- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import os
- from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
- from os import getpid
- from time import time, sleep
- from traceback import format_exc
- import psutil
- from loguru import logger
- from util.LogUtils import init_log
- from concurrency.FileUploadThread import ImageFileUpload
- from entity.FeedBack import message_feedback
- from enums.AnalysisStatusEnum import AnalysisStatus
- from enums.ExceptionEnum import ExceptionType
- from exception.CustomerException import ServiceException
- from util.Cv2Utils import check_video_stream, build_video_info, pull_read_video_stream, clear_pull_p
- from util.QueUtil import get_no_block_queue, put_queue, clear_queue, put_queue_result
- class PullVideoStreamProcess(Process):
- __slots__ = ("_command_queue", "_msg", "_context", "_fb_queue", "_pull_queue", "_image_queue", "_analyse_type",
- "_frame_num")
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super().__init__()
- # 自带参数
- self._command_queue = Queue()
- # 传参
- self._msg, self._context, self._fb_queue, self._pull_queue, self._image_queue, self._analyse_type, \
- self._frame_num = args
- def sendCommand(self, result):
- put_queue(self._command_queue, result, timeout=2, is_ex=True)
- @staticmethod
- def start_File_upload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type):
- image_thread = ImageFileUpload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type)
- image_thread.setDaemon(True)
- image_thread.start()
- return image_thread
- @staticmethod
- def check(start_time, service_timeout, request_id, image_thread):
- if time() - start_time > service_timeout:
- logger.error("拉流进程运行超时, requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[0],
- ExceptionType.TASK_EXCUTE_TIMEOUT.value[1])
- # 检测图片上传线程是否正常运行
- if image_thread and not image_thread.is_alive():
- logger.error("未检测到图片上传线程活动,图片上传线程可能出现异常, requestId:{}", request_id)
- raise Exception("未检测到图片上传线程活动,图片上传线程可能出现异常!")
- class OnlinePullVideoStreamProcess(PullVideoStreamProcess):
- __slots__ = ()
- def run(self):
- # 避免循环调用性能影响, 优先赋值
- context, msg, analyse_type, frame_num = self._context, self._msg, self._analyse_type, self._frame_num
- base_dir, env, service = context['base_dir'], context['env'], context["service"]
- request_id, pull_url = msg["request_id"], msg["pull_url"]
- pull_stream_timeout, read_stream_timeout, service_timeout = int(service["cv2_pull_stream_timeout"]), \
- int(service["cv2_read_stream_timeout"]), int(service["timeout"]) + 120
- command_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, fb_queue = self._command_queue, self._pull_queue, self._image_queue, \
- self._fb_queue
- image_thread, ex = None, None
- width, height, width_height_3, all_frames, w_2, h_2, pull_p = None, None, None, 0, None, None, None
- frame_list, frame_index_list = [], []
- ex_status = True
- try:
- # 初始化日志
- init_log(base_dir, env)
- logger.info("开启启动实时视频拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- # 开启图片上传线程
- image_thread = self.start_File_upload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type)
- cv2_init_num, init_pull_num, concurrent_frame = 0, 1, 1
- start_time, pull_stream_start_time, read_start_time, full_timeout = time(), None, None, None
- while True:
- # 检测任务执行是否超时、图片上传线程是否正常
- self.check(start_time, service_timeout, request_id, image_thread)
- command_msg = get_no_block_queue(command_queue)
- if command_msg is not None:
- if 'stop' == command_msg.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止实时拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- break
- if 'stop_ex' == command_msg.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止实时拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- ex_status = False
- break
- # 检测视频信息是否存在或拉流对象是否存在
- if check_video_stream(width, height):
- if len(frame_list) > 0:
- put_queue(pull_queue, (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames)), timeout=1)
- frame_list, frame_index_list = [], []
- logger.info("开始重新获取视频信息: {}次, requestId: {}", cv2_init_num, request_id)
- if pull_stream_start_time is None:
- pull_stream_start_time = time()
- pull_stream_init_timeout = time() - pull_stream_start_time
- if pull_stream_init_timeout > pull_stream_timeout:
- logger.info("开始拉流超时, 超时时间:{}, requestId:{}", pull_stream_init_timeout, request_id)
- # 如果超时了, 将异常信息发送给主进程,如果队列满了,抛出异常
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.PULLSTREAM_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- cv2_init_num += 1
- width, height, width_height_3, all_frames, w_2, h_2 = build_video_info(pull_url, request_id)
- if width is None:
- sleep(1)
- continue
- pull_stream_start_time, cv2_init_num = None, 1
- frame, pull_p, width, height = pull_read_video_stream(pull_p, pull_url, width, height, width_height_3,
- w_2, h_2, request_id)
- if pull_queue.full():
- logger.info("pull拉流队列满了:{}, requestId: {}", os.getppid(), request_id)
- if full_timeout is None:
- full_timeout = time()
- if time() - full_timeout > 180:
- logger.error("拉流队列阻塞超时, 请检查父进程是否正常!requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- if psutil.Process(getpid()).ppid() == 1:
- clear_pull_p(pull_p, request_id)
- ex_status = False
- for q in [command_queue, pull_queue, image_queue]:
- clear_queue(q)
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, "stop"), timeout=1)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("检测到父进程异常停止, 请检测服务器资源是否负载过高, requestId: {}", request_id)
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id, AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- self._analyse_type,
- ExceptionType.NO_RESOURCES.value[0],
- ExceptionType.NO_RESOURCES.value[1]), timeout=2)
- break
- del frame
- continue
- full_timeout = None
- if frame is None:
- clear_pull_p(pull_p, request_id)
- if len(frame_list) > 0:
- put_queue(pull_queue, (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames)), timeout=1)
- frame_list, frame_index_list = [], []
- logger.info("获取帧为空, 开始重试: {}次, requestId: {}", init_pull_num, request_id)
- if read_start_time is None:
- read_start_time = time()
- pull_stream_read_timeout = time() - read_start_time
- if pull_stream_read_timeout > read_stream_timeout:
- logger.info("拉流过程中断了重试超时, 超时时间: {}, requestId: {}", pull_stream_read_timeout,
- request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.READSTREAM_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- init_pull_num += 1
- continue
- init_pull_num, read_start_time = 1, None
- frame_list.append(frame)
- frame_index_list.append(concurrent_frame)
- if len(frame_list) >= frame_num:
- put_queue(pull_queue, (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames)), timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- frame_list, frame_index_list = [], []
- concurrent_frame += 1
- del frame
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.error("实时拉流异常: {}, 队列大小:{}, requestId:{}", s.msg, pull_queue.qsize(), request_id)
- ex = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("实时拉流异常: {}, 队列大小:{}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), pull_queue.qsize(), request_id)
- ex = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- clear_pull_p(pull_p, request_id)
- del frame_list, frame_index_list
- if ex_status:
- if ex:
- code, msg = ex
- r = put_queue_result(pull_queue, (1, code, msg), timeout=10)
- else:
- r = put_queue_result(pull_queue, (2,), timeout=10)
- if r:
- c_time = time()
- while time() - c_time < 60:
- command_msg = get_no_block_queue(command_queue)
- if command_msg is not None:
- if 'stop' == command_msg.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止实时拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, "stop"), timeout=1)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程结束, requestId:{}", request_id)
- break
- for q in [command_queue, pull_queue, image_queue]:
- clear_queue(q)
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, "stop"), timeout=1)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程结束, requestId:{}", request_id)
- logger.info("实时拉流线程结束, 图片队列: {}, 拉流队列: {}, 图片进程的状态: {} requestId: {}",
- image_queue.qsize(), pull_queue.qsize(), image_thread.is_alive(), request_id)
- class OfflinePullVideoStreamProcess(PullVideoStreamProcess):
- __slots__ = ()
- def run(self):
- msg, context, frame_num, analyse_type = self._msg, self._context, self._frame_num, self._analyse_type
- request_id, base_dir, env, pull_url = msg["request_id"], context['base_dir'], context['env'], msg["pull_url"]
- ex, service_timeout, full_timeout = None, int(context["service"]["timeout"]) + 120, None
- command_queue, pull_queue, image_queue, fb_queue = self._command_queue, self._pull_queue, self._image_queue, \
- self._fb_queue
- image_thread, pull_p = None, None
- width, height, width_height_3, all_frames, w_2, h_2 = None, None, None, 0, None, None
- frame_list, frame_index_list = [], []
- ex_status = True
- try:
- # 初始化日志
- init_log(base_dir, env)
- logger.info("开启离线视频拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- # 开启图片上传线程
- image_thread = self.start_File_upload(fb_queue, context, msg, image_queue, analyse_type)
- # 初始化拉流工具类
- cv2_init_num, concurrent_frame = 0, 1
- start_time = time()
- while True:
- # 检测任务执行是否超时、图片上传线程是否正常
- self.check(start_time, service_timeout, request_id, image_thread)
- command_msg = get_no_block_queue(command_queue)
- if command_msg is not None:
- if 'stop' == command_msg.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止离线拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- break
- if 'stop_ex' == command_msg.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止离线拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- ex_status = False
- break
- # 检测视频信息是否存在或拉流对象是否存在
- if check_video_stream(width, height):
- logger.info("开始重新获取视频信息: {}次, requestId: {}", cv2_init_num, request_id)
- if cv2_init_num > 3:
- logger.info("离线拉流重试失败, 重试次数: {}, requestId: {}", cv2_init_num, request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.OR_VIDEO_ADDRESS_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.OR_VIDEO_ADDRESS_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- cv2_init_num += 1
- sleep(1)
- width, height, width_height_3, all_frames, w_2, h_2 = build_video_info(pull_url, request_id)
- continue
- if pull_queue.full():
- logger.info("pull拉流队列满了:{}, requestId: {}", os.getppid(), request_id)
- if full_timeout is None:
- full_timeout = time()
- if time() - full_timeout > 180:
- logger.error("pull队列阻塞超时,请检测父进程是否正常!requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1])
- if psutil.Process(getpid()).ppid() == 1:
- clear_pull_p(pull_p, request_id)
- ex_status = False
- for q in [command_queue, pull_queue, image_queue]:
- clear_queue(q)
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, "stop"), timeout=1)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("检测到父进程异常停止, 请检测服务器资源是否负载过高, requestId: {}", request_id)
- put_queue(self._fb_queue, message_feedback(request_id,
- AnalysisStatus.FAILED.value,
- self._analyse_type,
- ExceptionType.NO_RESOURCES.value[0],
- ExceptionType.NO_RESOURCES.value[1]), timeout=2)
- break
- continue
- full_timeout = None
- frame, pull_p, width, height = pull_read_video_stream(pull_p, pull_url, width, height,
- width_height_3, w_2, h_2, request_id)
- if frame is None:
- logger.info("总帧数: {}, 当前帧数: {}, requestId: {}", all_frames, concurrent_frame, request_id)
- clear_pull_p(pull_p, request_id)
- if len(frame_list) > 0:
- put_queue(pull_queue, (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames)), timeout=1)
- # 允许100帧的误差
- if concurrent_frame < all_frames - 100:
- logger.info("离线拉流异常结束:requestId: {}", request_id)
- raise ServiceException(ExceptionType.READSTREAM_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION.value[0],
- logger.info("离线拉流线程结束, requestId: {}", request_id)
- break
- frame_list.append(frame)
- frame_index_list.append(concurrent_frame)
- if len(frame_list) >= frame_num:
- put_queue(pull_queue, (4, (frame_list, frame_index_list, all_frames)), timeout=1, is_ex=True)
- frame_list, frame_index_list = [], []
- concurrent_frame += 1
- del frame
- except ServiceException as s:
- logger.error("离线拉流异常: {}, 队列大小:{}, requestId:{}", s.msg, pull_queue.qsize(), request_id)
- ex = s.code, s.msg
- except Exception:
- logger.error("离线拉流异常: {}, requestId:{}", format_exc(), request_id)
- ex = ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[0], ExceptionType.SERVICE_INNER_EXCEPTION.value[1]
- finally:
- clear_pull_p(pull_p, request_id)
- del frame_list, frame_index_list
- if ex_status:
- if ex:
- code, msg = ex
- r = put_queue_result(pull_queue, (1, code, msg), timeout=10)
- else:
- r = put_queue_result(pull_queue, (2,), timeout=10)
- if r:
- c_time = time()
- while time() - c_time < 180:
- command_msg = get_no_block_queue(command_queue)
- if command_msg is not None:
- if 'stop' == command_msg.get("command"):
- logger.info("开始停止实时拉流进程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, "stop"), timeout=1)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程结束, requestId:{}", request_id)
- break
- for q in [command_queue, pull_queue, image_queue]:
- clear_queue(q)
- if image_thread and image_thread.is_alive():
- put_queue(image_queue, (2, "stop"), timeout=1)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程, requestId:{}", request_id)
- image_thread.join(120)
- logger.info("停止图片上传线程结束, requestId:{}", request_id)
- logger.info("离线拉流线程结束, 图片队列: {}, 拉流队列: {}, 图片进程的状态: {} requestId: {}",
- image_queue.qsize(), pull_queue.qsize(), image_thread.is_alive(), request_id)