Browse Source

Simplify (#3530)

* Update

* added hosted images

* added new logo

* testing image hosting

* changed svgs to pngs

* removed old header

* Update

* correct colab image source

* splash.jpg

* rocket and W&B fix

* added contributing template

* added social media to top section

* increased size of top social media

* cleanup and updates

* rearrange quickstarts

* API cleanup

* PyTorch Hub cleanup

* Add tutorials

* cleanup

* update

* Update

* update wandb link

* Update

* remove tutorials header

* update environments and integrations

* Comment API image

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* double spaces after section

* Update

* Update

Co-authored-by: Glenn Jocher <>
Kalen Michael GitHub 3 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 changed files with 268 additions and 118 deletions
  1. +49
  2. +219

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- 0 View File

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## Contributing to YOLOv5 🚀

We love your input! We want to make contributing to YOLOv5 as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:

- Reporting a bug
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing a new feature
- Becoming a maintainer

YOLOv5 works so well due to our combined community effort, and for every small improvement you contribute you will be helping push the frontiers of what's possible in AI 😃!

## Submitting a Pull Request (PR) 🛠️

To allow your work to be integrated as seamlessly as possible, we advise you to:
- ✅ Verify your PR is **up-to-date with origin/master.** If your PR is behind origin/master an automatic [GitHub actions]( rebase may be attempted by including the /rebase command in a comment body, or by running the following code, replacing 'feature' with the name of your local branch:
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout feature # <----- replace 'feature' with local branch name
git merge upstream/master
git push -u origin -f
- ✅ Verify all Continuous Integration (CI) **checks are passing**.
- ✅ Reduce changes to the absolute **minimum** required for your bug fix or feature addition. _"It is not daily increase but daily decrease, hack away the unessential. The closer to the source, the less wastage there is."_ -Bruce Lee

## Submitting a Bug Report 🐛

For us to investigate an issue we would need to be able to reproduce it ourselves first. We've created a few short guidelines below to help users provide what we need in order to get started investigating a possible problem.

When asking a question, people will be better able to provide help if you provide **code** that they can easily understand and use to **reproduce** the problem. This is referred to by community members as creating a [minimum reproducible example]( Your code that reproduces the problem should be:

* ✅ **Minimal** – Use as little code as possible that still produces the same problem
* ✅ **Complete** – Provide **all** parts someone else needs to reproduce your problem in the question itself
* ✅ **Reproducible** – Test the code you're about to provide to make sure it reproduces the problem

In addition to the above requirements, for [Ultralytics]( to provide assistance your code should be:

* ✅ **Current** – Verify that your code is up-to-date with current GitHub [master](, and if necessary `git pull` or `git clone` a new copy to ensure your problem has not already been resolved by previous commits.
* ✅ **Unmodified** – Your problem must be reproducible without any modifications to the codebase in this repository. [Ultralytics]( does not provide support for custom code ⚠️.

If you believe your problem meets all of the above criteria, please close this issue and raise a new one using the 🐛 **Bug Report** [template]( and providing a [minimum reproducible example]( to help us better understand and diagnose your problem.

## License

By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the [GPL-3.0 license](

+ 219
- 118 View File

@@ -1,70 +1,136 @@
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="Open In Kaggle"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Open In Colab"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Open In Kaggle"></a>
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YOLOv5 🚀 is a family of object detection architectures and models pretrained on the COCO dataset, and represents <a href="">Ultralytics</a>
open-source research into future vision AI methods, incorporating lessons learned and best practices evolved over thousands of hours of research and development.

<a align="center" href="" target="_blank">
<img width="800" src=""></a>


## <div align="center">Documentation</div>

See the [YOLOv5 Docs]( for full documentation on training, testing and deployment.

## <div align="center">Quick Start Examples</div>

<details open>

Python >= 3.6.0 required with all [requirements.txt]( dependencies installed:
<!-- $ sudo apt update && apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev -->
$ git clone
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This repository represents Ultralytics open-source research into future object detection methods, and incorporates lessons learned and best practices evolved over thousands of hours of training and evolution on anonymized client datasets. **All code and models are under active development, and are subject to modification or deletion without notice.** Use at your own risk.
<details open>

<p align="left"><img width="800" src=""></p>
<summary>YOLOv5-P5 640 Figure (click to expand)</summary>
<p align="left"><img width="800" src=""></p>
<summary>Figure Notes (click to expand)</summary>
* GPU Speed measures end-to-end time per image averaged over 5000 COCO val2017 images using a V100 GPU with batch size 32, and includes image preprocessing, PyTorch FP16 inference, postprocessing and NMS.
* EfficientDet data from [google/automl]( at batch size 8.
* **Reproduce** by `python --task study --data coco.yaml --iou 0.7 --weights`
Inference with YOLOv5 and [PyTorch Hub]( Models automatically download from the [latest YOLOv5 release](

- **April 11, 2021**: [v5.0 release]( YOLOv5-P6 1280 models, [AWS](, []( and [YouTube]( integrations.
- **January 5, 2021**: [v4.0 release]( nn.SiLU() activations, [Weights & Biases]( logging, [PyTorch Hub]( integration.
- **August 13, 2020**: [v3.0 release]( nn.Hardswish() activations, data autodownload, native AMP.
- **July 23, 2020**: [v2.0 release]( improved model definition, training and mAP.
import torch

# Model
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s') # or yolov5m, yolov5x, custom

## Pretrained Checkpoints
# Images
img = '' # or file, PIL, OpenCV, numpy, multiple

# Inference
results = model(img)

|Model |size<br><sup>(pixels) |mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 |mAP<sup>test<br>0.5:0.95 |mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 |Speed<br><sup>V100 (ms) | |params<br><sup>(M) |FLOPs<br><sup>640 (B)
|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---|--- |---
|[YOLOv5s][assets] |640 |36.7 |36.7 |55.4 |**2.0** | |7.3 |17.0
|[YOLOv5m][assets] |640 |44.5 |44.5 |63.1 |2.7 | |21.4 |51.3
|[YOLOv5l][assets] |640 |48.2 |48.2 |66.9 |3.8 | |47.0 |115.4
|[YOLOv5x][assets] |640 |**50.4** |**50.4** |**68.8** |6.1 | |87.7 |218.8
| | | | | | || |
|[YOLOv5s6][assets] |1280 |43.3 |43.3 |61.9 |**4.3** | |12.7 |17.4
|[YOLOv5m6][assets] |1280 |50.5 |50.5 |68.7 |8.4 | |35.9 |52.4
|[YOLOv5l6][assets] |1280 |53.4 |53.4 |71.1 |12.3 | |77.2 |117.7
|[YOLOv5x6][assets] |1280 |**54.4** |**54.4** |**72.0** |22.4 | |141.8 |222.9
| | | | | | || |
|[YOLOv5x6][assets] TTA |1280 |**55.0** |**55.0** |**72.0** |70.8 | |- |-
# Results
results.print() # or .show(), .save(), .crop(), .pandas(), etc.

<summary>Table Notes (click to expand)</summary>
* AP<sup>test</sup> denotes COCO [test-dev2017]( server results, all other AP results denote val2017 accuracy.
* AP values are for single-model single-scale unless otherwise noted. **Reproduce mAP** by `python --data coco.yaml --img 640 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65`
* Speed<sub>GPU</sub> averaged over 5000 COCO val2017 images using a GCP [n1-standard-16]( V100 instance, and includes FP16 inference, postprocessing and NMS. **Reproduce speed** by `python --data coco.yaml --img 640 --conf 0.25 --iou 0.45`
* All checkpoints are trained to 300 epochs with default settings and hyperparameters (no autoaugmentation).
* Test Time Augmentation ([TTA]( includes reflection and scale augmentation. **Reproduce TTA** by `python --data coco.yaml --img 1536 --iou 0.7 --augment`

## Requirements

Python 3.8 or later with all [requirements.txt]( dependencies installed, including `torch>=1.7`. To install run:
<!-- $ sudo apt update && apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev -->
<summary>Inference with</summary>

`` runs inference on a variety of sources, downloading models automatically from the [latest YOLOv5 release]( and saving results to `runs/detect`.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python --source 0 # webcam
file.jpg # image
file.mp4 # video
path/ # directory
path/*.jpg # glob
'' # YouTube video
'rtsp://' # RTSP, RTMP, HTTP stream



Run commands below to reproduce results on [COCO]( dataset (dataset auto-downloads on first use). Training times for YOLOv5s/m/l/x are 2/4/6/8 days on a single V100 (multi-GPU times faster). Use the largest `--batch-size` your GPU allows (batch sizes shown for 16 GB devices).
$ python --data coco.yaml --cfg yolov5s.yaml --weights '' --batch-size 64
yolov5m 40
yolov5l 24
yolov5x 16
<img width="800" src="">


## Tutorials

* [Train Custom Data](; 🚀 RECOMMENDED
* [Tips for Best Training Results](; ☘️ RECOMMENDED
@@ -80,91 +146,126 @@ $ pip install -r requirements.txt
* [Transfer Learning with Frozen Layers](; ⭐ NEW
* [TensorRT Deployment](


## Environments

YOLOv5 may be run in any of the following up-to-date verified environments (with all dependencies including [CUDA]([CUDNN](, [Python]( and [PyTorch]( preinstalled):

- **Google Colab and Kaggle** notebooks with free GPU: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Open In Colab"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Open In Kaggle"></a>
- **Google Cloud** Deep Learning VM. See [GCP Quickstart Guide](
- **Amazon** Deep Learning AMI. See [AWS Quickstart Guide](
- **Docker Image**. See [Docker Quickstart Guide]( <a href=""><img src="" alt="Docker Pulls"></a>

## Inference

`` runs inference on a variety of sources, downloading models automatically from the [latest YOLOv5 release]( and saving results to `runs/detect`.
$ python --source 0 # webcam
file.jpg # image
file.mp4 # video
path/ # directory
path/*.jpg # glob
'' # YouTube video
'rtsp://' # RTSP, RTMP, HTTP stream

To run inference on example images in `data/images`:
$ python --source data/images --weights --conf 0.25

Namespace(agnostic_nms=False, augment=False, classes=None, conf_thres=0.25, device='', exist_ok=False, img_size=640, iou_thres=0.45, name='exp', project='runs/detect', save_conf=False, save_txt=False, source='data/images/', update=False, view_img=False, weights=[''])
YOLOv5 v4.0-96-g83dc1b4 torch 1.7.0+cu101 CUDA:0 (Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB, 16160.5MB)

Fusing layers...
Model Summary: 224 layers, 7266973 parameters, 0 gradients, 17.0 GFLOPs
image 1/2 /content/yolov5/data/images/bus.jpg: 640x480 4 persons, 1 bus, Done. (0.010s)
image 2/2 /content/yolov5/data/images/zidane.jpg: 384x640 2 persons, 1 tie, Done. (0.011s)
Results saved to runs/detect/exp2
Done. (0.103s)
<img width="500" src="">

### PyTorch Hub

Inference with YOLOv5 and [PyTorch Hub](
import torch
## <div align="center">Environments and Integrations</div>

# Model
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s')
Get started in seconds with our verified environments and integrations, including [Weights & Biases]( for automatic YOLOv5 experiment logging. Click each icon below for details.

# Image
img = ''
<div align="center">
<a href="">
<img src="" width="15%"/>
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<img src="" width="15%"/>
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<img src="" width="15%"/>
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<img src="" width="15%"/>
<a href="">
<img src="" width="15%"/>
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<img src="" width="15%"/>

# Inference
results = model(img)
results.print() # or .show(), .save()

## <div align="center">Compete and Win</div>

## Training
We are super excited about our first-ever Ultralytics YOLOv5 🚀 EXPORT Competition with **$10,000** in cash prizes!

Run commands below to reproduce results on [COCO]( dataset (dataset auto-downloads on first use). Training times for YOLOv5s/m/l/x are 2/4/6/8 days on a single V100 (multi-GPU times faster). Use the largest `--batch-size` your GPU allows (batch sizes shown for 16 GB devices).
$ python --data coco.yaml --cfg yolov5s.yaml --weights '' --batch-size 64
yolov5m 40
yolov5l 24
yolov5x 16
<img width="800" src="">
<div align="center">
<a href="">
<img src=""/>

## Citation
## <div align="center">Why YOLOv5</div>

<p align="center"><img width="800" src=""></p>
<summary>YOLOv5-P5 640 Figure (click to expand)</summary>
<p align="center"><img width="800" src=""></p>
<summary>Figure Notes (click to expand)</summary>
* GPU Speed measures end-to-end time per image averaged over 5000 COCO val2017 images using a V100 GPU with batch size 32, and includes image preprocessing, PyTorch FP16 inference, postprocessing and NMS.
* EfficientDet data from [google/automl]( at batch size 8.
* **Reproduce** by `python --task study --data coco.yaml --iou 0.7 --weights`

## About Us
### Pretrained Checkpoints

Ultralytics is a U.S.-based particle physics and AI startup with over 6 years of expertise supporting government, academic and business clients. We offer a wide range of vision AI services, spanning from simple expert advice up to delivery of fully customized, end-to-end production solutions, including:
- **Cloud-based AI** systems operating on **hundreds of HD video streams in realtime.**
- **Edge AI** integrated into custom iOS and Android apps for realtime **30 FPS video inference.**
- **Custom data training**, hyperparameter evolution, and model exportation to any destination.

For business inquiries and professional support requests please visit us at
|Model |size<br><sup>(pixels) |mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 |mAP<sup>test<br>0.5:0.95 |mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 |Speed<br><sup>V100 (ms) | |params<br><sup>(M) |FLOPs<br><sup>640 (B)
|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---|--- |---
|[YOLOv5s][assets] |640 |36.7 |36.7 |55.4 |**2.0** | |7.3 |17.0
|[YOLOv5m][assets] |640 |44.5 |44.5 |63.1 |2.7 | |21.4 |51.3
|[YOLOv5l][assets] |640 |48.2 |48.2 |66.9 |3.8 | |47.0 |115.4
|[YOLOv5x][assets] |640 |**50.4** |**50.4** |**68.8** |6.1 | |87.7 |218.8
| | | | | | | | |
|[YOLOv5s6][assets] |1280 |43.3 |43.3 |61.9 |**4.3** | |12.7 |17.4
|[YOLOv5m6][assets] |1280 |50.5 |50.5 |68.7 |8.4 | |35.9 |52.4
|[YOLOv5l6][assets] |1280 |53.4 |53.4 |71.1 |12.3 | |77.2 |117.7
|[YOLOv5x6][assets] |1280 |**54.4** |**54.4** |**72.0** |22.4 | |141.8 |222.9
| | | | | | | | |
|[YOLOv5x6][assets] TTA |1280 |**55.0** |**55.0** |**72.0** |70.8 | |- |-

<summary>Table Notes (click to expand)</summary>
* AP<sup>test</sup> denotes COCO [test-dev2017]( server results, all other AP results denote val2017 accuracy.
* AP values are for single-model single-scale unless otherwise noted. **Reproduce mAP** by `python --data coco.yaml --img 640 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65`
* Speed<sub>GPU</sub> averaged over 5000 COCO val2017 images using a GCP [n1-standard-16]( V100 instance, and includes FP16 inference, postprocessing and NMS. **Reproduce speed** by `python --data coco.yaml --img 640 --conf 0.25 --iou 0.45`
* All checkpoints are trained to 300 epochs with default settings and hyperparameters (no autoaugmentation).
* Test Time Augmentation ([TTA]( includes reflection and scale augmentation. **Reproduce TTA** by `python --data coco.yaml --img 1536 --iou 0.7 --augment`

## Contact

**Issues should be raised directly in the repository.** For business inquiries or professional support requests please visit or email Glenn Jocher at
## <div align="center">Contribute</div>

We love your input! We want to make contributing to YOLOv5 as easy and transparent as possible. Please see our [Contributing Guide]( to get started.

## <div align="center">Contact</div>

For issues running YOLOv5 please visit [GitHub Issues]( For business or professional support requests please visit


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