- """Inference demo of directional point detector."""
- import math
- import cv2 as cv
- import numpy as np
- import torch
- from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
- import config
- from data import get_predicted_points, pair_marking_points, calc_point_squre_dist, pass_through_third_point
- from model import DirectionalPointDetector
- from util import Timer
- def plot_points(image, pred_points):
- """Plot marking points on the image."""
- if not pred_points:
- return
- height = image.shape[0]
- width = image.shape[1]
- for confidence, marking_point in pred_points:
- p0_x = width * marking_point.x - 0.5
- p0_y = height * marking_point.y - 0.5
- cos_val = math.cos(marking_point.direction)
- sin_val = math.sin(marking_point.direction)
- p1_x = p0_x + 50*cos_val
- p1_y = p0_y + 50*sin_val
- p2_x = p0_x - 50*sin_val
- p2_y = p0_y + 50*cos_val
- p3_x = p0_x + 50*sin_val
- p3_y = p0_y - 50*cos_val
- p0_x = int(round(p0_x))
- p0_y = int(round(p0_y))
- p1_x = int(round(p1_x))
- p1_y = int(round(p1_y))
- p2_x = int(round(p2_x))
- p2_y = int(round(p2_y))
- cv.line(image, (p0_x, p0_y), (p1_x, p1_y), (0, 0, 255), 2)
- cv.putText(image, str(confidence), (p0_x, p0_y),
- cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (0, 0, 0))
- if marking_point.shape > 0.5:
- cv.line(image, (p0_x, p0_y), (p2_x, p2_y), (0, 0, 255), 2)
- else:
- p3_x = int(round(p3_x))
- p3_y = int(round(p3_y))
- cv.line(image, (p2_x, p2_y), (p3_x, p3_y), (0, 0, 255), 2)
- def plot_slots(image, pred_points, slots):
- """Plot parking slots on the image."""
- if not pred_points or not slots:
- return
- marking_points = list(list(zip(*pred_points))[1])
- height = image.shape[0]
- width = image.shape[1]
- for slot in slots:
- point_a = marking_points[slot[0]]
- point_b = marking_points[slot[1]]
- p0_x = width * point_a.x - 0.5
- p0_y = height * point_a.y - 0.5
- p1_x = width * point_b.x - 0.5
- p1_y = height * point_b.y - 0.5
- vec = np.array([p1_x - p0_x, p1_y - p0_y])
- vec = vec / np.linalg.norm(vec)
- distance = calc_point_squre_dist(point_a, point_b)
- if config.VSLOT_MIN_DIST <= distance <= config.VSLOT_MAX_DIST:
- separating_length = config.LONG_SEPARATOR_LENGTH
- elif config.HSLOT_MIN_DIST <= distance <= config.HSLOT_MAX_DIST:
- separating_length = config.SHORT_SEPARATOR_LENGTH
- p2_x = p0_x + height * separating_length * vec[1]
- p2_y = p0_y - width * separating_length * vec[0]
- p3_x = p1_x + height * separating_length * vec[1]
- p3_y = p1_y - width * separating_length * vec[0]
- p0_x = int(round(p0_x))
- p0_y = int(round(p0_y))
- p1_x = int(round(p1_x))
- p1_y = int(round(p1_y))
- p2_x = int(round(p2_x))
- p2_y = int(round(p2_y))
- p3_x = int(round(p3_x))
- p3_y = int(round(p3_y))
- cv.line(image, (p0_x, p0_y), (p1_x, p1_y), (255, 0, 0), 2)
- cv.line(image, (p0_x, p0_y), (p2_x, p2_y), (255, 0, 0), 2)
- cv.line(image, (p1_x, p1_y), (p3_x, p3_y), (255, 0, 0), 2)
- def preprocess_image(image):
- """Preprocess numpy image to torch tensor."""
- if image.shape[0] != 512 or image.shape[1] != 512:
- image = cv.resize(image, (512, 512))
- return torch.unsqueeze(ToTensor()(image), 0)
- def detect_marking_points(detector, image, thresh, device):
- """Given image read from opencv, return detected marking points."""
- prediction = detector(preprocess_image(image).to(device))
- return get_predicted_points(prediction[0], thresh)
- def inference_slots(marking_points):
- """Inference slots based on marking points."""
- num_detected = len(marking_points)
- slots = []
- for i in range(num_detected - 1):
- for j in range(i + 1, num_detected):
- point_i = marking_points[i]
- point_j = marking_points[j]
- # Step 1: length filtration.
- distance = calc_point_squre_dist(point_i, point_j)
- if not (config.VSLOT_MIN_DIST <= distance <= config.VSLOT_MAX_DIST
- or config.HSLOT_MIN_DIST <= distance <= config.HSLOT_MAX_DIST):
- continue
- # Step 2: pass through filtration.
- if pass_through_third_point(marking_points, i, j):
- continue
- result = pair_marking_points(point_i, point_j)
- if result == 1:
- slots.append((i, j))
- elif result == -1:
- slots.append((j, i))
- return slots
- def detect_video(detector, device, args):
- """Demo for detecting video."""
- timer = Timer()
- input_video = cv.VideoCapture(args.video)
- frame_width = int(input_video.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
- frame_height = int(input_video.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
- output_video = cv.VideoWriter()
- if args.save:
- output_video.open('record.avi', cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'),
- input_video.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS),
- (frame_width, frame_height), True)
- frame = np.empty([frame_height, frame_width, 3], dtype=np.uint8)
- while input_video.read(frame)[0]:
- timer.tic()
- pred_points = detect_marking_points(
- detector, frame, args.thresh, device)
- slots = None
- if pred_points and args.inference_slot:
- marking_points = list(list(zip(*pred_points))[1])
- slots = inference_slots(marking_points)
- timer.toc()
- plot_points(frame, pred_points)
- plot_slots(frame, pred_points, slots)
- cv.imshow('demo', frame)
- cv.waitKey(1)
- if args.save:
- output_video.write(frame)
- print("Average time: ", timer.calc_average_time(), "s.")
- input_video.release()
- output_video.release()
- def detect_image(detector, device, args):
- """Demo for detecting images."""
- timer = Timer()
- while True:
- image_file = input('Enter image file path: ')
- image = cv.imread(image_file)
- timer.tic()
- pred_points = detect_marking_points(
- detector, image, args.thresh, device)
- slots = None
- if pred_points and args.inference_slot:
- marking_points = list(list(zip(*pred_points))[1])
- slots = inference_slots(marking_points)
- timer.toc()
- plot_points(image, pred_points)
- plot_slots(image, pred_points, slots)
- cv.imshow('demo', image)
- cv.waitKey(1)
- if args.save:
- cv.imwrite('save.jpg', image, [int(cv.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100])
- def inference_detector(args):
- """Inference demo of directional point detector."""
- args.cuda = not args.disable_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available()
- device = torch.device('cuda:' + str(args.gpu_id) if args.cuda else 'cpu')
- torch.set_grad_enabled(False)
- dp_detector = DirectionalPointDetector(
- 3, args.depth_factor, config.NUM_FEATURE_MAP_CHANNEL).to(device)
- dp_detector.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.detector_weights))
- dp_detector.eval()
- if args.mode == "image":
- detect_image(dp_detector, device, args)
- elif args.mode == "video":
- detect_video(dp_detector, device, args)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- inference_detector(config.get_parser_for_inference().parse_args())