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52 lines

  1. # Project-wide configuration file, can be used for package metadata and other toll configurations
  2. # Example usage: global configuration for PEP8 (via flake8) setting or default pytest arguments
  3. [metadata]
  4. license_file = LICENSE
  5. description-file = README.md
  6. [tool:pytest]
  7. norecursedirs =
  8. .git
  9. dist
  10. build
  11. addopts =
  12. --doctest-modules
  13. --durations=25
  14. --color=yes
  15. [flake8]
  16. max-line-length = 120
  17. exclude = .tox,*.egg,build,temp
  18. select = E,W,F
  19. doctests = True
  20. verbose = 2
  21. # https://pep8.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes
  22. format = pylint
  23. # see: https://www.flake8rules.com/
  24. ignore =
  25. E731 # Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
  26. F405
  27. E402
  28. F841
  29. E741
  30. F821
  31. E722
  32. F401
  33. W504
  34. E127
  35. W504
  36. E231
  37. E501
  38. F403
  39. E302
  40. F541
  41. [isort]
  42. # https://pycqa.github.io/isort/docs/configuration/options.html
  43. line_length = 120
  44. multi_line_output = 0