Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

453 rindas

  1. import argparse
  2. import torch.distributed as dist
  3. import torch.nn.functional as F
  4. import torch.optim as optim
  5. import torch.optim.lr_scheduler as lr_scheduler
  6. import
  7. from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
  8. import test # import to get mAP after each epoch
  9. from models.yolo import Model
  10. from utils import google_utils
  11. from utils.datasets import *
  12. from utils.utils import *
  13. mixed_precision = True
  14. try: # Mixed precision training
  15. from apex import amp
  16. except:
  17. print('Apex recommended for faster mixed precision training:')
  18. mixed_precision = False # not installed
  19. wdir = 'weights' + os.sep # weights dir
  20. os.makedirs(wdir, exist_ok=True)
  21. last = wdir + ''
  22. best = wdir + ''
  23. results_file = 'results.txt'
  24. # Hyperparameters
  25. hyp = {'lr0': 0.01, # initial learning rate (SGD=1E-2, Adam=1E-3)
  26. 'momentum': 0.937, # SGD momentum
  27. 'weight_decay': 5e-4, # optimizer weight decay
  28. 'giou': 0.05, # giou loss gain
  29. 'cls': 0.58, # cls loss gain
  30. 'cls_pw': 1.0, # cls BCELoss positive_weight
  31. 'obj': 1.0, # obj loss gain (*=img_size/320 if img_size != 320)
  32. 'obj_pw': 1.0, # obj BCELoss positive_weight
  33. 'iou_t': 0.20, # iou training threshold
  34. 'anchor_t': 4.0, # anchor-multiple threshold
  35. 'fl_gamma': 0.0, # focal loss gamma (efficientDet default is gamma=1.5)
  36. 'hsv_h': 0.014, # image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction)
  37. 'hsv_s': 0.68, # image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction)
  38. 'hsv_v': 0.36, # image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction)
  39. 'degrees': 0.0, # image rotation (+/- deg)
  40. 'translate': 0.0, # image translation (+/- fraction)
  41. 'scale': 0.5, # image scale (+/- gain)
  42. 'shear': 0.0} # image shear (+/- deg)
  43. print(hyp)
  44. # Overwrite hyp with hyp*.txt (optional)
  45. f = glob.glob('hyp*.txt')
  46. if f:
  47. print('Using %s' % f[0])
  48. for k, v in zip(hyp.keys(), np.loadtxt(f[0])):
  49. hyp[k] = v
  50. # Print focal loss if gamma > 0
  51. if hyp['fl_gamma']:
  52. print('Using FocalLoss(gamma=%g)' % hyp['fl_gamma'])
  53. def train(hyp):
  54. epochs = opt.epochs # 300
  55. batch_size = opt.batch_size # 64
  56. weights = opt.weights # initial training weights
  57. # Configure
  58. init_seeds(1)
  59. with open( as f:
  60. data_dict = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # model dict
  61. train_path = data_dict['train']
  62. test_path = data_dict['val']
  63. nc = 1 if opt.single_cls else int(data_dict['nc']) # number of classes
  64. # Remove previous results
  65. for f in glob.glob('*_batch*.jpg') + glob.glob(results_file):
  66. os.remove(f)
  67. # Create model
  68. model = Model(opt.cfg).to(device)
  69. assert['nc'] == nc, '%s nc=%g classes but %s nc=%g classes' % (, nc, opt.cfg,['nc'])
  70. # Image sizes
  71. gs = int(max(model.stride)) # grid size (max stride)
  72. imgsz, imgsz_test = [check_img_size(x, gs) for x in opt.img_size] # verify imgsz are gs-multiples
  73. # Optimizer
  74. nbs = 64 # nominal batch size
  75. accumulate = max(round(nbs / batch_size), 1) # accumulate loss before optimizing
  76. hyp['weight_decay'] *= batch_size * accumulate / nbs # scale weight_decay
  77. pg0, pg1, pg2 = [], [], [] # optimizer parameter groups
  78. for k, v in model.named_parameters():
  79. if v.requires_grad:
  80. if '.bias' in k:
  81. pg2.append(v) # biases
  82. elif '.weight' in k and '.bn' not in k:
  83. pg1.append(v) # apply weight decay
  84. else:
  85. pg0.append(v) # all else
  86. optimizer = optim.Adam(pg0, lr=hyp['lr0']) if opt.adam else \
  87. optim.SGD(pg0, lr=hyp['lr0'], momentum=hyp['momentum'], nesterov=True)
  88. optimizer.add_param_group({'params': pg1, 'weight_decay': hyp['weight_decay']}) # add pg1 with weight_decay
  89. optimizer.add_param_group({'params': pg2}) # add pg2 (biases)
  90. print('Optimizer groups: %g .bias, %g conv.weight, %g other' % (len(pg2), len(pg1), len(pg0)))
  91. del pg0, pg1, pg2
  92. # Load Model
  93. google_utils.attempt_download(weights)
  94. start_epoch, best_fitness = 0, 0.0
  95. if weights.endswith('.pt'): # pytorch format
  96. ckpt = torch.load(weights, map_location=device) # load checkpoint
  97. # load model
  98. try:
  99. ckpt['model'] = {k: v for k, v in ckpt['model'].float().state_dict().items()
  100. if model.state_dict()[k].shape == v.shape} # to FP32, filter
  101. model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model'], strict=False)
  102. except KeyError as e:
  103. s = "%s is not compatible with %s. Specify --weights '' or specify a --cfg compatible with %s." \
  104. % (opt.weights, opt.cfg, opt.weights)
  105. raise KeyError(s) from e
  106. # load optimizer
  107. if ckpt['optimizer'] is not None:
  108. optimizer.load_state_dict(ckpt['optimizer'])
  109. best_fitness = ckpt['best_fitness']
  110. # load results
  111. if ckpt.get('training_results') is not None:
  112. with open(results_file, 'w') as file:
  113. file.write(ckpt['training_results']) # write results.txt
  114. start_epoch = ckpt['epoch'] + 1
  115. del ckpt
  116. # Mixed precision training
  117. if mixed_precision:
  118. model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, opt_level='O1', verbosity=0)
  119. # Scheduler
  120. lf = lambda x: (((1 + math.cos(x * math.pi / epochs)) / 2) ** 1.0) * 0.9 + 0.1 # cosine
  121. scheduler = lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, lr_lambda=lf)
  122. scheduler.last_epoch = start_epoch - 1 # do not move
  123. #
  124. # plot_lr_scheduler(optimizer, scheduler, epochs)
  125. # Initialize distributed training
  126. if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1 and torch.distributed.is_available():
  127. dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', # distributed backend
  128. init_method='tcp://', # init method
  129. world_size=1, # number of nodes
  130. rank=0) # node rank
  131. model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model)
  132. # pip install torch==1.4.0+cu100 torchvision==0.5.0+cu100 -f
  133. # Dataset
  134. dataset = LoadImagesAndLabels(train_path, imgsz, batch_size,
  135. augment=True,
  136. hyp=hyp, # augmentation hyperparameters
  137. rect=opt.rect, # rectangular training
  138. cache_images=opt.cache_images,
  139. single_cls=opt.single_cls)
  140. mlc = np.concatenate(dataset.labels, 0)[:, 0].max() # max label class
  141. assert mlc < nc, 'Label class %g exceeds nc=%g in %s. Correct your labels or your model.' % (mlc, nc, opt.cfg)
  142. # Dataloader
  143. batch_size = min(batch_size, len(dataset))
  144. nw = min([os.cpu_count(), batch_size if batch_size > 1 else 0, 8]) # number of workers
  145. dataloader =,
  146. batch_size=batch_size,
  147. num_workers=nw,
  148. shuffle=not opt.rect, # Shuffle=True unless rectangular training is used
  149. pin_memory=True,
  150. collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn)
  151. # Testloader
  152. testloader =, imgsz_test, batch_size,
  153. hyp=hyp,
  154. rect=True,
  155. cache_images=opt.cache_images,
  156. single_cls=opt.single_cls),
  157. batch_size=batch_size,
  158. num_workers=nw,
  159. pin_memory=True,
  160. collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn)
  161. # Model parameters
  162. hyp['cls'] *= nc / 80. # scale coco-tuned hyp['cls'] to current dataset
  163. = nc # attach number of classes to model
  164. model.hyp = hyp # attach hyperparameters to model
  165. = 1.0 # giou loss ratio (obj_loss = 1.0 or giou)
  166. model.class_weights = labels_to_class_weights(dataset.labels, nc).to(device) # attach class weights
  167. model.names = data_dict['names']
  168. # Class frequency
  169. labels = np.concatenate(dataset.labels, 0)
  170. c = torch.tensor(labels[:, 0]) # classes
  171. # cf = torch.bincount(c.long(), minlength=nc) + 1.
  172. # model._initialize_biases(
  173. if tb_writer:
  174. plot_labels(labels)
  175. tb_writer.add_histogram('classes', c, 0)
  176. # Check anchors
  177. if not opt.noautoanchor:
  178. check_anchors(dataset, model=model, thr=hyp['anchor_t'], imgsz=imgsz)
  179. # Exponential moving average
  180. ema = torch_utils.ModelEMA(model)
  181. # Start training
  182. t0 = time.time()
  183. nb = len(dataloader) # number of batches
  184. n_burn = max(3 * nb, 1e3) # burn-in iterations, max(3 epochs, 1k iterations)
  185. maps = np.zeros(nc) # mAP per class
  186. results = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # 'P', 'R', 'mAP', 'F1', 'val GIoU', 'val Objectness', 'val Classification'
  187. print('Image sizes %g train, %g test' % (imgsz, imgsz_test))
  188. print('Using %g dataloader workers' % nw)
  189. print('Starting training for %g epochs...' % epochs)
  190. # torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True)
  191. for epoch in range(start_epoch, epochs): # epoch ------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. model.train()
  193. # Update image weights (optional)
  194. if dataset.image_weights:
  195. w = model.class_weights.cpu().numpy() * (1 - maps) ** 2 # class weights
  196. image_weights = labels_to_image_weights(dataset.labels, nc=nc, class_weights=w)
  197. dataset.indices = random.choices(range(dataset.n), weights=image_weights, k=dataset.n) # rand weighted idx
  198. mloss = torch.zeros(4, device=device) # mean losses
  199. print(('\n' + '%10s' * 8) % ('Epoch', 'gpu_mem', 'GIoU', 'obj', 'cls', 'total', 'targets', 'img_size'))
  200. pbar = tqdm(enumerate(dataloader), total=nb) # progress bar
  201. for i, (imgs, targets, paths, _) in pbar: # batch -------------------------------------------------------------
  202. ni = i + nb * epoch # number integrated batches (since train start)
  203. imgs = / 255.0 # uint8 to float32, 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0
  204. # Burn-in
  205. if ni <= n_burn:
  206. xi = [0, n_burn] # x interp
  207. # = np.interp(ni, xi, [0.0, 1.0]) # giou loss ratio (obj_loss = 1.0 or giou)
  208. accumulate = max(1, np.interp(ni, xi, [1, nbs / batch_size]).round())
  209. for j, x in enumerate(optimizer.param_groups):
  210. # bias lr falls from 0.1 to lr0, all other lrs rise from 0.0 to lr0
  211. x['lr'] = np.interp(ni, xi, [0.1 if j == 2 else 0.0, x['initial_lr'] * lf(epoch)])
  212. if 'momentum' in x:
  213. x['momentum'] = np.interp(ni, xi, [0.9, hyp['momentum']])
  214. # Multi-scale
  215. if opt.multi_scale:
  216. sz = random.randrange(imgsz * 0.5, imgsz * 1.5 + gs) // gs * gs # size
  217. sf = sz / max(imgs.shape[2:]) # scale factor
  218. if sf != 1:
  219. ns = [math.ceil(x * sf / gs) * gs for x in imgs.shape[2:]] # new shape (stretched to gs-multiple)
  220. imgs = F.interpolate(imgs, size=ns, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
  221. # Forward
  222. pred = model(imgs)
  223. # Loss
  224. loss, loss_items = compute_loss(pred,, model)
  225. if not torch.isfinite(loss):
  226. print('WARNING: non-finite loss, ending training ', loss_items)
  227. return results
  228. # Backward
  229. if mixed_precision:
  230. with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss:
  231. scaled_loss.backward()
  232. else:
  233. loss.backward()
  234. # Optimize
  235. if ni % accumulate == 0:
  236. optimizer.step()
  237. optimizer.zero_grad()
  238. ema.update(model)
  239. # Print
  240. mloss = (mloss * i + loss_items) / (i + 1) # update mean losses
  241. mem = '%.3gG' % (torch.cuda.memory_cached() / 1E9 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 0) # (GB)
  242. s = ('%10s' * 2 + '%10.4g' * 6) % (
  243. '%g/%g' % (epoch, epochs - 1), mem, *mloss, targets.shape[0], imgs.shape[-1])
  244. pbar.set_description(s)
  245. # Plot
  246. if ni < 3:
  247. f = 'train_batch%g.jpg' % i # filename
  248. res = plot_images(images=imgs, targets=targets, paths=paths, fname=f)
  249. if tb_writer:
  250. tb_writer.add_image(f, res, dataformats='HWC', global_step=epoch)
  251. # tb_writer.add_graph(model, imgs) # add model to tensorboard
  252. # end batch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. # Scheduler
  254. scheduler.step()
  255. # mAP
  256. ema.update_attr(model)
  257. final_epoch = epoch + 1 == epochs
  258. if not opt.notest or final_epoch: # Calculate mAP
  259. results, maps, times = test.test(,
  260. batch_size=batch_size,
  261. imgsz=imgsz_test,
  262. save_json=final_epoch and + 'coco.yaml'),
  263. model=ema.ema,
  264. single_cls=opt.single_cls,
  265. dataloader=testloader)
  266. # Write
  267. with open(results_file, 'a') as f:
  268. f.write(s + '%10.4g' * 7 % results + '\n') # P, R, mAP, F1, test_losses=(GIoU, obj, cls)
  269. if len( and opt.bucket:
  270. os.system('gsutil cp results.txt gs://%s/results/results%s.txt' % (opt.bucket,
  271. # Tensorboard
  272. if tb_writer:
  273. tags = ['train/giou_loss', 'train/obj_loss', 'train/cls_loss',
  274. 'metrics/precision', 'metrics/recall', 'metrics/mAP_0.5', 'metrics/F1',
  275. 'val/giou_loss', 'val/obj_loss', 'val/cls_loss']
  276. for x, tag in zip(list(mloss[:-1]) + list(results), tags):
  277. tb_writer.add_scalar(tag, x, epoch)
  278. # Update best mAP
  279. fi = fitness(np.array(results).reshape(1, -1)) # fitness_i = weighted combination of [P, R, mAP, F1]
  280. if fi > best_fitness:
  281. best_fitness = fi
  282. # Save model
  283. save = (not opt.nosave) or (final_epoch and not opt.evolve)
  284. if save:
  285. with open(results_file, 'r') as f: # create checkpoint
  286. ckpt = {'epoch': epoch,
  287. 'best_fitness': best_fitness,
  288. 'training_results':,
  289. 'model': ema.ema.module if hasattr(model, 'module') else ema.ema,
  290. 'optimizer': None if final_epoch else optimizer.state_dict()}
  291. # Save last, best and delete
  292., last)
  293. if (best_fitness == fi) and not final_epoch:
  294., best)
  295. del ckpt
  296. # end epoch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  297. # end training
  298. n =
  299. if len(n):
  300. n = '_' + n if not n.isnumeric() else n
  301. fresults, flast, fbest = 'results%s.txt' % n, wdir + '' % n, wdir + '' % n
  302. for f1, f2 in zip([wdir + '', wdir + '', 'results.txt'], [flast, fbest, fresults]):
  303. if os.path.exists(f1):
  304. os.rename(f1, f2) # rename
  305. ispt = f2.endswith('.pt') # is *.pt
  306. strip_optimizer(f2) if ispt else None # strip optimizer
  307. os.system('gsutil cp %s gs://%s/weights' % (f2, opt.bucket)) if opt.bucket and ispt else None # upload
  308. if not opt.evolve:
  309. plot_results() # save as results.png
  310. print('%g epochs completed in %.3f hours.\n' % (epoch - start_epoch + 1, (time.time() - t0) / 3600))
  311. dist.destroy_process_group() if device.type != 'cpu' and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1 else None
  312. torch.cuda.empty_cache()
  313. return results
  314. if __name__ == '__main__':
  315. check_git_status()
  316. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  317. parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=300)
  318. parser.add_argument('--batch-size', type=int, default=16)
  319. parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, default='models/yolov5s.yaml', help='*.cfg path')
  320. parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, default='data/coco128.yaml', help='*.data path')
  321. parser.add_argument('--img-size', nargs='+', type=int, default=[640, 640], help='train,test sizes')
  322. parser.add_argument('--rect', action='store_true', help='rectangular training')
  323. parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', help='resume training from')
  324. parser.add_argument('--nosave', action='store_true', help='only save final checkpoint')
  325. parser.add_argument('--notest', action='store_true', help='only test final epoch')
  326. parser.add_argument('--noautoanchor', action='store_true', help='disable autoanchor check')
  327. parser.add_argument('--evolve', action='store_true', help='evolve hyperparameters')
  328. parser.add_argument('--bucket', type=str, default='', help='gsutil bucket')
  329. parser.add_argument('--cache-images', action='store_true', help='cache images for faster training')
  330. parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default='', help='initial weights path')
  331. parser.add_argument('--name', default='', help='renames results.txt to results_name.txt if supplied')
  332. parser.add_argument('--device', default='', help='cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu')
  333. parser.add_argument('--adam', action='store_true', help='use adam optimizer')
  334. parser.add_argument('--multi-scale', action='store_true', help='vary img-size +/- 50%')
  335. parser.add_argument('--single-cls', action='store_true', help='train as single-class dataset')
  336. opt = parser.parse_args()
  337. opt.weights = last if opt.resume else opt.weights
  338. opt.cfg = check_file(opt.cfg) # check file
  339. = check_file( # check file
  340. print(opt)
  341. opt.img_size.extend([opt.img_size[-1]] * (2 - len(opt.img_size))) # extend to 2 sizes (train, test)
  342. device = torch_utils.select_device(opt.device, apex=mixed_precision, batch_size=opt.batch_size)
  343. if device.type == 'cpu':
  344. mixed_precision = False
  345. # Train
  346. if not opt.evolve:
  347. tb_writer = SummaryWriter(
  348. print('Start Tensorboard with "tensorboard --logdir=runs", view at http://localhost:6006/')
  349. train(hyp)
  350. # Evolve hyperparameters (optional)
  351. else:
  352. tb_writer = None
  353. opt.notest, opt.nosave = True, True # only test/save final epoch
  354. if opt.bucket:
  355. os.system('gsutil cp gs://%s/evolve.txt .' % opt.bucket) # download evolve.txt if exists
  356. for _ in range(10): # generations to evolve
  357. if os.path.exists('evolve.txt'): # if evolve.txt exists: select best hyps and mutate
  358. # Select parent(s)
  359. parent = 'single' # parent selection method: 'single' or 'weighted'
  360. x = np.loadtxt('evolve.txt', ndmin=2)
  361. n = min(5, len(x)) # number of previous results to consider
  362. x = x[np.argsort(-fitness(x))][:n] # top n mutations
  363. w = fitness(x) - fitness(x).min() # weights
  364. if parent == 'single' or len(x) == 1:
  365. # x = x[random.randint(0, n - 1)] # random selection
  366. x = x[random.choices(range(n), weights=w)[0]] # weighted selection
  367. elif parent == 'weighted':
  368. x = (x * w.reshape(n, 1)).sum(0) / w.sum() # weighted combination
  369. # Mutate
  370. mp, s = 0.9, 0.2 # mutation probability, sigma
  371. npr = np.random
  372. npr.seed(int(time.time()))
  373. g = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, .1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) # gains
  374. ng = len(g)
  375. v = np.ones(ng)
  376. while all(v == 1): # mutate until a change occurs (prevent duplicates)
  377. v = (g * (npr.random(ng) < mp) * npr.randn(ng) * npr.random() * s + 1).clip(0.3, 3.0)
  378. for i, k in enumerate(hyp.keys()): # plt.hist(v.ravel(), 300)
  379. hyp[k] = x[i + 7] * v[i] # mutate
  380. # Clip to limits
  381. keys = ['lr0', 'iou_t', 'momentum', 'weight_decay', 'hsv_s', 'hsv_v', 'translate', 'scale', 'fl_gamma']
  382. limits = [(1e-5, 1e-2), (0.00, 0.70), (0.60, 0.98), (0, 0.001), (0, .9), (0, .9), (0, .9), (0, .9), (0, 3)]
  383. for k, v in zip(keys, limits):
  384. hyp[k] = np.clip(hyp[k], v[0], v[1])
  385. # Train mutation
  386. results = train(hyp.copy())
  387. # Write mutation results
  388. print_mutation(hyp, results, opt.bucket)
  389. # Plot results
  390. # plot_evolution_results(hyp)