<if test="1 == 1"> and mark = 1 </if>
<if test="1 == 1"> and mark = 1 </if>
<if test="request.code != null and request.code != 0"> and code = #{request.code} </if>
<if test="request.code != null and request.code != 0"> and code = #{request.code} </if>
<if test="request.status != null and request.status != ''"> and status = #{request.status} </if>
<if test="request.status != null and request.status != ''"> and status = #{request.status} </if>
<if test="request.userDeptId != null and request.userDeptId != ''"> and assign_dept_id = #{request.userDeptId} </if>
<if test="request.deptIdList != null and request.deptIdList.size() > 0">
or dept_id in
<foreach item="deptId" collection="request.deptIdList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="(request.userDeptId != null and request.userDeptId != '') or (request.deptIdList != null and request.deptIdList.size() > 0)">
and (
<trim prefixOverrides="or">
<if test="(request.userDeptId != null and request.userDeptId != '')">
or assign_dept_id = #{request.userDeptId}
<if test="request.deptIdList != null and request.deptIdList.size() > 0">
or dept_id in
<foreach item="deptId" collection="request.deptIdList" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="request.beginTime != null">
<if test="request.beginTime != null">
and check_time >= #{request.beginTime}
and create_time >= #{request.beginTime}
<if test="request.endTime != null">
<if test="request.endTime != null">
and check_time <= #{request.endTime}
and create_time <= #{request.endTime}
order by create_time desc
order by create_time desc