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REST APIs are commonly used to expose Machine Learning (ML) models to other services. This folder contains an example REST API created using Flask to expose the yolov5s model from PyTorch Hub.


Flask is required. Install with:

$ pip install Flask


After Flask installation run:

$ python3 restapi.py --port 5000

Then use curl to perform a request:

$ curl -X POST -F image=@zidane.jpg 'http://localhost:5000/v1/object-detection/yolov5s'`

The model inference results are returned:

[{'class': 0,
  'confidence': 0.8197850585,
  'name': 'person',
  'xmax': 1159.1403808594,
  'xmin': 750.912902832,
  'ymax': 711.2583007812,
  'ymin': 44.0350036621},
 {'class': 0,
  'confidence': 0.5667674541,
  'name': 'person',
  'xmax': 1065.5523681641,
  'xmin': 116.0448303223,
  'ymax': 713.8904418945,
  'ymin': 198.4603881836},
 {'class': 27,
  'confidence': 0.5661227107,
  'name': 'tie',
  'xmax': 516.7975463867,
  'xmin': 416.6880187988,
  'ymax': 717.0524902344,
  'ymin': 429.2020568848}]

An example python script to perform inference using requests is given in example_request.py