- # OBSS SAHI Tool
- # Code written by Fatih C Akyon, 2020.
- import time
- from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple
- import numpy as np
- import requests
- from PIL import Image
- from numpy import ndarray
- def read_image_as_pil(image: Union[Image.Image, str, np.ndarray]):
- """
- Loads an image as PIL.Image.Image.
- Args:
- image : Can be image path or url (str), numpy image (np.ndarray) or PIL.Image
- """
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56174099/how-to-load-images-larger-than-max-image-pixels-with-pil
- if isinstance(image, Image.Image):
- image_pil = image
- elif isinstance(image, str):
- # read image if str image path is provided
- try:
- image_pil = Image.open(
- requests.get(image, stream=True).raw if str(image).startswith("http") else image
- ).convert("RGB")
- except: # handle large/tiff image reading
- try:
- import skimage.io
- except ImportError:
- raise ImportError("Please run 'pip install -U scikit-image imagecodecs' for large image handling.")
- image_sk = skimage.io.imread(image).astype(np.uint8)
- if len(image_sk.shape) == 2: # b&w
- image_pil = Image.fromarray(image_sk, mode="1")
- elif image_sk.shape[2] == 4: # rgba
- image_pil = Image.fromarray(image_sk, mode="RGBA")
- elif image_sk.shape[2] == 3: # rgb
- image_pil = Image.fromarray(image_sk, mode="RGB")
- else:
- raise TypeError(f"image with shape: {image_sk.shape[3]} is not supported.")
- elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
- if image.shape[0] < 5: # image in CHW
- image = image[:, :, ::-1]
- image_pil = Image.fromarray(image)
- else:
- raise TypeError("read image with 'pillow' using 'Image.open()'")
- return image_pil
- def get_slice_bboxes(
- image_height: int,
- image_width: int,
- slice_height: int = None,
- slice_width: int = None,
- auto_slice_resolution: bool = True,
- overlap_height_ratio: float = 0.2,
- overlap_width_ratio: float = 0.2,
- ) -> List[List[int]]:
- """Slices `image_pil` in crops.
- Corner values of each slice will be generated using the `slice_height`,
- `slice_width`, `overlap_height_ratio` and `overlap_width_ratio` arguments.
- Args:
- image_height (int): Height of the original image.
- image_width (int): Width of the original image.
- slice_height (int): Height of each slice. Default 512.
- slice_width (int): Width of each slice. Default 512.
- overlap_height_ratio(float): Fractional overlap in height of each
- slice (e.g. an overlap of 0.2 for a slice of size 100 yields an
- overlap of 20 pixels). Default 0.2.
- overlap_width_ratio(float): Fractional overlap in width of each
- slice (e.g. an overlap of 0.2 for a slice of size 100 yields an
- overlap of 20 pixels). Default 0.2.
- auto_slice_resolution (bool): if not set slice parameters such as slice_height and slice_width,
- it enables automatically calculate these params from image resolution and orientation.
- Returns:
- List[List[int]]: List of 4 corner coordinates for each N slices.
- [
- [slice_0_left, slice_0_top, slice_0_right, slice_0_bottom],
- ...
- [slice_N_left, slice_N_top, slice_N_right, slice_N_bottom]
- ]
- """
- slice_bboxes = []
- y_max = y_min = 0
- if slice_height and slice_width:
- y_overlap = int(overlap_height_ratio * slice_height)
- x_overlap = int(overlap_width_ratio * slice_width)
- elif auto_slice_resolution:
- x_overlap, y_overlap, slice_width, slice_height = get_auto_slice_params(height=image_height, width=image_width)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Compute type is not auto and slice width and height are not provided.")
- while y_max < image_height:
- x_min = x_max = 0
- y_max = y_min + slice_height
- while x_max < image_width:
- x_max = x_min + slice_width
- if y_max > image_height or x_max > image_width:
- xmax = min(image_width, x_max)
- ymax = min(image_height, y_max)
- xmin = max(0, xmax - slice_width)
- ymin = max(0, ymax - slice_height)
- slice_bboxes.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
- else:
- slice_bboxes.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])
- x_min = x_max - x_overlap
- y_min = y_max - y_overlap
- return slice_bboxes
- class SlicedImage:
- def __init__(self, image, starting_pixel):
- """
- image: np.array
- Sliced image.
- starting_pixel: list of list of int
- Starting pixel coordinates of the sliced image.
- """
- self.image = image
- self.starting_pixel = starting_pixel
- class SliceImageResult:
- def __init__(self, original_image_size=None):
- """
- sliced_image_list: list of SlicedImage
- image_dir: str
- Directory of the sliced image exports.
- original_image_size: list of int
- Size of the unsliced original image in [height, width]
- """
- self._sliced_image_list: List[SlicedImage] = []
- self.original_image_height = original_image_size[0]
- self.original_image_width = original_image_size[1]
- def add_sliced_image(self, sliced_image: SlicedImage):
- if not isinstance(sliced_image, SlicedImage):
- raise TypeError("sliced_image must be a SlicedImage instance")
- self._sliced_image_list.append(sliced_image)
- @property
- def sliced_image_list(self):
- return self._sliced_image_list
- @property
- def images(self):
- """Returns sliced images.
- Returns:
- images: a list of np.array
- """
- images = []
- for sliced_image in self._sliced_image_list:
- images.append(sliced_image.image)
- return images
- @property
- def starting_pixels(self) -> List[int]:
- """Returns a list of starting pixels for each slice.
- Returns:
- starting_pixels: a list of starting pixel coords [x,y]
- """
- starting_pixels = []
- for sliced_image in self._sliced_image_list:
- starting_pixels.append(sliced_image.starting_pixel)
- return starting_pixels
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._sliced_image_list)
- def slice_image(
- image: Union[str, Image.Image],
- slice_height: int = None,
- slice_width: int = None,
- overlap_height_ratio: float = None,
- overlap_width_ratio: float = None,
- auto_slice_resolution: bool = True,
- ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]:
- """Slice a large image into smaller windows. If output_file_name is given export
- sliced images.
- Args:
- auto_slice_resolution:
- image (str or PIL.Image): File path of image or Pillow Image to be sliced.
- coco_annotation_list (CocoAnnotation): List of CocoAnnotation objects.
- output_file_name (str, optional): Root name of output files (coordinates will
- be appended to this)
- output_dir (str, optional): Output directory
- slice_height (int): Height of each slice. Default 512.
- slice_width (int): Width of each slice. Default 512.
- overlap_height_ratio (float): Fractional overlap in height of each
- slice (e.g. an overlap of 0.2 for a slice of size 100 yields an
- overlap of 20 pixels). Default 0.2.
- overlap_width_ratio (float): Fractional overlap in width of each
- slice (e.g. an overlap of 0.2 for a slice of size 100 yields an
- overlap of 20 pixels). Default 0.2.
- min_area_ratio (float): If the cropped annotation area to original annotation
- ratio is smaller than this value, the annotation is filtered out. Default 0.1.
- out_ext (str, optional): Extension of saved images. Default is the
- original suffix.
- verbose (bool, optional): Switch to print relevant values to screen.
- Default 'False'.
- Returns:
- sliced_image_result: SliceImageResult:
- sliced_image_list: list of SlicedImage
- image_dir: str
- Directory of the sliced image exports.
- original_image_size: list of int
- Size of the unsliced original image in [height, width]
- num_total_invalid_segmentation: int
- Number of invalid segmentation annotations.
- """
- # read image
- image_pil = read_image_as_pil(image)
- image_width, image_height = image_pil.size
- if not (image_width != 0 and image_height != 0):
- raise RuntimeError(f"invalid image size: {image_pil.size} for 'slice_image'.")
- slice_bboxes = get_slice_bboxes(
- image_height=image_height,
- image_width=image_width,
- auto_slice_resolution=auto_slice_resolution,
- slice_height=slice_height,
- slice_width=slice_width,
- overlap_height_ratio=overlap_height_ratio,
- overlap_width_ratio=overlap_width_ratio,
- )
- t0 = time.time()
- n_ims = 0
- # init images and annotations lists
- sliced_image_result = SliceImageResult(original_image_size=[image_height, image_width])
- image_pil_arr = np.asarray(image_pil)
- # iterate over slices
- for slice_bbox in slice_bboxes:
- n_ims += 1
- # extract image
- tlx = slice_bbox[0]
- tly = slice_bbox[1]
- brx = slice_bbox[2]
- bry = slice_bbox[3]
- image_pil_slice = image_pil_arr[tly:bry, tlx:brx]
- # create sliced image and append to sliced_image_result
- sliced_image = SlicedImage(
- image=image_pil_slice, starting_pixel=[slice_bbox[0], slice_bbox[1]]
- )
- sliced_image_result.add_sliced_image(sliced_image)
- image_numpy = np.array(sliced_image_result.images)
- shift_amount = np.array(sliced_image_result.starting_pixels)
- return image_numpy, shift_amount
- def calc_ratio_and_slice(orientation, slide=1, ratio=0.1):
- """
- According to image resolution calculation overlap params
- Args:
- orientation: image capture angle
- slide: sliding window
- ratio: buffer value
- Returns:
- overlap params
- """
- if orientation == "vertical":
- slice_row, slice_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio = slide, slide * 2, ratio, ratio
- elif orientation == "horizontal":
- slice_row, slice_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio = slide * 2, slide, ratio, ratio
- elif orientation == "square":
- slice_row, slice_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio = slide, slide, ratio, ratio
- return slice_row, slice_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio # noqa
- def calc_resolution_factor(resolution: int) -> int:
- """
- According to image resolution calculate power(2,n) and return the closest smaller `n`.
- Args:
- resolution: the width and height of the image multiplied. such as 1024x720 = 737280
- Returns:
- """
- expo = 0
- while np.power(2, expo) < resolution:
- expo += 1
- return expo - 1
- def calc_aspect_ratio_orientation(width: int, height: int) -> str:
- """
- Args:
- width:
- height:
- Returns:
- image capture orientation
- """
- if width < height:
- return "vertical"
- elif width > height:
- return "horizontal"
- else:
- return "square"
- def calc_slice_and_overlap_params(resolution: str, height: int, width: int, orientation: str) -> List:
- """
- This function calculate according to image resolution slice and overlap params.
- Args:
- resolution: str
- height: int
- width: int
- orientation: str
- Returns:
- x_overlap, y_overlap, slice_width, slice_height
- """
- if resolution == "medium":
- split_row, split_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio = calc_ratio_and_slice(
- orientation, slide=1, ratio=0.8
- )
- elif resolution == "high":
- split_row, split_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio = calc_ratio_and_slice(
- orientation, slide=2, ratio=0.4
- )
- elif resolution == "ultra-high":
- split_row, split_col, overlap_height_ratio, overlap_width_ratio = calc_ratio_and_slice(
- orientation, slide=4, ratio=0.4
- )
- else: # low condition
- split_col = 1
- split_row = 1
- overlap_width_ratio = 1
- overlap_height_ratio = 1
- slice_height = height // split_col
- slice_width = width // split_row
- x_overlap = int(slice_width * overlap_width_ratio)
- y_overlap = int(slice_height * overlap_height_ratio)
- return x_overlap, y_overlap, slice_width, slice_height # noqa
- def get_resolution_selector(res: str, height: int, width: int):
- """
- Args:
- res: resolution of image such as low, medium
- height:
- width:
- Returns:
- trigger slicing params function and return overlap params
- """
- orientation = calc_aspect_ratio_orientation(width=width, height=height)
- x_overlap, y_overlap, slice_width, slice_height = calc_slice_and_overlap_params(
- resolution=res, height=height, width=width, orientation=orientation
- )
- return x_overlap, y_overlap, slice_width, slice_height
- def get_auto_slice_params(height: int, width: int):
- """
- According to Image HxW calculate overlap sliding window and buffer params
- factor is the power value of 2 closest to the image resolution.
- factor <= 18: low resolution image such as 300x300, 640x640
- 18 < factor <= 21: medium resolution image such as 1024x1024, 1336x960
- 21 < factor <= 24: high resolution image such as 2048x2048, 2048x4096, 4096x4096
- factor > 24: ultra-high resolution image such as 6380x6380, 4096x8192
- Args:
- height:
- width:
- Returns:
- slicing overlap params x_overlap, y_overlap, slice_width, slice_height
- """
- resolution = height * width
- factor = calc_resolution_factor(resolution)
- if factor <= 18:
- return get_resolution_selector("low", height=height, width=width)
- elif 18 <= factor < 21:
- return get_resolution_selector("medium", height=height, width=width)
- elif 21 <= factor < 24:
- return get_resolution_selector("high", height=height, width=width)
- else:
- return get_resolution_selector("ultra-high", height=height, width=width)