- """Defines data structure and related function to process these data."""
- import math
- import numpy as np
- import torch
- import config
- from data.struct import MarkingPoint, calc_point_squre_dist, detemine_point_shape
- def non_maximum_suppression(pred_points):
- """Perform non-maxmum suppression on marking points."""
- suppressed = [False] * len(pred_points)
- for i in range(len(pred_points) - 1):
- for j in range(i + 1, len(pred_points)):
- i_x = pred_points[i][1].x
- i_y = pred_points[i][1].y
- j_x = pred_points[j][1].x
- j_y = pred_points[j][1].y
- # 0.0625 = 1 / 16
- if abs(j_x - i_x) < 0.0625 and abs(j_y - i_y) < 0.0625:
- idx = i if pred_points[i][0] < pred_points[j][0] else j
- suppressed[idx] = True
- if any(suppressed):
- unsupres_pred_points = []
- for i, supres in enumerate(suppressed):
- if not supres:
- unsupres_pred_points.append(pred_points[i])
- return unsupres_pred_points
- return pred_points
- def get_predicted_points(prediction, thresh):
- """Get marking points from one predicted feature map."""
- assert isinstance(prediction, torch.Tensor)
- predicted_points = []
- prediction = prediction.detach().cpu().numpy()
- for i in range(prediction.shape[1]):
- for j in range(prediction.shape[2]):
- if prediction[0, i, j] >= thresh:
- xval = (j + prediction[2, i, j]) / prediction.shape[2]
- yval = (i + prediction[3, i, j]) / prediction.shape[1]
- if not (config.BOUNDARY_THRESH <= xval <= 1-config.BOUNDARY_THRESH
- and config.BOUNDARY_THRESH <= yval <= 1-config.BOUNDARY_THRESH):
- continue
- cos_value = prediction[4, i, j]
- sin_value = prediction[5, i, j]
- direction = math.atan2(sin_value, cos_value)
- marking_point = MarkingPoint(
- xval, yval, direction, prediction[1, i, j])
- predicted_points.append((prediction[0, i, j], marking_point))
- return non_maximum_suppression(predicted_points)
- def pair_marking_points(point_a, point_b):
- distance = calc_point_squre_dist(point_a, point_b)
- if not (config.VSLOT_MIN_DISTANCE <= distance <= config.VSLOT_MAX_DISTANCE
- or config.HSLOT_MIN_DISTANCE <= distance <= config.HSLOT_MAX_DISTANCE):
- return 0
- vector_ab = np.array([point_b.x - point_a.x, point_b.y - point_a.y])
- vector_ab = vector_ab / np.linalg.norm(vector_ab)
- point_shape_a = detemine_point_shape(point_a, vector_ab)
- point_shape_b = detemine_point_shape(point_b, -vector_ab)
- if point_shape_a.value == 0 or point_shape_b.value == 0:
- return 0
- if point_shape_a.value == 3 and point_shape_b.value == 3:
- return 0
- if point_shape_a.value > 3 and point_shape_b.value > 3:
- return 0
- if point_shape_a.value < 3 and point_shape_b.value < 3:
- return 0
- if point_shape_a.value != 3:
- if point_shape_a.value > 3:
- return 1
- if point_shape_a.value < 3:
- return -1
- if point_shape_a.value == 3:
- if point_shape_b.value < 3:
- return 1
- if point_shape_b.value > 3:
- return -1
- def filter_slots(marking_points, slots):
- suppressed = [False] * len(slots)
- for i, slot in enumerate(slots):
- x1 = marking_points[slot[0]].x
- y1 = marking_points[slot[0]].y
- x2 = marking_points[slot[1]].x
- y2 = marking_points[slot[1]].y
- for point_idx, point in enumerate(marking_points):
- if point_idx == slot[0] or point_idx == slot[1]:
- continue
- x0 = point.x
- y0 = point.y
- vec1 = np.array([x0 - x1, y0 - y1])
- vec2 = np.array([x2 - x0, y2 - y0])
- vec1 = vec1 / np.linalg.norm(vec1)
- vec2 = vec2 / np.linalg.norm(vec2)
- if np.dot(vec1, vec2) > config.SLOT_SUPPRESSION_DOT_PRODUCT_THRESH:
- suppressed[i] = True
- if any(suppressed):
- unsupres_slots = []
- for i, supres in enumerate(suppressed):
- if not supres:
- unsupres_slots.append(slots[i])
- return unsupres_slots
- return slots