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- # Flask REST API
- [REST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer) [API](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API)s are commonly used to expose Machine Learning (ML) models to other services. This folder contains an example REST API created using Flask to expose the `yolov5s` model from [PyTorch Hub](https://pytorch.org/hub/ultralytics_yolov5/).
- ## Requirements
- [Flask](https://palletsprojects.com/p/flask/) is required. Install with:
- ```shell
- $ pip install Flask
- ```
- ## Run
- After Flask installation run:
- ```shell
- $ python3 restapi.py --port 5000
- ```
- Then use [curl](https://curl.se/) to perform a request:
- ```shell
- $ curl -X POST -F image=@zidane.jpg 'http://localhost:5000/v1/object-detection/yolov5s'`
- ```
- The model inference results are returned:
- ```shell
- [{'class': 0,
- 'confidence': 0.8197850585,
- 'name': 'person',
- 'xmax': 1159.1403808594,
- 'xmin': 750.912902832,
- 'ymax': 711.2583007812,
- 'ymin': 44.0350036621},
- {'class': 0,
- 'confidence': 0.5667674541,
- 'name': 'person',
- 'xmax': 1065.5523681641,
- 'xmin': 116.0448303223,
- 'ymax': 713.8904418945,
- 'ymin': 198.4603881836},
- {'class': 27,
- 'confidence': 0.5661227107,
- 'name': 'tie',
- 'xmax': 516.7975463867,
- 'xmin': 416.6880187988,
- 'ymax': 717.0524902344,
- 'ymin': 429.2020568848}]
- ```
- An example python script to perform inference using [requests](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) is given in `example_request.py`