<select id="selectPageList" parameterType="com.tuoheng.admin.request.inspection.QueryInspectionPageListRequest" resultMap="InspectionResult"> |
<select id="selectPageList" parameterType="com.tuoheng.admin.request.inspection.QueryInspectionPageListRequest" resultMap="InspectionResult"> |
<include refid="selectInspectionVo"/> |
<include refid="selectInspectionVo"/> |
<where> |
<where> |
<if test="1 == 1"> and mark = 1 and accident_task = 0 </if>, |
<if test="1 == 1"> and mark = 1 and accident_task = 0 </if> |
<if test="request.code != null and request.code != ''"> and code like concat('%', #{request.code}, '%') </if> |
<if test="request.code != null and request.code != ''"> and code like concat('%', #{request.code}, '%') </if> |
<if test="request.tenantId != null and request.tenantId != ''"> and tenant_id = #{request.tenantId} </if> |
<if test="request.tenantId != null and request.tenantId != ''"> and tenant_id = #{request.tenantId} </if> |
<if test="request.airportId != null and request.airportId != 0"> and airport_id = #{request.airportId} </if> |
<if test="request.airportId != null and request.airportId != 0"> and airport_id = #{request.airportId} </if> |