = t.submit(write_or_video, frame, orFilePath, or_video_file,
- or_write_status, request_id)
- if push_url is not None and len(push_url) > 0:
- push_p_result = t.submit(push_video_stream, frame, push_p, push_url, p_push_status,
- request_id)
- push_p = push_p_result.result()
- or_video_file = write_or_video_result.result()
- else:
- raise Exception("未知拉流状态异常!")
- logger.info("录屏线程任务完成,requestId:{}", self._msg.get("request_id"))
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.error("服务异常,异常编号:{}, 异常描述:{}, requestId: {}", s.code, s.msg, self._msg.get("request_id"))
- ex = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("服务异常: {}, requestId: {},", format_exc(), self._msg.get("request_id"))
- ex = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- or_url = ""
- exn = None
- try:
- # 关闭推流管道, 原视频写流客户端
- close_all_p(push_p, or_video_file, None, request_id)
- # 关闭拉流线程
- if pull_thread and pull_thread.is_alive():
- pull_thread.sendEvent({"command": "stop_ex"})
- pull_thread.sendEvent({"command": "stop"})
- pull_thread.join(120)
- # 判断是否需要上传视频
- if exists(orFilePath) and getsize(orFilePath) > 100:
- or_url = self.upload_video(base_dir, env, request_id, orFilePath)
- if or_url is None or len(or_url) == 0:
- logger.error("原视频或AI视频播放上传VOD失败!, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.GET_VIDEO_URL_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- # 停止心跳线程
- if hb_thread and hb_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"command": "stop"}, timeout=10, is_ex=False)
- hb_thread.join(timeout=120)
- if exists(orFilePath):
- logger.info("开始删除原视频, orFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", orFilePath, request_id)
- os.remove(orFilePath)
- logger.info("删除原视频成功, orFilePath: {}, requestId: {}", orFilePath, request_id)
- # 如果有异常, 检查是否有原视频和AI视频,有则上传,响应失败
- if ex:
- code, msg = ex
- put_queue(fb_queue, recording_feedback(request_id, RecordingStatus.RECORDING_FAILED.value[0],
- error_code=code,
- error_msg=msg,
- video_url=or_url), timeout=10, is_ex=False)
- else:
- if or_url is None or len(or_url) == 0:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_TIME_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.PUSH_STREAM_TIME_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- put_queue(fb_queue, recording_feedback(request_id, RecordingStatus.RECORDING_SUCCESS.value[0],
- progress=success_progess,
- video_url=or_url), timeout=10, is_ex=False)
- except ServiceException as s:
- exn = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("异常:{}, requestId: {}", format_exc(), request_id)
- exn = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- if pull_thread and pull_thread.is_alive():
- pull_thread.sendEvent({"command": "stop"})
- pull_thread.join(120)
- if hb_thread and hb_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(hb_queue, {"command": "stop"}, timeout=10, is_ex=False)
- hb_thread.join(timeout=120)
- self.clear_queue_end()
- if exn:
- code, msg = exn
- put_queue(fb_queue, recording_feedback(request_id, RecordingStatus.RECORDING_FAILED.value[0],
- error_code=code,
- error_msg=msg,
- video_url=or_url), timeout=10, is_ex=False)
- def clear_queue_end(self):
- clear_queue(self._event_queue)
- clear_queue(self._hb_queue)
- clear_queue(self._pull_queue)
- @staticmethod
- def upload_video(base_dir, env, request_id, orFilePath):
- aliyunVodSdk = ThAliyunVodSdk(base_dir, env, request_id)
- upload_video_thread_ai = Common(aliyunVodSdk.get_play_url, orFilePath, "or_online_%s" % request_id)
- upload_video_thread_ai.setDaemon(True)
- upload_video_thread_ai.start()
- or_url = upload_video_thread_ai.get_result()
- return or_url
- """
- "models": [{
- "code": "模型编号",
- "categories":[{
- "id": "模型id",
- "config": {
- "k1": "v1",
- "k2": "v2"
- }
- }]
- }]
- """
- def get_model(msg, context, analyse_type):
- # 初始变量
- request_id, base_dir, gpu_name, env = msg["request_id"], context["base_dir"], context["gpu_name"], context["env"]
- models, model_num_limit = msg["models"], context["service"]["model"]['limit']
- try:
- # 实时、离线元组
- analyse_type_tuple = (AnalysisType.ONLINE.value, AnalysisType.OFFLINE.value)
- # (实时、离线)检查模型组合, 目前只支持3个模型组合
- if analyse_type in analyse_type_tuple:
- if len(models) > model_num_limit:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_GROUP_LIMIT_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.MODEL_GROUP_LIMIT_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- modelArray, codeArray = [], set()
- for model in models:
- # 模型编码
- code = model["code"]
- # 检验code是否重复
- if code in codeArray:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_DUPLICATE_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.MODEL_DUPLICATE_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- codeArray.add(code)
- # 检测目标数组
- needed_objectsIndex = list(set([int(category["id"]) for category in model["categories"]]))
- logger.info("模型编号: {}, 检查目标: {}, requestId: {}", code, needed_objectsIndex, request_id)
- model_method = MODEL_CONFIG.get(code)
- if model_method is None:
- logger.error("未匹配到对应的模型, requestId:{}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.AI_MODEL_MATCH_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.AI_MODEL_MATCH_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- # 检查cpu资源、gpu资源
- check_cpu(base_dir, request_id)
- gpu_ids = check_gpu_resource(request_id)
- # 如果实时识别、离线识别
- if analyse_type in analyse_type_tuple:
- if model["is_video"] == "1":
- mod = model_method[0](gpu_ids[0], needed_objectsIndex, request_id, gpu_name, base_dir, env)
- modelArray.append((mod.model_conf, code))
- else:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_NOT_SUPPORT_VIDEO_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- model_method[1].value[2])
- # 如果是图片识别
- if analyse_type == AnalysisType.IMAGE.value:
- if model["is_image"] == "1":
- mod = model_method[0](gpu_ids[0], needed_objectsIndex, request_id, gpu_name, base_dir, env)
- modelArray.append((mod.model_conf, code))
- else:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_NOT_SUPPORT_IMAGE_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- model_method[1].value[2])
- if len(modelArray) == 0:
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.AI_MODEL_MATCH_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.AI_MODEL_MATCH_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- return modelArray
- except ServiceException as s:
- raise s
- except Exception:
- logger.error("模型配置处理异常: {}, request_id: {}", format_exc(), request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.MODEL_LOADING_EXCEPTION.value[1])