#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import os os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' from logger import setup_logger from models.model_stages import BiSeNet # from heliushuju import Heliushuju from heliushuju_process import Heliushuju from loss.loss import OhemCELoss from loss.detail_loss import DetailAggregateLoss # from evaluation import MscEvalV0 from evaluation_process import MscEvalV0 from optimizer_loss import Optimizer import sys import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.utils.data import DataLoader import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.distributed as dist import os.path as osp import logging import time import datetime import argparse logger = logging.getLogger() def str2bool(v): if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Unsupported value encountered.') def parse_args(): parse = argparse.ArgumentParser() parse.add_argument( '--local_rank', dest = 'local_rank', type = int, default = -1, # yuanshi # default=0, # gaidong ) parse.add_argument( '--n_workers_train', dest = 'n_workers_train', type = int, default = 8,####8 ) parse.add_argument( '--n_workers_val', dest = 'n_workers_val', type = int, default = 2,###0 ) parse.add_argument( '--n_img_per_gpu', dest = 'n_img_per_gpu', type = int, default = 8, ) parse.add_argument( '--max_iter', dest = 'max_iter', type = int, default = 43000, # 60000 ) parse.add_argument( '--save_iter_sep', dest = 'save_iter_sep', type = int, default = 1000, ) parse.add_argument( '--warmup_steps', dest = 'warmup_steps', type = int, default = 1000, ) parse.add_argument( '--mode', dest = 'mode', type = str, default = 'train', ) parse.add_argument( '--ckpt', dest = 'ckpt', type = str, default = None, ) parse.add_argument( '--respath', dest = 'respath', type = str, # default = 'checkpoints_1720/wurenji_train_STDC1-Seg', # 原始 default='./model_save', # 改动 ) parse.add_argument( '--backbone', dest = 'backbone', type = str, default = 'STDCNet813',##'CatNetSmall' ) parse.add_argument( '--pretrain_path', dest = 'pretrain_path', type = str, default='./checkpoints2/STDCNet813M_73.91.tar', ) parse.add_argument( '--use_conv_last', dest = 'use_conv_last', type = str2bool, default = False, ) parse.add_argument( '--use_boundary_2', dest = 'use_boundary_2', type = str2bool, default = False, ) parse.add_argument( '--use_boundary_4', dest = 'use_boundary_4', type = str2bool, default = False, ) parse.add_argument( '--use_boundary_8', dest = 'use_boundary_8', type = str2bool, default = True, # False ) parse.add_argument( '--use_boundary_16', dest = 'use_boundary_16', type = str2bool, default = False, ) return parse.parse_args() def train(): args = parse_args() save_pth_path = os.path.join(args.respath, 'pths') dspth = './data/' # print(save_pth_path) # print(osp.exists(save_pth_path)) # if not osp.exists(save_pth_path) and dist.get_rank()==0: if not osp.exists(save_pth_path): os.makedirs(save_pth_path) torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) ########################################################################fenbushi # dist.init_process_group( # backend = 'nccl', # init_method = 'tcp://', # world_size = torch.cuda.device_count(), # rank=args.local_rank # ) setup_logger(args.respath) ## dataset # n_classes = 2 # 原始 n_classes = 3 # 改动 n_img_per_gpu = args.n_img_per_gpu n_workers_train = args.n_workers_train n_workers_val = args.n_workers_val use_boundary_16 = args.use_boundary_16 use_boundary_8 = args.use_boundary_8 use_boundary_4 = args.use_boundary_4 use_boundary_2 = args.use_boundary_2 mode = args.mode # train cropsize = [1024, 512] randomscale = (0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1.0, 1.125, 1.25, 1.375, 1.5) ##################################################################################################fenbushi # if dist.get_rank()==0: # logger.info('n_workers_train: {}'.format(n_workers_train)) # logger.info('n_workers_val: {}'.format(n_workers_val)) # logger.info('use_boundary_2: {}'.format(use_boundary_2)) # logger.info('use_boundary_4: {}'.format(use_boundary_4)) # logger.info('use_boundary_8: {}'.format(use_boundary_8)) # logger.info('use_boundary_16: {}'.format(use_boundary_16)) # logger.info('mode: {}'.format(args.mode)) ds = Heliushuju(dspth, cropsize=cropsize, mode=mode, randomscale=randomscale) sampler = None # #################################################################################################fenbushi # sampler = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(ds) dl = DataLoader(ds, batch_size = n_img_per_gpu, shuffle = False, sampler = sampler, num_workers = n_workers_train, pin_memory = False, drop_last = True) # exit(0) dsval = Heliushuju(dspth, mode='val', randomscale=randomscale) # x,y = ds[0] # x, y = dsval[0] # sys.exit(0) sampler_val = None ##################################################################################################fenbushi # sampler_val = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(dsval) dlval = DataLoader(dsval, batch_size = 1, shuffle = False, sampler = sampler_val, num_workers = n_workers_val, drop_last = False) ## model ignore_idx = 255 net = BiSeNet(backbone=args.backbone, n_classes=n_classes, pretrain_model=args.pretrain_path, use_boundary_2=use_boundary_2, use_boundary_4=use_boundary_4, use_boundary_8=use_boundary_8, use_boundary_16=use_boundary_16, use_conv_last=args.use_conv_last) if not args.ckpt is None: net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.ckpt, map_location='cpu')) net.cuda() net.train() ##################################################################################################fenbushi # net = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(net, # device_ids = [args.local_rank, ], # output_device = args.local_rank, # find_unused_parameters=True # ) net = nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=[0])########################################################################### score_thres = 0.7 n_min = n_img_per_gpu*cropsize[0]*cropsize[1]//16 criteria_p = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx) criteria_16 = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx) criteria_32 = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx) boundary_loss_func = DetailAggregateLoss() ## optimizer maxmIOU50 = 0. maxmIOU75 = 0. momentum = 0.9 weight_decay = 5e-4 lr_start = 1e-2 max_iter = args.max_iter save_iter_sep = args.save_iter_sep power = 0.9 warmup_steps = args.warmup_steps warmup_start_lr = 1e-5 ##################################################################################################fenbushi # if dist.get_rank()==0: # print('max_iter: ', max_iter) # print('save_iter_sep: ', save_iter_sep) # print('warmup_steps: ', warmup_steps) print('max_iter: ', max_iter) print('save_iter_sep: ', save_iter_sep) print('warmup_steps: ', warmup_steps) optim = Optimizer( model = net.module, loss = boundary_loss_func, lr0 = lr_start, momentum = momentum, wd = weight_decay, warmup_steps = warmup_steps, warmup_start_lr = warmup_start_lr, max_iter = max_iter, power = power) ## train loop msg_iter = 50 loss_avg = [] loss_boundery_bce = [] loss_boundery_dice = [] st = glob_st = time.time() diter = iter(dl) # diter = enumerate(dl) epoch = 0 for it in range(max_iter): try: im, lb = diter.__next__() # print(im.size()[0]) # im, lb = next(diter) if not im.size()[0]==n_img_per_gpu: raise StopIteration except StopIteration: epoch += 1 # sampler.set_epoch(epoch) diter = iter(dl) im, lb = next(diter) im = im.cuda() lb = lb.cuda() H, W = im.size()[2:] lb = torch.squeeze(lb, 1) # lb.shape : torch.Size([8, 360, 640]) # print("11111111111111111111") # print(lb.shape) # print("111111111111111111") # lb = torch.argmax(lb, dim=3) # 添加(训练高速路时,需要添加这行代码,训练水域分割时,将这行代码注释掉) optim.zero_grad() if use_boundary_2 and use_boundary_4 and use_boundary_8: out, out16, out32, detail2, detail4, detail8 = net(im) if (not use_boundary_2) and use_boundary_4 and use_boundary_8: out, out16, out32, detail4, detail8 = net(im) if (not use_boundary_2) and (not use_boundary_4) and use_boundary_8:#######True out, out16, out32, detail8 = net(im) if (not use_boundary_2) and (not use_boundary_4) and (not use_boundary_8): out, out16, out32 = net(im) # lossp = criteria_p(out, lb) # loss2 = criteria_16(out16, lb) # loss3 = criteria_32(out32, lb) # out=torch.tensor(out, dtype=torch.float64) # out16=torch.tensor(out16, dtype=torch.float64) # out32=torch.tensor(out32, dtype=torch.float64) # out=out.long() # out16=out16.long() # out32=out32.long() # lb=lb.long() lossp = criteria_p(out, lb) loss2 = criteria_16(out16, lb) loss3 = criteria_32(out32, lb) boundery_bce_loss = 0. boundery_dice_loss = 0. if use_boundary_2: # if dist.get_rank()==0: # print('use_boundary_2') boundery_bce_loss2, boundery_dice_loss2 = boundary_loss_func(detail2, lb) boundery_bce_loss += boundery_bce_loss2 boundery_dice_loss += boundery_dice_loss2 if use_boundary_4: # if dist.get_rank()==0: # print('use_boundary_4') boundery_bce_loss4, boundery_dice_loss4 = boundary_loss_func(detail4, lb) boundery_bce_loss += boundery_bce_loss4 boundery_dice_loss += boundery_dice_loss4 if use_boundary_8:###### # if dist.get_rank()==0: # print('use_boundary_8') boundery_bce_loss8, boundery_dice_loss8 = boundary_loss_func(detail8, lb) boundery_bce_loss += boundery_bce_loss8 boundery_dice_loss += boundery_dice_loss8 loss = lossp + loss2 + loss3 + boundery_bce_loss + boundery_dice_loss loss.backward() optim.step() loss_avg.append(loss.item()) loss_boundery_bce.append(boundery_bce_loss.item()) loss_boundery_dice.append(boundery_dice_loss.item()) ## print training log message if (it+1)%msg_iter==0: loss_avg = sum(loss_avg) / len(loss_avg) lr = optim.lr ed = time.time() t_intv, glob_t_intv = ed - st, ed - glob_st eta = int((max_iter - it) * (glob_t_intv / it)) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta)) loss_boundery_bce_avg = sum(loss_boundery_bce) / len(loss_boundery_bce) loss_boundery_dice_avg = sum(loss_boundery_dice) / len(loss_boundery_dice) msg = ', '.join([ 'it: {it}/{max_it}', 'lr: {lr:4f}', 'loss: {loss:.4f}', 'boundery_bce_loss: {boundery_bce_loss:.4f}', 'boundery_dice_loss: {boundery_dice_loss:.4f}', 'eta: {eta}', 'time: {time:.4f}', ]).format( it = it+1, max_it = max_iter, lr = lr, loss = loss_avg, boundery_bce_loss = loss_boundery_bce_avg, boundery_dice_loss = loss_boundery_dice_avg, time = t_intv, eta = eta ) logger.info(msg) loss_avg = [] loss_boundery_bce = [] loss_boundery_dice = [] st = ed # print(boundary_loss_func.get_params()) if (it+1)%save_iter_sep==0:# and it != 0: ## model logger.info('evaluating the model ...') logger.info('setup and restore model') net.eval() # ## evaluator logger.info('compute the mIOU') with torch.no_grad(): single_scale1 = MscEvalV0() mIOU50 = single_scale1(net, dlval, n_classes) single_scale2 = MscEvalV0(scale=0.75) mIOU75 = single_scale2(net, dlval, n_classes) save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_iter{}_mIOU50_{}_mIOU75_{}.pth' .format(it+1, str(round(mIOU50, 4)), str(round(mIOU75, 4)))) state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict() # if dist.get_rank()==0: torch.save(state, save_pth) logger.info('training iteration {}, model saved to: {}'.format(it+1, save_pth)) if mIOU50 > maxmIOU50: maxmIOU50 = mIOU50 save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_maxmIOU50.pth'.format(it+1)) state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict() # if dist.get_rank()==0: torch.save(state, save_pth) logger.info('max mIOU model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth)) if mIOU75 > maxmIOU75: maxmIOU75 = mIOU75 save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_maxmIOU75.pth'.format(it+1)) state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict() # if dist.get_rank()==0: torch.save(state, save_pth) torch.save(state, save_pth) logger.info('max mIOU model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth)) logger.info('mIOU50 is: {}, mIOU75 is: {}'.format(mIOU50, mIOU75)) logger.info('maxmIOU50 is: {}, maxmIOU75 is: {}.'.format(maxmIOU50, maxmIOU75)) net.train() ## dump the final model save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_final.pth') net.cpu() state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict() # if dist.get_rank()==0: torch.save(state, save_pth) torch.save(state, save_pth) logger.info('training done, model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth)) print('epoch: ', epoch) if __name__ == "__main__": train()