- """Collect the value range of different propertity of ps dataset."""
- import argparse
- import json
- import math
- import os
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- from data import MarkingPoint
- from data.struct import calc_point_squre_dist, direction_diff
- from prepare_dataset import generalize_marks
- def get_parser():
- """Return argument parser for collecting thresholds."""
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--label_directory', required=True,
- help="The location of label directory.")
- return parser
- def collect_thresholds(args):
- """Collect range of value from ground truth to determine threshold."""
- distances = []
- separator_angles = []
- bridge_angles = []
- for label_file in os.listdir(args.label_directory):
- print(label_file)
- with open(os.path.join(args.label_directory, label_file), 'r') as file:
- label = json.load(file)
- marks = np.array(label['marks'])
- slots = np.array(label['slots'])
- if slots.size == 0:
- continue
- if len(marks.shape) < 2:
- marks = np.expand_dims(marks, axis=0)
- if len(slots.shape) < 2:
- slots = np.expand_dims(slots, axis=0)
- marks[:, 0:4] -= 300.5
- marks = [MarkingPoint(*mark) for mark in generalize_marks(marks)]
- for slot in slots:
- mark_a = marks[slot[0] - 1]
- mark_b = marks[slot[1] - 1]
- distances.append(calc_point_squre_dist(mark_a, mark_b))
- vector_ab = np.array([mark_b.x - mark_a.x, mark_b.y - mark_a.y])
- vector_ab = vector_ab / np.linalg.norm(vector_ab)
- ab_bridge_direction = math.atan2(vector_ab[1], vector_ab[0])
- ba_bridge_direction = math.atan2(-vector_ab[1], -vector_ab[0])
- separator_direction = math.atan2(-vector_ab[0], vector_ab[1])
- sangle = direction_diff(separator_direction, mark_a.direction)
- if mark_a.shape > 0.5:
- separator_angles.append(sangle)
- else:
- bangle = direction_diff(ab_bridge_direction, mark_a.direction)
- if sangle < bangle:
- separator_angles.append(sangle)
- else:
- bridge_angles.append(bangle)
- bangle = direction_diff(ba_bridge_direction, mark_b.direction)
- if mark_b.shape > 0.5:
- bridge_angles.append(bangle)
- else:
- sangle = direction_diff(separator_direction, mark_b.direction)
- if sangle < bangle:
- separator_angles.append(sangle)
- else:
- bridge_angles.append(bangle)
- distances = sorted(distances)
- separator_angles = sorted(separator_angles)
- bridge_angles = sorted(bridge_angles)
- plt.figure()
- plt.hist(distances, len(distances) // 10)
- plt.figure()
- plt.hist(separator_angles, len(separator_angles) // 10)
- plt.figure()
- plt.hist(bridge_angles, len(bridge_angles) // 3)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- collect_thresholds(get_parser().parse_args())